This is my sketchbook ! D:
Liked your bloodsport man, badass walrus :) Keep up the studies and such, I should learn from you and do more still lifes. Looking good and keep applying!

Thanks a lot Pnate ! :D Yeah still life studies are very helpful ! :)

Some stuff

Master study, Repin <3, will do more, I learned a lot and can't wait to do another one haha :D

Orc Bartender WIP

Here's some new stuff ! :D

Orc Bartender finished ^^

Some Bridgman studies

And a veeeery crappy study from a screenshot.. I will do some other movie screenshot studies to help me for composition, scene etc..

Some new stuff, I've been doing a lot of experiments these days but didn't keep them :s I'm trying to get better at sketching putting things all together etc..

Still life study

Repin study

And a crappy sketch, as I said I'm trying to get better at having complete "scenes" or at least char'+env' etc.. So I need to get more comfortable at sketching whole things...

New stuff !

Forest study

And some crappy sketches, the good point with those expriments is that I learned some things in my way of processing, of putting things together.. I also saw that I need to be carefuller on the hard/soft edges aspect

Yo Daggers !

Still life

And a WIP, tried again a full scene, I will see how it goes, I also saw that I really need to work on design stuff, Well I'll do some solo characters after this :)

Love seeing the personal stuff man. I realized that painting "full" illustrations is an issue with me too, but you can't go wrong painting whole scenes. Then hopefully everything else should be a little easier :)

Hey thank you Pnate, yup it's quite hard :/ I think "full scenes" are things that need to do sometimes to point completely what is going wrong..

Well, I did really crappy things these days :(

Firstly, I fucked up my full scene, there's a true lack of volume/painted rendering 3d... (plus all the other things ^^), I will have to seriously focus on it to "mutate" my brain, make me think more of it to make it become a second nature etc..

A quick unfinished thing to make some test

A Sargent study, I failed it :/ (should have been more careful of the proportions...)

And some outdoor things

Very nice masterstudies mate! Seems like they get reflected a bit in your orc bartender piece :D
When drawing outdoors I've found that a softer pen, like 4b is perfect for sketching up stuff, always nice to fill it in with some values too! You've got good pencil work though!

And I think that you've got the right idea with illustrations/scenes, just do some and it'll become easier after a while. Though the composition has a nice diagonal in it, but you could strengthen that more by raising the head of the beast-thingie! I think that could be more dramatic :D

Keep going on man!

Hey thank you Bjulvar ! Thanks for the advices and for the encouragement ! :D

so, some stuff


a Study

Great sketchbook. keep it up!
Hey thank you AngeliquevdMee ! :)

Some new stuff here !

update of the last sketch, will need to do more materials studies !

Beginning of a new one

A still life drape, got lost with the small folds, next time I'll, at least, make better lines for the big ones so that maybe I'll be less lost ^^

and some outdoor scribbles

Well, nothing extraordinary, I have worked a lot on sketching but chained shit for something like 10 hours yesterday, learned a lot but nothing went very far :/ I'm now starting something that I'll share soon, I'll try to apply everything I learned with the big bunch of failures ^^

A Master study (Sargent)

and an example of the "tests" I've done, actually he's the only one I kept even if it's super crappy

Yo daggers ! :D

Well, I have some stuff from those days...

Crappy studies

And........ I'm feeling so sad for this little guy :( yesterday night I had a powercut while I was saving to post and.... my psd is now corrupted and I can't get what I did on him (it was finished :( ) so here is an early version, with lots of hours of work missing...

Digging the bold, hard brush work in your studies.

Watch out for going all the way to black. Black represents 100% lack of light.
Fuuuuck I hate when that happens. PS crashed on me at least twice just tonight alone. Super annoying. However, if you want to finish him, maybe this is a good chance to exercise painting directly onto one layer, if you don't already. Don't let anything stop you from finishing something if you want to. ;)

Damn, that happened to me a few times so now I'm paranoid and save into a new file every few hours haha. Keep it up, i like all the still lifes and the imagination applications. Maybe add some more soft edges in the transition areas though

JGZ -> Thanks man, yup I'll be more carefull, will try to use less black :)

MrFrenik -> Hehe thank you ! Don't worry, I've not finished him because I had finished him before it crashed but hadn't yet saving a jpg, I had learned a lot, that's the most important :)

Pnate -> Thanks a lot ! Haha now I'm doing the same ^^ ; I totally agree about the soft edges, I'm trying to use it more but I need more practice to use it better...

And here is some new stuff, have to work more, so many things to learn !

Sargent study

Some sketches, very very very crappy, trying things, perspective colors.. the conclusion : I need to study women faces because I reeeeally suck at it !

And a wip because the last one was sooo terrible that I couldn't not try again to make a portrait !

Some new stuff,

portrait ended badly :/ will do studies

An unfinished sketch, dunno if I'll go back working on him, I tried new ways of working, don't think it was good but I think I can apply good new things for next sketch

Bouguereau Study :( (really hard, will have to do others !)

And some Bridgman stuff

Nice figure studies man, you seem to have a really good sense of colour, keep it up :)


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