YOLO Sketchbook
Hi, heres my sketchbook, id really appreciate any advice or crits anybody had regarding my drawings. Im hoping to become a concept artist someday.

some more stuff


More gestures trying to do 1k this month

So freaking good at perspective. Not much to crit, keep going!

Life drawing 30mins.

also thank u v muh ananda i will keep going

Some anatomy stuff

some vislib stuff

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Wow, such an interesting and diverse sketcbook, and such clean studies. As far as I can tell, you're doing just great! The only "critique" I have here is, I wish the lines were a bit ticker so everything (most of it) can be seen better/easier, or if the contrast was higher. But doesn't matter much, just saying:-)Anyway, just keep on!

weapons and other props > http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-2683.html

For hi-res (original) images of these designs, please got to nenadgojkovic.deviantart.com
Available for freelance work, contact me via [email protected]
Hey cool lines here ! I think it could be cool to see some greyscale stuff too :)

Keep it uuuuup ! :D

Nenad: Thanks dude thats something i will def try start fixing

Izzual: thnx gonna try soon
Nice line work and details!

However, it feels like you get caught up in the line and details a little too much- especially in those facial studies. Try going with thick lines to capture quick gestures and expressions, then work your way down to the details. If anything, it won't hurt to apply a different technique.
Kindcrayons: thnx dude ive been trying different stuff recently ill post soon.
some sils and heads

Attached Files Image(s)


Some anatomy analysis stuff
Great stuff man, I like the perspective enviros...very neat. And i like that you are focusing on design more than rendering as well, which a lot of people neglect over the technical stuff. You will have to go there at some point of course. Same as others I think varying your lineweight would make your sketches more interesting to look at and give things a bit more form, but I see you're doing that already...so just keep going!

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some faces and vis lib hemets


sils for scifi samurai helmets

some more head studies
some clothing sils and some random stuff. Started just picking a word and then drawing random shapes for said word.... i guess trying to get them to kind of come together :) mixed results so far.


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