Lyraina's sketchbook
wow you've got some very nice studies here and also the recent character looks very nice, too!
The only thing I noticed is, that her left leg (from her point of view) looks a little bit off. The calf and knee seem to be kinda turned wrong, if you consider the direction the shoe shows into. I hope you understand what I mean... ^^'

Anyway, keep up that nice work! :)
Hey, haven't seen this one before! :) You have a lot of great construction studies in your recent posts as well as anatomy studies, which I think we can all expect seeing as how you're mastering in biology ;). Keep working hard on both art and that degree.

mat04art: Thanks! I see what you mean with the leg, now that you mention it... also, it's too thick I think.

MrFrenik: Thanks :) Haha, the anatomy stuff sadly is not related with my studies at all, I wish I'd learn stuff like that at uni though ;)

I think I didn't post those yet:

Also trying out starting with (clean) lines again, I hope I can get this to a point where it stops looking this horrible O_O

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
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Nice construction studies again. You had a tendency to make your legs a bit disproportionately short to the torsos of your figures in these (something I always do as well). A minor thing though, easy to fix.

The Halloween pic looks interesting. Nothing to say about it other than looking forward to seeing it finished. :) Keep it up.

MrFrenik: Thank you! You're right about the legs - I wonder why I can't seem to notice that while looking at the sketches on paper. I wonder if it has anything to do with me running out of space...

Self portrait day! Tried to get more likeness this time, still not 100% there yet I think..but closer than the last bunch.

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
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nice selfportrait ! keep it up :D

Really nice stuff, just keep doing what your doing I guess :)

kikindaface: Thanks :D
will123will: Thank you, I will!


sadly no studies atm, need to get this master thesis done D: but the end is nigh!

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
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That self portrait looks really good in #127. Could benefit from a little more detailing around the eyes, since thats where people tend to look first. I find that if the eyes have a higher level of detail, the whole portrait looks more finished.

The Halloween one is really cool :) I love the ghost and his inability to get his cup to work.

I really like the character in #120, it has a really good mixture of textures that I think would benefit some of your other paintings. Can't really comment on your anatomy studies since they don't come with subtitles, but they look right :)
Are you going to work from clean lines in the future? Did you benefit from starting with clean lines? I change my mind too much for it to be worth my time working with much more than rough lines =/

It probably does. When drawing on paper, make small marks on the top, bottom and sides to denote the boundaries of your figure. It might not seem like much, but that subtle move will help to keep your drawings within the page and within correct proportion.

The Halloween piece is nifty :) You'll need to pay attention to edges and values a bit more to make your forms read and turn correctly in space however. Set up simple still lives and paint those. It's amazing what they can do to transform your painting abilities.

Jaik: Thank you. Yeah, looking back, that self portrait didn't turn out too great - but whatever, leaves more room for improvement next year :P
I'm not sure about using lines. It forces me to get things like anatomy and certain design elements right at the beginning, and helps them stay this way, which is a good thing. When starting more loose, I tend to mess up some of those things, because I'm redefining my edges all the time and lose control easily. On the other hand it definitely is limiting as you say, because you can't change or fix things easily. I also think it's hard to patch the different elements together in the end, so it does not look like a collection of objects and characters not interacting with each other. I think I might try out a hybrid next time, use lines to force myself not to be sloppy in certain areas (like anatomy, especially hands etc), but be more lose in other areas, or in the end to tie everything together.

MrFrenik: Thank you, I'll follow your advice as soon as I work up the courage to do some drawings again :p Uh oh, still lifes. Neglected them a bit lately.

I hate how it completely throws me off from my drawing schedule whenever I have to focus on something else for a few days. So hard to get back into regular practice afterwards, like I completely forget what the hell I'm supposed to doing/drawing. Might also have to do something with the fact that life is trying really hard to prove to me how stupid this whole "get into art" thing is. :(

Anyway, quick sketch from ref:

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
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Trying out some things (mostly simplification, interpretation instead of copying...also, lasso tool and texture brushes instead of "painting"), not exactly going like I planned... very flat:

from photo

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
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I think it's done now. I just realized that I started this in late 2011 O_O

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
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Nice sketch book! The warlock looks great. I would have made a blood elf lock personally but thats ok :D

Hypnagogic_Haze: Thanks! Belfs are hot, but my human warlock is dangerous, awesome, terrifying AND hot! :D

Ugh, I'm really out of it at the moment. Can't focus at all. I hope I'll have more to show soon.

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
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THat warlock looks wicked :) Take a break if you need one, the best thing you can do when you can't focus is get away from it all for a while, find a good book, go to a park and read for a day. Typing that made me really want to do it, damn.. I've never actually done that and it sounds really fun.. /end internal monologue

Anyway... Just recharge your batteries. You have given me the same advice before, so take your own advice and run with it. But don't feel guilty for not drawing when you take a break (I do this all the time) because then there is no point in taking the break at all. Hope you get back on track soon. I'm looking forward to seeing a lot more from you. We have big plans for the next year remember!

Yeah, there are two main options for when you don't want to work on anything - either suck it up and work anyway or take a good break and collect yourself. If you have to work because it's how you're paying the bills, obviously the second option isn't something you can take. But if you're the most of us and are still in student mode, taking breaks can be a great way to revitalize yourself.

Thanks a lot for the support guys, I appreciate it. I think I'm getting myself sorted out again slowly. :)

Jaik: I've done exactly that lately (reading more), though not in the park but on my bed instead, as it's like 0°C outside ;)

MrFrenik: Thank you :)

From ref:

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
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Lovely colors on this last one <3

I like how you painted those lips on the last one. ლ(́♥ ε ♥‵ლ)


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