Nowio pretends to can draw
Showing allot if improvement with each post. Nice work. Keep it up.
Great going nowio Keep em coming!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
@Cricketts Thanks, I'll try! :D

@Fedodika Thanks and will do! :D

As said befor I'll focus on heads for the next time so here are some studies from Loomis

And a couple of historical costumes :)

Keep bangin through those head studies, the loomis is a great method. You're gonna have to do waaaay more to get em (well i don't wanna say decent) perfect but just take it from me, you gotta draw aloooooooooottta heads buddy might as well grind through as many as you can, it will teach you endless things of form structure and perspective ;)

One thing you could try is thinking of the eye as a ball that goes inside the head. Like try to draw a skull with eyeballs haha! loomis goes over that early on, look for that part and study it, you've got the spacing coming along :)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Great effort with the heads, like Fedodika said, just keep going - it takes a lot of heads. Keep an eye on the forms around the jaw, one thing I find is easy to simplify it to is imagining it is shaped like a horseshoe pinched in at the front. I don't know if you have seen these, but there are some decent free turn around references of the skull over here if you need them. You're already showing improvement though, so well done and keep going!

@Fedodika Yeah, planning to start grinding it soon :D Eyes and noses and mouth are also on the list ;)

@ Thanks you for the link, these photos are awesome! ;)

More heads! Loomis rocks and I think I am starting to understand what he want's to say... Now I just have to figure out how it works :D

And some quick gestures and some funsies :3

No studies for now, just some fun sketches. Felt like WAAAGH!!! today so a couple of ork boyz and stuff :3

I am still in the mood for some drawing so maybe I will do some studies and put them up later.

oh yea, keep doing those types of things, you seem much more confident with those and they look alot better than the previous things ;)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
@Fedodika Thanks man, yeah these are quite fun to draw :D

60sek Gestures! Oh god I forgott how difficult these were D:

And heads heads heads I'm starting to grind the HEAAAADS!!! Men for now but ladies will follow soon! :D

Then there is this wierd thing, we'll see where this will lead us xD
Won't work on it further until my tablet arrives

Quick update!

I havend done much lately BUT!!!

My graphictablet arrived today and I crunched something out! :D

First is a warmup sketch of some bald wizard mage guy and second is my Daud from Dishonored fan art.

cool stuff! your definately getting a grasp on three dimensional form early on. good edgework too on the second thing :)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Man, so much improvement on just a few pages. I know thats kind of a cop out, because to me its just a few pages but to you its weeks and weeks of work lol.
But at least you are heading in the right direction. Be mindful of the stroke, make it work for you with the form rather than against it. Makes it slow going but the results are work it :)
Keep up the great work and thanks for dropping by my sketchbook!

@Fedidika Thank you :3

@Jaik No problem and thank you veeery much. I hope I can one day live up to your words as right now I see myself gotten reaaaallly rusty D:

My Nov. 1 self portrait D:

I feel extremely bad of how rusty I got, gotta pick up the practice... the sooner the better

Been a while since I've been active... not only here D:

I've been lost in student's live for a while. Was too lazy to draw anything for months... Yet I imagined to be quite productive when I moved to the new place xD

Well, didn't go as I was expecting... for the best probably, to get a grast of "life" :D
Now I am free to lose balance all over again and turn to an ever drawing hermit once more. Though it was quite nice to go out once and again... so I think I might stick to doing that one xD

Alright, sorry, I'm rambling. Sooo I took on a challenge to kill two sketchbooks till 1st of January. No big deal I thought, doing a couple sketches a day and so on... I even allowed myself to buy two moleskin sketchbooks (love them, too, btw)... Aaand then I realized that I have 192 pages to fill x.X
But whining about it wont fill them, right? Great!

So there are the first pages of both sketchbooks, I think it will explain the challenge faster than words... I think so at least :D

The first one, for fundamentals:

And the second, for design:

More, starting to warm up :D
Also if I want to actually win the challenge I have to do more and more and then a bit more...
Anyway, here are the pages:



Hey Nowio! First of all, good luck with the challenge! That's quite a goal you set yourself! Go for it! (:

About your new stuff; that's quite some work you already did! Sometimes your lines look a bit rushed and your sketches lose quality. Although it's important to put out as much as you can, I think you should still take your time to make sure that the underlying construction and stuff is laid out properly. Also, I think your short gestures have a little bit too much detail. Maybe it's a personal preference, but I struggled with short gestures so much, and it only worked out for me when I left out more and more details and just concentrated on the lines of action.

Keep up working! (:


@Cyprinus Thanks! Yeah and I am already falling behind, need to get back to having-no-live-artist existence to get it done D: ABout the quality of lines... yeah I have to work on it, thing is I don't always notice I'm getting sloppy, means I gotta work untill the sloppy lines look amazing (in other words I'll never get there anytime soon :'( ) On the gestures: I am going to try using simpler shapes so hopefully it will get better/more interesting :)

Aaand here is a simple simple speedythingy, more studies later :D

your sketches are very perfect, but you have to improve it more. Keep it up
@rida12 Haha thanks, on it! :D

Have to ingest some food to stay alive so here are some studies. Will upload more later today :P


Sup dude! that self portrait is killer! you may be rusty but you havent forgot how to paint thats for sure.
And nice practice dude, you seem pretty confident with those gestures.
I suggest to keep hammering those fundamentals and switch to fun imaginative stuff once you get bored. :)


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