Nowio pretends to can draw
Okay, baaaack to the roots <3

And some gestures.... Damn those are hard, totally forgott HOW hard D: gotta do more of them!!!

And a selfportrait from a mirror... that one I really didn't like... so hard.... so good.... so ugly DX

Now some more personal stuff. Guess that I decided to improve in art I won't be able to not spend more time on the forums... So might aswell tell you beautiful people what's going on. Yes forums as in Daggers and Permanoobs, if it will get too much I might go for one of these forums but we will see when it is time. Until then I will focus on improving and then lurk the forums and give crits and overpaints from time to time.
I am not sure if and when I will start streaming again. Hopefully I will able to do so and if that happens I'd be glad to exchange information and skype with you guys who desires it (I'm not a big fan of google hangouts for studying so Skype is awsum).

My current situation in life is that I am in college but it is pretty much worthless... aside from the access to equipment and software, maybe some Basic 3D in Maya and a couple of things in Unity, there isn't much that I can learn there, sadly. The teachers are not up to date about the market and most can't even teach the fundamentals... Composition: what is that? Live drawing classes: why and even if yes then not structured? and so on... I mean they tell the students that they will have a chance to enter the industry but... just no, lies.
The programm is so lasse faire that I might aswell just do nothing (for example in Concept Art last term our task was to draw and sculpt in sculpey 1 creature... 1 creature in 6 months... And in Storyboard this term the task is to draw 5 colored images, the context inbetween the images is optional... yes context/story in storyboard is optional). Thank god that the Interdisziplinäre Grundlagen are over. These nonsensical "lessons" were a time waster and a pain in the butt.

I still plan to finish college but I am not concerned for my grades at all... as long as I get through it's fine. In the time I want to learn from the forums and online ressources and hope that you will help me with crits and advice. In return I will try and give as much as I can back <3

Due to moving and some other issues I wont be able to focus on drawing for a couple of days... I will try and squeeze something in in order to stay sane, though... The good thing is that it should all be solved by the end of this week :/

Here are some older drawings that I did that I don't think I posted here yet :)

Sry for posting old stuff... this is from this year but still old... here is something to listen as an excuse for it

The 4th viking

-How are you finding the line practice? Do they help?

@Meat   Hey Meat, it makes me feel nostalgic xP In my time on conceptart. org I spent 1-2 months practicing lines and curves. There it improved my line confidence immenselly made me draw quite faster as I didn't need all that much time to find the right line, I just drew it. Right now it is good practice to get something on paper/digital canvas if you have no idea what to draw. But yeah, don't underestimate it ;)

AAAAWWWWWRIGHT! More lines... I wont do them that often as I mentioned that I did my share of them but now and again you'll see them (or not :P ) :D

Aaaand boxes...

Finally some headz... daaaaymn am I out of practice, need to get back in the groove!!!!  o.O

Cramed Loomis out and started it all over again... gonna do it right to the end this time around!

And a selfiportrait. This time I focused more on the light but it is still crap D:

And finally some thumbnailss because.... thumbs


Now, Nowio, you're slacking :P
Goldenboy faaaaiiiiiiil...... haha sry, the day after I pushed the idea back into life my internet got cut off... and then after that life happened D:

Sooo and yeah, Zee was right, I slacked QUITE a bit in the last couple of months


Right now everything is going fine, relativelly speaking. Also I had a great time in Berlin over Halloween. I met up with Caisne and we had a great time, had some beers, talked about stuff and it was great!

Also after this little holiday it became clear that I won't get anywhere if I go as I went the last months if not years. Fun thing also is the fact that me being on a hiatus from the art community for 2 months made draw and sketch things that I like, that make fun to draw. Basically I relearned how to enjoy drawing again. Then thinking for a bit I went to build up a view of how my life is and how I would like it to be and why. WHY I want things to be different and WHY I want some things to change.

Here is a great article by Lauren Panepinto, go give it a read :)

Alright, now to artsy fartsy thingies. First some thumbs

aaand a chick who can shoot you, hope you like :3

Oh and there was this thing where I wanted to do 28 Vikings... I wanted to do them but I knew it would be just terrible hard to fnish. But without grinding through it it would be even worse, then I would have not kept my own prmise...
So I decided to make it my Inktober-Challenge theme. I did not manage to make it all 31 days of inktober but that wasn't even my goal, my goal was to do every Inktober piece a viking.
And darkness was it hard but after some days I got in the groove of it as you may notice below.

But first some crappy sketches to kill the anxiety of drawing in my (then) new shiny Moleskine, enjoy! :D

Now to vikings

So that's a total of 30 Vikings! :O

and here is something :/

ok, back to arting

quick warm up

study... yes... study... starting doing studies again



or something like that :D

alright not gonna whine too much, i fooked up. anyway started doing streams. that's good I think.
So the next pieces are done live and if you want come hang out the next time I'm streaming ;)

and here i closed the ref and tried to recreate what I learned. It was harder than I thought but good practice D:

And the next little batch :D

Grabbed an old sketch and spent some time on it

and then tried to remember what I learned with the AVril study and do some more. But ran out of time so gonna finish it tomorrow D:

Cool stuff, I like the moleskin vikings!

I read what you wrote about your college being useless, it confirms my fears of what it would be (I decided not to study art). But that's unfortunate, may I ask where you're studying and what field exactly? (you're german too, right?) If the courses aren't helpful, do you really need the degree for something?

@Olooriel   Thank you! :) It depend's greatly on what you want to accmplish. For example if you want to stay in Germany and don't want to be a freelancer but have a job then the degree is quite important because all the shit bureaucracy here. I you want to be a freelancer and stay in the country then yes, you don't need a degree but you have to be good. And as in my case I still think that I would want to relocate somewhere else and a degree is hugely beneficial if you apply for a VISA ;)


A short update. Christmas time, lot's to do, sorry ^^'

Will be fully back after christmas and my birthday :)

Here is a little update on the vampire lady, don't make her angry or she might make your blood boil! :O

First image of 2016, think one can call it a good start in the year? :D

Yup, I would call that a good start of a new year. Your background needs something to break up the large color chunks that're almost solid tho. Gradience alone isn't enough.

Not dead yet :)

Nice painting of the girl in the hat - her green pupils work really well. Looking forward to more Nowio!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

@Artloader   Thanks! :D

More of recent stuff :)

The Vampires.... ONWARD!!!


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