BLOODSPORT 14- BeastMasters!
this is my first bloodsport challenge so its going to be fun!, I chose a Hipopotamo kind of beast version and im still struggling ith the human form! ive done 2 studies of the animal and am gonna do some skethcing and thumbnaling for composition,

[Image: hipopotamoz.jpg]

nice one SICKBRUSH!


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Thread is on fiiire!
Aaaa tomorrow I can finally start the actual painting process! I'm gonna try and work on both at the same time, Feng Zhu style haha, to make sure I can have two reasonably finished pieces for the deadline rather than one finished and one potentially rushed!
Did the base for the two illustrations today, color scheme is a bit insane, so will have to see if it works out haha.

Here's a 2 hours hebridean sheep study.

I'm going with Drumand "Banshee's Bane" Fleming, scotsman shapeshifter.

[Image: hebrideansheepstudy2H_zps0523a762.jpg]
Excellent work guys! Keep pushing keep going I'm loving this!

@ Simonarpalmer: Congrats on reaching the painting phase :D Super cool design and work you've done so far. And thanks for the idea about painting the two pieces at once. Imma try that too! :)

And because I'm so pumped I actually saved the study of a bat in a retardedly (if that's a word) small format. >< but hey. I still worked on it + I'm posting some more (normal sized) compositions so it's all good.

[Image: tumblr_mkagf6ogMi1rlavnuo1_400.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_mkagf6ogMi1rlavnuo2_1280.jpg]

cheers! keep rockin!

here is an hour test on the studies i made and just some ideas on the actual race of the beast, im thinking between the african or the asian , any thoughts guys?

[Image: hipotests.jpg]

This evening's work. I've been lazy these days. I really need to step up the pace.

Say Hello to Makhel, the orchish fighter and shapeshifter, also known as The Lion Lacerator.

[Image: soaringboar_zps4b9f2102.jpg]
woaaah everyones so far into this! amazing work so far guys, managed to get an idea down thinking of Gargoyle stone night dude. Hope gargoyle is ok the brief said creatures too right :D ?

here's some lines i forced myself to work in

Alrighty I researched I got sick of researching and I researched some more! Here's my key ref. Learned a lot about king cobras the past day and a half. ps they are terrifying.

"When we first meet people we see shallows, there after fathoms"
Small character design from today.[Image: Lion_Armor_March_26_2013_2013.png]
[Image: Helmets_March_26_2013.png]

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Some idea exploration for my gargoyle female knight shapeshifter:
[Image: FGf9CE9l.jpg]
[Image: iBm1kKFl.jpg]

So this is my first Bloodsports entry...I finally listened to all the people telling me I should be on Crimson Daggers, and figured this was a good way to get my feet wet. Took me a while to figure out what I was going to do but after a bunch of false starts(darn you, guy who took unicorn paladin Meh), I finally got something I liked, a combat alchemist.

The problem being there are two variants and I can't decide which is cooler: a toxic wyvern/poison master or a fire salamander/demolitions expert. I think I'm going wyvern, but I'm still not 100% sure.
[Image: brainstorming.png]
[Image: Wyvernorsalamander.png]
You guys are fucking amazing.

@Scorpion451 I'm in favor of the salamander/demolition expert :)

@Danar I think it would be more interesting if the character was african.

Here's a few concept ideas and the concepts I picked for the human form.

Hey guys! It's just too awesome the amount of variety going on here =)

Here are some fox studies I did today, tomorrow morning I'll tackle this design.

Hey !

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The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
-Lao Tzu

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here are some final composition ideas pretty happy with the character, but need to really work on the louse one...really tired I will try and look at it with fresh eyes tomorrow.

That Louse, so funny man!
So slooooooow... I miss some insporation( here my mood board and refs and LAME creature design: something between lizard and human and alien and maybe bug...

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[Image: 5i6DrBp.jpg]

[Image: O1LRXrp.jpg]

[Image: QDUXmUr.jpg]

[Image: YiJMagl.jpg]
just some designing still not happy with it but i need to get my comp done for the illustration and then come back to it

Sacrifice <-> Success

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