Sketchbook: Raymond Luk
Some daily paintings I started recently :P

hi dude ! Just stoping by to say that your paintings really lacks of contrast to create solidity in what you painting, and lacks of edges, to create focus and depth ! If you try to work on thes 2 things your art will be on a new level ^^ keep it up !!

Ahh I'll have to do some value studies later :P

Here's some recent stuff

Some 15 min photostudies for tonight, with images from google! :D The start of some studies to learn painting + color & light

Nice line drawings on post #23. Your perspective and line quality is really solid, I'm jealous! Those are for the CGMW class right? What do you think of it?

Ha ha, if you're talking about line quality, this next piece will show you that I still have to work on it xD
Love my CGMA classes, you learn so much not necessarily from the lectures but from the instructors and students :D

[Image: RaymondLuk_Wk5_B.jpg]
[Image: RaymondLuk_Wk7_B.jpg]
Nice perspective stuff man, really like the last one in post 23 :)

Those environments are shaping up real nice man :)

Here's a sketch of a cowboy
[Image: 1004856_10153265739970352_325047475_n.jpg]
Hey everyone, here's a recent work in progress piece
[Image: Forest%20Dragon.jpg]
As people have said environments are looking great! Can't see the last few pictures though :(

Thanks for the heads up Corey! I believe it is working now :P

And here are some character designs I came up with for a school project
[Image: CharacterCards.jpg]

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