Great new sketches, also your gestures are top notch man. Keep at it and set goals so you dont get lazy.

I'm back! again! gonna start doing daily speedpaint things to improve my speed and ensure I make a thing. Here's the first one, it's absolutely awful! But I kinda like the idea, might rework it into an actually good illustration.
That and some gestures I guess

[Image: w2QYlmo.jpg][Image: 6eGPAZy.jpg][Image: ooilCd0.jpg][Image: unMJuXO.jpg][Image: UfUNLQi.jpg][Image: FhP660E.jpg]

Great stuff as usual man! Love the loose gesturey look.

Another daily speed-thing. these kinda suck pretty bad right now, just trying to tell a story and have a composition hat isn't really boring. I need to have better value structure, and construction, and line weight, and the list goes on, the the important thing is that I keep making pictures. More and more pictures. So many pictures.

Improvement awaits >:0
[Image: sLTm7sJ.jpg][Image: H3bfzgu.jpg][Image: FW5p26e.jpg][Image: PNKalCx.jpg][Image: bDbRb9Y.jpg]

Love the composition drawing at the top, the unique angle makes it interesting! The characters at the bottom look loose and fluid, nice work! :)

Nice story and composition on that speedy! Good stuffff Sam--!

Awaiting more pictures.. All of the many pictures to come :D~

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Nice stuff man. Focusing on story as well as the more technical aspects of art is a sure fire way to improve. I love the character in the last post, really cool.

I would set up a still life if I were you and drop a day into it and see where you get. Especially if you do it traditionally, it will really help with different techniques you can apply to your other drawings.

Keep kicking ass :)

Looks like you're staying active :-)

Loved that four humour's piece, would love to see you take it further!

Great gestures as usual, also, keep those speed-thingies coming! I really like the one with the poker table as I like the story it tells XD It's something I have to learn yet, to be better at storytelling in my pictures.

When I looked trough my link library today I thought of you because I found this one here: It has a ton of useful resources, references and inspiration, and a bit down there are also some collections concerning clothes. Just thought you might think it interesting.

Hope to see more of your many pictures soon!


I love your shape design man, you've got a really good feel for it. I don't know whats your goals are, but I would be awesome to see more finished stuff or a longer cartoon :D!

Those blue landscapes, for some reason, reminded me of monkey island.

I love the movement even your more realistic works are acquiring!

Post damnit! I demand more posting from you! Your sketches are too damn beautiful and fluent to not post them!

^^^ yesplssampls

crap crap crap I haven't been checking my email for daggers updates! thanks loads for all the comments guys!! Guess I'll get to scanning some recent sketches I don't hate XD along with some new storytelling dailies.
[Image: 4q0FnSP.jpg][Image: syVRt1X.jpg][Image: Epw57yM.jpg]
I'm not sure what I want those to look like exactly, I think I'm putting too much effort into making them finished, but they're still pretty speedy so they don't look either quick or done. Just a bad place in between. The goal is just to come up with a nice composition and have clear storytelling and be somewhat of a warmup exercise, maybe I should keep them really speedy and experimental and not sweat it as much. Leave the finishing for finished pieces, which I have to start making!

[Image: EeUqiq5.jpg][Image: BB1x71Q.jpg][Image: BIa3v6C.jpg][Image: DoXNNE5.jpg][Image: a8IHvNF.jpg][Image: YBV4ZTw.jpg][Image: KNkLvIg.jpg][Image: 32OEchA.jpg][Image: brPj7Ol.jpg][Image: 6eCHomK.jpg]

I'm going to get into the habit of unplugging my internet until I really need it, wasting way too much time online and it's not cool. I tend to start some exercises, then get distracted, and wind up doing stuff that's supposed to be part of my morning warmup at 6 PM -_-
I want to draw like 8 hours a day and I can't let my laziness get in the way any more!

Oh ya, finally got my license! Woo!

Heh, you and me both with the internet...

Keep on with those studies! Your cranking 'em out good.

I would suggest to either try doing some silhoutte exercises or to do what you did in the fifth one from the bottom: blacken the outside so that the focus gets pushed in on the figure.

Either way, you're a hard worker! :)

There is usually more on my blog...

Love your sketches, as always! Careful with the legs, they tend to be on the short side in some of those though.

Uh oh, I can relate to that involuntary procrastination due to internet issue >_> Unplugging does help a lot with that.
Congrats on getting your license!

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
Great stuff in this sketchbook, all I want to do is draw now

Sketchbook | Deviantart | Blog

"The difficulties of not knowing are much greater than the effort of learning"
Thanks for the comments guys!

Some more sketches and crap. Gotta be cleaner with the drawing and value and value structure

[Image: 0uWONba.jpg][Image: sCR2PUI.jpg][Image: 7Pzu1Uh.jpg][Image: zCvEzkX.jpg][Image: VT94Hnv.jpg][Image: zbu76qj.jpg][Image: wytzgX2.jpg][Image: 5Gvrowx.jpg][Image: Vzk7xYT.jpg][Image: 1ZzSVqX.jpg][Image: occIZzw.jpg][Image: Hx1nEpE.jpg]

Oh, the military fairy is so cool! Really digging those boots and uniform, and confident feel.

The greek god on the kiddy toy cracked me up. The girl in the operating room begs the question--are those robots fixing her up, or doing dark experimentation? It's looking kinda ominous. The dancers are lovely--I like how you exaggerated the hips and maybe even shoulders.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Thanks tygerson! That's really good point, I gotta keep in mind how I want the viewer to feel when they look at the picture, not just draw stuff!

Here's some sketches and classwork
[Image: 74VhQPk.jpg][Image: UmLPDf5.jpg][Image: h2LSRRT.jpg][Image: ARYZrPY.jpg][Image: gVrFrDr.jpg][Image: cI02OGG.jpg]


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