Lovely sketches, so full of life, your lines are light and pleasure to see. Are you drawing people from life? any anatomy class or something like that? That level of energy is hard to capture from photos :D

so.. much.. work... wow. fantastic.
Congrats on getting your license too! Freedom :P
The fluidity of your sketches are very inspirational. Wish mine were that dynamic -__-

Great stuff. Keep posting :D

Those set designs look so sweet.
I love the way you pencil things!

Oh your style, love your pencils, love the creativity! You have a dark disney-esque charm to your drawings...idk, can't put my finger on it.

You already know how much i love this SB, just keep the good stuff coming haha.

Thanks for the comments guys!!!

Mazdia: Unfortunately not D: there's a local life drawing session that meets locally but it always conflicts with my class schedule. Definitely trying to get out and draw people in the sketchbook. Thanks a lot :D

Jaik: you can get there dude!!! Study how animators use shape design to make poses flow and try to draw without thinking much :D

OK, a big dump of stuff, some random doodles and sketchbook sketches and stuff from production design class!
[Image: zjbIhEw.jpg][Image: 5aB7CeU.jpg][Image: ZZbYHvw.jpg][Image: KO4wAfS.jpg][Image: 6IddxyG.jpg][Image: PGWBLdo.jpg][Image: 94HijHV.jpg][Image: rfi0ABS.jpg][Image: 1gnz22h.jpg][Image: WUEK0Jc.jpg][Image: ULkZIds.jpg][Image: IUAaGDN.jpg][Image: cNxeAjD.jpg][Image: N1UBR8x.jpg][Image: Wo9sE0L.jpg][Image: YBLgyzi.jpg][Image: t6kagpy.jpg][Image: zMmPRsu.jpg][Image: rjU986n.gif][Image: 9dr9hVg.jpg]

Geez so much drawing. Im curious, are you in art school and if so what school?

I've been going to TAD about 2 years, it's been pretty dang rad!

Here's some stuff

[Image: nth9JQM.jpg][Image: vQtqUNf.jpg] [Image: hAlIx26.jpg][Image: K3iuczH.jpg][Image: GMDVmJD.jpg]

I'm gonna be in New York for a while, if I'm an artist worth my salt I'll be back with a ton of cool sketches from life. Seeya then guys!

Aaaah Saaaaaaam!! So much good stuff I don't even-- :D

Bloody hell, have a great time in NY, yessss draw lots and lots (even more than you already do... which is a butt-tonne so I don't know how you're gonna manage, but you should try anyways xD)

But yeah, you'll be missed man! Have a blaaaaaaaast!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
D: Holy expletive batman, you are killing it dude.

Going back a few posts to the hair dresser pic (mostly because it is the only one I could fault) I feel like you just missed the story beat there, because as a viewer -and this could be just me and I am a moron- I have noooo idea what just happened. Did she cut his head off and it flew up (my first impression) or does he have a really long neck? The ability to stretch his neck. SO CONFUSED!

On another note, you have some really nice colours recently, I like them a lot. Also, do you have any animators you would recommend to look at for really nice dynamism? I havent really delved heavily into the animation scene.

@Smrff: dude I wound up drawing while walking a lot so I wasn't looking, almost walked into a street and got hit by a car apparently! Haha. Think it was worth it though.

@Jaik your crit is spot on, that image is not clear at all. The joke was based on going to get my hair cut then realizing how light my head felt without all the extra weight, but it just fell short as an image if I have to explain that. Story clarity man, It's hard! That should be my goal right now, making sure nobody can mistake what's going on in my drawings. sorry for confusing you XD

Animators, uh... Milt Kahl for sure, really all of Disney's 9 Old Men were completely amazing. I'm also a big fan of Fred Moore, the shapes he uses have more appeal than any drawing needs.

You can probably find a ton of cool facts about old Warner Brothers animators from John Kricfalusi's blog, and of course keep your eye out for names int he credits of old movies you like.
As for aniem artists one name I just came across is Yoshinori Kanada. Seems liek he influenced a ton of what's popular in anime today. I also really like Hiroyuki Imaishi and Yoh Yoshinari. Wish I knew more old non-disney animators, let me know if you find any awesome artists!

Here are some of my travel sketches and some recent doodles. It's weird how different my home environment feels now, suddenly I'm surrounded by the internet's best artists and more or less isolated from friends and instead of having fun and trying to depict what's around me I'm worried about not being as good as everybody else.

[Image: XmGfg7u.jpg][IMG][Image: AKDoweQ.jpg][Image: hn9p04D.jpg][Image: PIbGR8i.jpg][Image: eTFjcP7.jpg][Image: 6wd2JW7.jpg][Image: hS6nTkt.jpg][Image: 0d4Yr6y.jpg][Image: sQAkv2l.jpg][Image: t9jmQeY.jpg][Image: ADomN7J.jpg][Image: o0OCho6.jpg][Image: rdFs6wP.jpg][Image: TJYPkx3.jpg][Image: aqI330C.jpg][Image: PEtL606.jpg][Image: dJXRHsI.jpg][Image: 5A2tdQt.jpg][Image: NlJL1DU.jpg][Image: ETiDjJD.jpg][Image: dbmqOsT.jpg][Image: wl31YB9.jpg][Image: XAatoIQ.jpg][Image: oHjnSY5.jpg][Image: cRnAOdw.jpg][Image: gA0VkKf.jpg]

That worry can be a great motivator :) Just don't let it overwhelm you.

Love the dragon with the child sketch, although a few less stripes in the background and dragon skin surrounding it might make it read a bit better/faster. (since the pyjama is striped as well)

For color studies, try to use the same background on the original screenshot and your study, it helps to see and compare better what you are trying to duplicate, especially the values. Black or a neutral grey works best for me (depending on the scene).

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
Thanks for the tips!

Not sure what was going on in my head doing the dragon image, making all those lines just started seeming super fun, but flat tones would definitely have made it all easier to read. Seems like going overboard with texture or designy craziness and losing readability is a problem for me, which I'm surprised by because really simple reads and shape designs are my favorite things :0

quick update with some character design stuff for class.
[Image: DyxC7Jp.jpg][Image: 7xedqHg.jpg][Image: qcIctfM.jpg][Image: yUIZrrD.jpg][Image: 3heRRWG.jpg][Image: d6zY3hX.jpg][Image: YDperWc.jpg]

As per usual it's a treat to look through your SB.
Great stuff, I like how you did some notes on what was off in
one of the colour studies further up.

Oh shit, he's back. Thanks heaps for those names. I'll get in to delving in to the animation side soon.

I LOVE those last images you are doing. The story comes across instantly. Good job! You should colour some of them! That would be really cool to see.
Good to see you said that you would focus on something and you instantly make leaps and bounds. Keep up the good work!

I enjoyed looking trough your new sketches and stuff so much x)


Thanks for the comments guys! Will try to get back to you in your SBs soon :D

Feeling a mite bummed out right now because I'm not around any other artists, I'm missing having people who are on the same kind of journey I'm on to talk with and bounce ideas off of...This is the kind of thing I wish I could be in art school to have, why does the tuition have to be so monstrous -_-

[Image: MoMQWxB.jpg]

[Image: QTDRktE.jpg]
[Image: fWWbsXy.jpg]

Still alive! Just haven;t been carign enough to scan any drawings. I might start usiong the camera more, it's harder to see the drawings but it doesn't really matter if I'm not intending to clean them up :/

I had a couple ideas for an indie game and a comic series I want to try and develop, we'll see how that goes! Gonne copypaste some stuff I said about the game in another forum below the art stuff :v

[Image: aT9QDaJ.jpg][Image: 16Svibh.jpg][Image: e0q8CB6.jpg][Image: KKg5KXb.jpg][Image: L9rONUQ.jpg][Image: sBumcj0.jpg][Image: fDMDtuE.jpg][Image: vFLuB7C.jpg][Image: UX63SKK.jpg]

This is an idea I came up with a couple weeks ago drawing from a realization that in a lot of platformer and puzzle games, the entire quest of the hero would have been completely impossible if, say, a ledge was just one foot further away and ungrabbable, or there was just one less key to open a door in a dungeon.

This game presents the classic hero overcoming a dungeon to rescue the kidnapped princess setup, but the twist is that it's absolutely impossible for him to get past the first level. Fortunately, you're not playing as him.

While he bumbles around the ground floor of the castle the extremely adept princess has managed to break free of her imprisonment and kill the final boss with ease using her psychic powers. She intends intending to walk out the door and forget any of this crap ever happened but to her dismay, the only way out is through a huge, magically reinforced door that can only be opened by the hero of the game. Who is of course still stuck on level one, continually walking into a pit of instant death spikes.

So, ya :U this is a puzzle-platformer I'm talking with some friends about developing for fun, the game itself will be you controlling the princess' astro-projection-ghost thing to move stuff in the level around and making it possible for the hero to advance. It's supposed to be really funny and tongue in cheek, with a lot of the humor coming from the princess doing all the work and getting continually annoyed by the inept protagonist, who of course thinks he's doing all the work himself. The poor, stupid, repeatedly dying sap.

Here's some sketches for the main characters

[Image: af1VraO.jpg][Image: EZAxqRx.jpg][Image: HvX7rJC.jpg][Image: OlM73MJ.jpg]

the first task ahead of us is to define what the relationship between the princess and the hero is exactly and finding exactly where the humor and entertainment value is so we can build on that. One idea on the table is having the princess get sent to the beginning of the dungeon with the hero and physically walk through the dungeon along with him so they can play on each other's character's more. I'm not sure if I want the hero to be aware of the princess' presence or not, or if I want them to have any dialogue, or what system to make the game in, or if the controls should be WASD or point-and-click o_o lots of descisions

the game sounds so cool!!! how many are you working on the game? seems like its in good hands with the people in charge

Haha great idea for the game.

As for needing artists. Travel is always an option, search for near by artists on here and then try and meet up for a coffee once in a while. I completely agree that isolation from artists is hard, but there is always skype as well, which is how a lot of people I know do it. I also use email's (long emails about anything and everything) to make it feel a little less like I am on an island in a sea of people who don't know what the artists journey is like.

Keep on keeping on. One day it will all come together


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