molesting virgin moleskines with graphite <3
thanks missimoinsane, got some more watercolor stuff laying around elsewhere, will put them up soon (:

so, did a 40 min drawing today when I got out of school, just for relaxation. and some skin texture studies, really messed up the last one because my arm started to get cramps :/ after a little break I tried to apply it from imagination. not very pleased with it, only the nose looks slightly ok.

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some WIP I'm doing atm, it has to be finished this friday and I'd love some crits (: right now I'm at the point where I can still change stuff. oh, note, at the bottom of the piece are gonna be some people dancing and there will be flames.

FLAMES EXPLOSIONS VOLCANO. the only thing missing would be naked ladies. no naked ladies in this one. and no lens flares, damn those lens flares. :D

help! and cheers!

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This is crazy, I like it! Three critiques: first, the line drawings of the instruments are both making some really nasty tangents with the edge of the image. Second, the lights on your male figure don't feel very distinct, with that fire light I feel the shadows should be harsher. I'd try brightening up the lights and pushing the darks cooler. Speaking of color temperature, third: this image is all warm, and in my opinion without anything near cool to contrast with the reds and oranges they don't look as hot as they could. I'd try bringing in some greys or purples to fix that.

Good luck!

Hey Tess,
Great to see all this practice with color :D Colors are looking nice and unified
You've got some nice stuff going on here, that melty face is boss :D

samszym - thank you! immidiately changed the things you pointed out, I was already hoping for you to see my scream for help :p

ray - Hi ray ^^ thanks for coming back to my sb once again (: pretty much getting out of my comfort zone with the colors :p

raedrob - thanks (: gotta work on my exhibition a lot (it's in february and I still need to do 7 works :/ ) more of that pencil stuff is gonna follow! that piece was just a sketch ^^ I luv mah pencils.


so, it's nearly finished. only gotta put in the instruments, which I secretely would prefer to dump, but it's a music event poster after all, so I'll have to.

any tips, still very welcome!

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the finished version (:
now moving on onto my next piece.

[Image: E98s7Dg.jpg?1]

That's so cool, that trumpet came out well!
I think you did good work on the lighting.

thanks raedrob (:

current wip, testing my abilities without ref atm, perhaps I will get some when detailing textures etc (:

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another lil' update, spent today working on values of the boy.
I need to scan some stuff, which will be tomorrow or a bit later, if I did it now I'd piss off my parents :p

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large update, was about time, wasn't it (:? lots of wip, a poster, some rusty 60 secs and doodlepoo. enjoy, feel free to leave a reply, I'm starting to feel lonely up here!

Hey Budgie!

You really have the weirdest and most wonderful stuff in here (:

If I may make a suggestion on your poster work, maybe you could group your information.
For instance here you have the establishment on top, the date and time on 1/3rd and I think that's an address on the bottom ? I would say these things belong closer together so the read is more instant!

yann.f - thank you ^^ that's an amazing tip! I must keep that in mind next time.
todays stuff (: trying out a new schedule this week, first day has been awesome and super prodictive, compared to what I normally do. really need to do the 60 secs, they're so rusty. trying to face some of my drawing fears: hands and females. -i will also be doing some perspective at the end of the week-

you guys are allowed to burn my drawing hand if I don't keep up with my schedule this week!

doodling at school during dutch classes.


hand stuff -not all of it, need to fill up a page before I scan it-
drawn from own hand (which is a great way of learning imo)

doodling afterwards

life drawing when karel came around in the evening and wanted to model for me.

I call it a day.

note: this is an A4 sketchbook (;

seriously inspiring work cool ideas and I like the fact that you attack all mediums

Front End Developer by day but an Artist by Night
"Artists help artists"
My Sketchbook | Artstation | Instagram | Youtube Lets Learn 3D
The workload here is kicking me in the groin!

As for your colored stuff, don't be afraid of putting in some more vibrant colors. And I would suggest that you up the contrast on the paintings as well. Like in the one with the boy and the donkey, push some more dark shadows some places to make the other colors pop more off the page etc..

I'll be back for more buddy! Keep at it! :D

nufftalon - thanks ^^ as I always like to think: better a jack of all trades, and master of none, than master of just one.

eraiasu - haha, I'm going to let you keep your promise! just subscribed on your sb, I'll be back for crits. thanks about the value and contrast tips, somebody in the hangout said that too. I increased the difference in values, but I guess I have to push it some more then ^^ as goes for vibrant colors, I'm kind of afraid it will turn out very cartoony, which is not really what I'm aiming for with this one. I wonder how to use them without making my piece cartoony or unrealistic.

either way, today has been a great day, but not much drawing shamefully enough :/ I'll have to catch up on it later this week.
did manage to bring my sketchbook and sketch this at a bar while talking to a friend ^^
not sure if it's worth finishing the line-art or even do rendering though..

[Image: v6p3Sye.jpg]

Quote:as goes for vibrant colors, I'm kind of afraid it will turn out very cartoony, which is not really what I'm aiming for with this one. I wonder how to use them without making my piece cartoony or unrealistic.

If that's something you want to achieve, maybe take a look at some Mead Schaeffer pallets? He comes to mind as a guy who used pretty vibrant colors that retained a realistic look.
[Image: tumblr_lkact6du3h1qiq6pqo1_500.jpg]

Looking at your work load makes me want to get back to it myself! Keep it up.

Sam, I love that Mead painting!

Samszym - thanks for the tip (: that artists stuff look amazing, looked it up. In the example you showed, I like how the character pops out not only in value but also in saturation (:

Readrop - thank you ^^ that comment made mee feel bad for not drawing yesterday, I want to be able to pile my studies (: love that it inspires you, better move dat ass (: gogogo, drawdrawdraw


Yep, shame on me, yesterday was a no drawing day. Did bake fortune coockies and some excellent brownies ^^ they were like chocolate heaven.
This is what I did today, 7-8 hrs in a row. Not begore dinnertime did I notice I had forgot to eat :p
Another poster comission wip (: this time for a metal event.

They told me they wanted something strange, an eye-catcher, so I do as I am told. Beware of the eyeboobs! -which would make a perfect new apple product-

Oh btw, the light sources are as messy as spaghetti, workin on it!

[Image: ESvHemx.jpg?1]


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