kikindaface learns to draw ... ( daily update ! )
hey guys, i decided to open a sketchbook here to keep a track on my improvment but also to be a bit kicked in the butt from time to time, and be challenged a bit with you ! here's my shitty stuff from yesterday ! i need to go harder, and to think more, DAAAAMN THIIIINK !! i'm also doing tons of gesture drawing, but i find it pointless to show it . Anyway, back to work , and i'll update daily, and if not, please remind me with a kick in the butt ! and sorry for the shitty pics, i 'll soon have a scanner ! Now back to work ...

here is what i've done yesterday. Damn, need a more dynamic line, mine's boring as hell ( well i know it's an expression, but i don't think hell would be boring at all ... ) ! need to push further ! time to work, later guys !

here's my crappy stuff from today, aah, i feel i suck so much at drawing from imagination, tomorow i'll try to spend the whole day studying design and drawing from imagination !!! Laterzzzz daggerzzzzz !!!

I love all the sketchbook pages full of studies that you've been doing. They all seem to have such smooth lines, I'm jealous. I'm amazed at how much you're draw so much in a day and want to see you're improvements in the coming months. Keep going! :D

Nice work! The structure in your studies looks good. Keep it upppp

You kinda inspired me. Good work. Keep it going!
CGood start to your sketchbook, I quite like how you paint, the looseness has an old oil painting feel to it and those values look good. Keep it up!

Hey man, sick sketchbook. I really like the line quality, and those value studies look sweet. Keep working on those figures!

Damn you're drawing like crazy, so much work. You've got a nice line quality too. Kepp it up

hey guys, thanks for your replies, means a lot to me !!

Here's my stuff from yesterday ! i'm so slow at drawing from imagination, that's crazy ( about 1h30 for each page ... ) and i want so much to make a flawless drawing that it's stiff as hell .. today will change my way of thinking and will forget about doing perfect things and just have fun drawing everything that comes to my mind, i just have to shut down that ego !!! and selfportrait i did too, hmm maybe around 50 minutes . cheers to you guys and don't hesitate to give me your opinions, advices, etc, i want to improve so badly !! time to suck less and go back to drawing !

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Hey man! Cool SB! You got good values going on! I checked your stuff on DA and also found a good gallery. Linework is good, too. Maybe you could do a bit of research on lineweight. Furthermore you could try some more value studys in photoshop to practice edgecontrole and your general technique. Im very interested in seeing where you´ll take your work.

thanks matthias, it's true that my lineweight and edges sucks,and everything else too, but i will think about that on my next studies ! thanks dude !! here are my shitty stuff from today .. don't hesitate to throw me tomatoes, or anything that would help me to kick my ass to draw more ! damn i'm so slow at drawing from imagination ... See you guys on the next update !

Great work in here so far man kicking those studies asses! Keep up the great work just always remember apply those studies right after doing them! :D Cheers mate.

Looking good dude, that pencil work is so nice. Love your lines. Keep it coming :)

thanks cj_marsh and jakeb for your comments !! it really motivates me to do more !

Here's my today stuff + selfportrait from yesterday that forgot to post ! ( and just finished my today's selfportrait and i'm sooo tired !! ) anyway i need to draw more, please kick my butt, do anything you want to make me draw mooooaaaar !!! quick study + quick stuff from mind to apply it, a sketch on photoshop, because i suck at drawing on photoshop, sketchbook page, selfportraits, hmmm tomorow there will be moaaaaaar i swear !!!

Kickass dude, your studies are strong but can always be stronger :P

Little motivational music for ya too!
Nice sketches man! I've been seeing your comments a lot around here, you seem like a friendly and helpful guy and that's awesome!!! :D
Nice sketches and studies, you've got a good mix of observation and imagination drawings going on.

I am sorry to say, all your characters from imagination have the exact same face. I'm seeing the same basic head shape with the same lips with two dark spots of shadow on the corners and the same sort of pissed off eyes glaring suspiciously to the side. You sometimes change up the nose or give the eye some color and that's nice. But dude. Good lord. Vary the shapes you're using and draw all different sorts of characters! It'll be much more fun, I promise XD

You might want to get a book on character design or caricature, Tom bancroft's character design book is pretty good and Tom Richmond's caricature book is probably awesome (but I don't have that one, can't be sure XD)

Good luck man, your work ethic's inspiring and I think you're on the right track to being a pro. :)
Woah I gotta say your line quality is amazing, that self portrait is looking good too, cant wait to see more of your paintings cuse the values look damn nice
I see youre inspired by Hannes and Jana <3 They are amazing.
Great work man, loving the colors and lines.

thanks everyone for your feedbacks ! i'm really really tired so can't reply individually right now but will try later !
Yesterday i wasn't able to draw since i had to deal with a lot of issues in life, and even today wasn't fully able to focus on my work, lots of stress and pressure because of those problems, resulting in doing shit !! it's crazy how i'm completely looksing my focus when i'm slightly tired !!! i need to sharpen my concentration ! Anyway, here's what i have to show, studies, and shitty things from mind that i just finished as i am super tired !! Enjoy and critics !!



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