Matthias Kinnigkeit Sketchbook
Hey! My name is Matthias I´m from germany and 20 years old. Since I left high school 10 months ago I started to take this whole art stuff serious. Like most of you I dream of making a living as an artist. To reach that goal is my main focus now. So here is gonna be one place where I dump my stuff and I very appreciate any comment, advice, suggestion and crit.

For several months now I basically just study and don´t reall do any "finished" pices. The focus of my studys lies on figure drawing for now. Here is some of my stuff.

I had the nice opportunity to make a "finished" pice again because a very good friend of mine asked me to do an illustration for the new EP of his band. I was just focusing on studying anatomy for the last few month so I didn´t really do stuff like that. So much fun!

Some Dude from today for fun. Actually he is based on one of the face sketches from a few day ago.

wow, I'm definitely going to keep an eye on this thread, this might get pretty interesting ^^
sorry for stopping by withouts tips, I just don't have any right now. Seems like you're on the right path, keep on walking (:
Hey Budgie! Thanks a lot! I´m very happy if you think so. I appreciate you taking the time to stop by.

Some Hampton studys from these days

Hey Matthias. Welcome to the forum!

This is a fantastic thread! I love the amount of work you're doing on the figure. Makes me want to work harder on it myself! Very powerful stuff! I don't think I can give you anything either since all the stuff you're studying from those books is pretty well explained. So I thought I could just let you know that this is very inspiring to me! So keep pushing!!

Hey la1uc! Thx a lot man! Very nice of you to take the time to write this to me! Appreciate it!

Some recent study stuff

And some more figure studys again...

Gesture practice and a bit more construction stuff. I really have to work on those gestures... Soon I´ll be able to go to livedrawing sessions! :)

Hey :D And welcome to Crimson Daggers (I'm a bit late)
Nice start, love your studies. And I specially like your style of portraits and doing gestures-they look like they are dancing,and really dynamic, great job :D
Keep up with that work and have lots of fun^^

Hey Toxicpanda! Thanks a lot! I´m glad you like them!

Jo! I worked on some character design/turnaround today. I spend pretty much time on it. I guess about 8 hs or sth. I got sick of it so called it done.

Jooo! I watched a movie yesterday night from the time of the prohibition. Afterwards I was really in the mood to try to sketch some character while shooting for that gangster look. Man those guys had style back then! I ended up with that guy here. I also tried some experimantal value pass. Maybe I´m gonna include values earlier in my studying than I planed..

I love your studies Matthias. You make the figures look very fluid and elegant.

Great works, the figure studies really pay off, your last two from mind are really cool. Looks like you can see things in space really well, hoping to see more

hey man, nice sketchbook full of studies ! keep up that stuff ! concerning your anatomy studies, just try to stick with 1 or 2 anatomy books, if you go with loomis, hampton, bammes, hogarth, etc at the same time, you might be a bit lost ! just tackle the books one by one, it's gonna be easier to learn !! Keep it up !! and do more from imagination !!

Wow!) I like your head and figure studies! I practice the same now. I can see you learning from Loomis and Hampton, right?

Thanks for the comments guys!

MonoOrder: Thanks man! I study gesture drawing with hamptons book so you may want to check out his method.
Tom Seas: Thanks a lot! I'm glad if you think so. I focused a lot on this whole spacial awareness thing in my studys of the last months.
kikindaface: Thanks for the advice and the commment! I do just study with hamptons book though ;) I started with the Loomis one some months ago but switched to Hampton when I ordered it.
Nikt: Thanks! Yes I do. Two very good figure drawing books! I think that one would do well to start of with Loomis because Hampton doesn't deal with basic proportions. I switched to Hampton pretty early though because I prefer his approach on everything beyond basic proportions.

Jo! I'm at my gf's house for two weeks now so I am just able to do traditional stuff. It is a nice change. I really miss my undo and transformation tools though :D
Some head stuff (particulary low angle because I really suck at those!), gestures and two sketches.
In a about two weeks I'll probably be able to attend live drawing sessions! Sooo looking foreward!

Sry for the awful quality of the scans!!

Some face sketches. I really enjoy doing these.

Another tribal warrior design thing and some face stuff from these days. I really got to get more into the theory behind values!


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