iamthenight. colormeblack
Need to buy Color and Light when I get back home, is it as good as they say?
Doing good here man.
Stronger details and contrast in places of interest along with texture work to differentiate different surfaces and materials could help bring your stuff to another level. Just a thought, I think your studies are coming along great.

"It's necessary to act against yourself or nothing will happen." -Phil Hale
Sketchbook|Go Team!
HypnoSaur - thanks man! and thanks for the advice, really apreciate it :)

capt surge - :) go go go! lets griiind!

Markus - I think its a must read. i mean, you might not agree/find usefulness in everything. but its good to hear what he has to say :) it helped me tons. but ive always been behind with colors, it might be obvious to others what he says.
on the critique. RIGHT ON ! its a barrier im having trouble breaking. i feel like its lack of knowledge, but i also feel like its bad work ethic of not doing pieces/studies long enough and for not experimenting with brushes.
i will try to crack down on it harder. thaaaaaanks a lot :)
"Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder, but don’t nobody want to lift no heavy ass weights."
been stuck to my mind all day. so much truth in that.


this update is gonna be a bit weird.
i did a very very sloppy compilation my anatomy studies that were done in the last 7 days
its for when i look back at this i know what/how much i was doing.
helps me keep myself on track.
so, very very sorry for the quality.
see this as a "i did it" statement, even tho you cant really judge how well i did it :)

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wow you have been pumping out a lot of work! great work. Looking through your sketchbook has inspired me to crank out more work!

yog joshi - thanks!

not sure where i was going with this imagination one...
wasnt thinking straight.
and construction got lost when i started painting. it always fucking happens

and a study after sargent

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wow. idk what happend today. its 2200 already.

those are about 30 min each.
self portrait and doodle.

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two quickies(again? wtf)
ill finish them tomorrow :)

if you guys dont listen to the mars volta.
you should.

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hey. hm.
been not doing things properly this week. i think i was a little sad.
but now i have to find a job :/

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Thumbs Down 
ugh. sorry for being so inactive guys. i havent even checked others people sbs...
im a bad person

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ugh. im so innefective with brushes....
not like it matter until i can properly control values and stucture haahhaah

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lots of great work in here! and congrats on the cool bloodsports piece. i really like the perspective line sketch with the person floating

hope you are finding ways to get your motivation back.

i've had colour and light sitting on my desk for ages and i haven't read it yet.. i really should. i guess i'm going to regret it the way you did.

sorry i don't have much to offer in terms of crits, it seems youre focusing on all the right things. how long do you spend on individual pieces? might be worth really digging into one and pushing it as far as you can, this can often help with value control too (as spending a long time on something helps you really notice subtle value differences etc).

"If you want liberation in this life, there is no area that you do not watch. Watch the breathing, watch the posture, watch the flow of energy, watch the texture of the mind, watch the response to objects." - Namgyal Rinpoche
aks9 - thanks! definitely read it! dont waste you time like i did hahahah. i really dont know. since i dont do the longer ones in one sitting. i guess something like 7-10 hours... true true. i dont think i really put much finish into mines... probably a good skill to learn. but so far im struggling with the start hahahaha. once i get past that. ill focus on the finish :)

comp/value stuff.
really great exercise. you can really tell apart one artist from the other and the way they layout stuff.
hopefully some of it stuck with me.

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Oo nice studies in that last post. I think some dedicated material studies would help a lot with adding some variety to your textures and such. Keep hammering on the imagination stuff like you have been, it's looking good dude

nice work on the studies! nice work with the shapes especially : )

i gotta say though: when doing value studies, i think its really important that the values you choose correspond as closely as possible to an approximation of the values in the piece you're studying. in these studies, you've used the exact same 3 values for light, neutral, and dark, irrespective of the actual values in the study pieces, not really matching them, making these more of a study in shapes and composition than in values.

for it to be a more effective value study in which you can get a better sense of how the relations of different values produce different effects, then as far as i know you have to be trying to get as close to the actual values as you can.

here's what i mean:

my examples aren't perfect but i hope you get the gist of what i'm trying to say. it applies especially to the white.
adding an adjustment layer set to black/white can help with seeing the values clearer to check if youre getting a match

i darkened the background too because if one of the values bleeds directly into the background it also breaks the shapes, the canvas limit is part of the composition, helps close off the pieces so it's important

hope thats helpful

"If you want liberation in this life, there is no area that you do not watch. Watch the breathing, watch the posture, watch the flow of energy, watch the texture of the mind, watch the response to objects." - Namgyal Rinpoche
sweet work man, i recognise some of your stuff from ca.org if i'm not mistaken? That is, before it went and did a titanic and sank :p

your work kicks ass, i love that latest dude with the sword and cape. Sorry i can't be of more help, but seeing all the studies and work you put out is awesome, keep it up dude. Lookin forward to seeing more.

pnate - aw thanks man! im still a bit afraid of textures. but ill give materials a try!

aks9 - hey! hm. i was doing those studies with only 3 values. pure black, pure white and middle gray. when i though about it i though three values was the best to force myself into really slipping apart the shapes. but it didnt occur to me that they didnt need to be pure black or pure white.... so.... good point! hahahah and stupid me :/
and great point about the background.
man im felling dumb.
got schooled.
Thanks a ton for the crit. really helpful :)

Warburton - yeah man! i used to be around there. for quite some time.
the place really did sink into a huge pile of shit.
thanks :)

Sorry ive been apsent guys.
people are important in life too, right?

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heya :) that last image of the guy and the floating girl is awesome!

and you're good on progress too!

keep paintin'

aah, glad if it was helpful, don't feel stupid, there wasn't anything wrong with what you're doing and its a totally legit way of getting good at shapes, i was just making suggestions for working well with values.

those last two pics and the one with the floating girl is stunning. its got such a beautiful mood to it and the characters are connected really well, you can really feel them

"If you want liberation in this life, there is no area that you do not watch. Watch the breathing, watch the posture, watch the flow of energy, watch the texture of the mind, watch the response to objects." - Namgyal Rinpoche
anzhou - :D thanks man!

aks9 - thanks a ton anyway man.
hahahha as you can see from this post. im having a lot of trouble with it.

friend pointed out and i relized how bad was the comp for this piece.
i always feel like i put the time in for drawing. but never the real effort. i never trully battle with my problems till ive solved them.
so this is me. trying to fix my habits

im thinking about sticking with numbah 6(without the table)
it has a not dramatic light. common and daily. but thats sort of the point of the illustration.
too bad it looses a bit of that summer afternoon feel. where you dont need artificial lights or heating. were you dont worry about things. just enjoy life.

maybe if i open the door the room wont feel so crowded and encapsulated.

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sorry guys. havent been very active on the forums and stuff :/

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hey ya
hey ya
ya hey
hey ya ya
ya ya ya
ya ya
hey ya
hey ya
hey ya

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