My sketchbook
Fill this puppy up. Make the puppy pop.

thx for your comments , sorry i don't feel enough confortable to create imaginary stuff

Mannyhaatz i didn't really get your comment =)..
some cars sketches done yesterday , i was super busy these week .. still need to scan my trip sketches i have done in paris last week.
thx for watching

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from my last trip , still life :p
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the rest of my sketches done in Paris from life.
hope you ll like them.

my father who was driving the car..
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Quai d'orsay Museum
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Palais Guimet asian arts (love this museum)
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Plants garden zoo.
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Really cool collection of relic sketches!

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


thx tygerson :) !

Long time , i got a new website..well i know i said than i quit vfx industry but it's probably the best way i can get some i had to update everything. you can check my last vfx work too.

My new website

ok back to sketching

These last day i m trying to learn how to draw a mech and improve a bit in this "field" . I tried to spent 20 horus of deliberate practice .
From last friday to now i got probably 13 hours i think ( with 2 days off ) i m just super lazy i know.. but i had to finish my website too :) (Blushing)

For now i m focusing about sketching and drawing.
The painting, color process are just for relaxing and doodling..

doodling and studying from ref.

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experiment just for relaxing

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old study ref..(2 weeks ago..)
one rule limited time ( 25 min about) doing my best ..well it could be resume more failures in less amount of time :p.

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hope you enjoy also if you have a particular way to study thing in order to retain information ..i will take it ..

My digital weekly sketches .. sorry for the fllood i have been productive these days..
i was too lazy to scan my paper sketches.. hope you will like them.
I worked harder than ever..something happened , new things are comings, new vibes. I finish another girly painting with more saturation than usual. Working hard is awesome to break your own fear. Well i will never work as hard as i want..yes i'm a fuc**ing slacker..

Studies side to side

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Sketches random n' lazy
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still life.

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first time mech ever from imagination :)
lol i know it sucked..
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potrait practice

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my new portfolio piece well once i will choose the right colors which one i have to keep for my portfolio ?

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thanks for watching!

Hi florentK. I prefer the middle version. The lighter background makes for a stronger silhouette. The last one looks a little oversaturated.

thanks ! :) i will take the middle one :p i wasn't sure about it..thanks :)

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Whoa, such improvement in just one page! Haha. Real solid stuff.

When I saw the first few images of your sketchbook I'm just thinking "Yeah, these are some pretty good studies, some improvement here, and it's all alright." Right after that awsome Hellboy sketch, man, it was like something in you went off and now you've just been killing it from there. You've got some wonderful mechanical stuff, and your traditional works/designs are damn good. The lines you get with those pens are admirable, they definitely show strength.

Keep it up on the digital front, it's still evident that you're not quite as comfortable with the medium as you are with pens and paper, but as everyone else and I have said, you're making killer progress. You can still put some time into future digital things, clean 'em up, just so they're not so messy. Stuff like blending will come with practice. Loving the stuff, don't stop! :DD

Nice variety of studies and sketches. Nice to look at and helps to stay interested when doing a large volume practice.

hey Archeux, thanks a lot for your comment. Yes i was focusing a lot about my traditionnal sketching skills. Digital stuff needs more time and more effort . thanks!
Ron, thanks for your comment !

Here my August Ipad attempts still life on Procreate. damn it's hard. Completely different drawing from wacom. Not the same sensations :(.
[Image: 9599459858_636c96b2e9_c.jpg]

high def on my Da account
feel free to add me if you are on Da :).

thx for watching

Still lifes and studies are looking good man, keep pushing it

looking good in there, i like the tank on paper a lot very nice! Good still lifes in there and studies :D
keep it up
hey, nice studies
like your perspective feel in a lot of yoursketches
i think you often use to much contrast in your studies
like when you look at that soldier guy with the gun and naked torso
the darks are darker, and the lights are lighter than the ref
still guilty of this myself though hehe

Thank you for the watch over on dA!! Also loving your studies and I look forward to seeing more from you. Lovely sketchbook here by the way... I'm enjoying your progression - keep it up :)

© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 
My first Zbrush hard surfaces studies :p.
i suscribed to Digital tutors. It's probably the best investement i have ever done.

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some junk sketches i have forgot to post.
on the right it's one of the onely one from imagination..
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I don't know how to create art :(..I mean when i want to draw something creative , it looks so lame...How do you guys make original stuff or more creative than studies?


Wooo, man, you're improving fast! This last still life is sick :O

And don't get down on yourself about "not knowing how to create art". As far as I can see, you're doing really, really well. I'm pretty sure every artist thinks his stuff looks much worse than it really does. If it means anything, I'll probably never be as good with color as you are. Just keep your chin up and continue to draw awesome stuff. :)
Really liking your inks. Simplified structure but you can still read form from the contour.
Keep up with the studies, looking forward to see more progress!

"It's necessary to act against yourself or nothing will happen." -Phil Hale
Sketchbook|Go Team!

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