MF's SB.
I rendered some more, then towards the end of the night, I realized that I had a feeling about it that I couldn't shake. Something didn't sit right. I played around with the composition, moving pieces here and there, trying different crops, but nothing felt right. Then I realized it - it's shit, ha. The perspective is fundamentally flawed, and no amount of pushing and pulling is going to fix that. I also would have caught it sooner had I actually not been lazy and did a better line drawing as well as tried to bring the image up as a whole, instead of working one piece at a fucking time. You'd think I'd learn that by now... So I'm gonna call this one a dud, even though not totally a failure. I learned some tricks with color dodge and burn that I hadn't before, so I'll carry that over into the next one.

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I watched "The Road" recently, and something about dad and his son finding the hanging bodies in the barn stuck with me, so I drew some thumbs and different angles/ideas for that scene.

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Real nice thumbs man, they've got a real sense of depth. Good job :). It's a shame that last piece didn't work out, had that happen so many times, sounds like you learnt some stuff though, and that's so much more important. Sure you'll crush the next one as well, keep it coming dude.

JakeB - Thanks, man.

Sketch of a temple-thing with a staircase thing. First time I've used 4pt. perspective "creatively", so yeah. Also a little more line cleanup and a value thumb. Going to take my time with this one, making sure all the steps are "right" before jumping into the final. It might still turn out shit, but at least I made sure to do it the right way.

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Dude, the fact that you scrapped that piece goes in your favour! I really didn't like also it was a really tough perspective and foreshortening problem so it wasn't like you screwed up something easy! Good call mate. :)

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yeah as much as I'd think the idea is cool {since I have something similar} fish eye is very hard to do.more than the perspective I didn't really feel the design of the temple thingy.But it's a very good try.I like the composition of the hangers.

photo study

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sketching while watching some of Peleng's livestream

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I like the mood in this one.Would love to see a more finnished version to it.Also the figure feels a bit offcenter.

Woo! Found you over here as well! Wicked stuff as usual! :)
Thanks, guys!

Sketches tonight. Trying to get better, faster, all that shit.

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Wow. I really like that palette in that last one!

Thanks, Sublimus, I liked it too.

Quick warm up sketch and wip for EOW over at The challenge is to design a pagoda. Everyone seems to be doing traditional pagodas, so I wanted to think about something more sci-fi set.

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Rough WIP for this week's COW over at Design is to do a dragon with a natural camouflaging ability, so I chose a kind of lava/rock type of creature.

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Nice updates going on! On that last dragon watch out for that tricky wing anatomy. I've been looking at bat wings for my dragons (and I think lots of other guys do as well) where the humerus dips down and then the next bones kinda go up then down again. If you google it you'll see what I mean, but I think that would add a cool sense of space to the wingspan instead of the bones following the same curve. I like the palettes and moods of your recent pieces, keep doing your thing man :)

oh man your colors just keep getting better.Keep it up.I really digg the swamp shed thingy.

I totally agree; the wings here were just kinda thrown in for a placement. I'm going to end up redoing the whole thing anyway, since the design isn't unique enough or really following the brief, which was to do a hatchling. Thanks for the comments and crits, guys!

More work on the EOW. Not sure what else to do with it. Also some sketches for the COW.

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Awesome work recently man. Love the EoW so far as well, the way you've suggested the mountains in the bg is especially cool. One thing you could do, if you're looking for things to add, is put some sort of vehicle in the FG on the right? As if it's driving/flying/whatever down the path and into the hangar at the bottom of the pagoda. Might help push the depth a little further, and balance the composition out nicely. You could maybe add some panelling or something to the pagoda as well, to show the scale. Not totally sure how you'd go about doing it, bit out of my wheelhouse, but I'm pretty sure Feng Zhu will have some videos where he covers it. I think the basic idea is include tiny recognisable details (pipes, panels and stuff) because if they look small, then we assume the thing they're on must be massive. Kind of like what you're doing with the figures atm :) Dunno if that helps lol.

Other than that, all looks solid. Keep it coming :)

Wow this latest stuff is just on a whole new level.
Good job and may the force be with you.


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