Rognoll's Sketchbook
Now, this is a good base. Think for a while what you could improve on it ?

TIP - add a bit darker values now, since you aproach your art with very light values, after that compare if it is any better. When you realize it is, go on, add a bit more darker values.
With time you will see values properly as they are in real world and imitate that in your art.

Thanks a lot Matija! I'll try to add more value to it, then post it here. Also, I'll try to color it.

Now, a thing I've been working on [Image: futuro_pasado_boceto_by_dadapan-d6lavl6.png]

The self portrait and Adventure Time fanart came out really good, definitely seeing some level ups happening!
That steam punk piece came out alright as well, there are still a few issues with the pose and anatomical structure, but other than that it's a step forward int he right direction.

Good stuff! :D

I wanted to check out your sketchbook and I have to say that being someone who struggles with coming up with material out of imagination lately I'm impressed by the ideas you have in here. Nice work!

@ Archerux: Thanks, man! Thanks gfor the encouraging, it means a lot :) Yeah, I didn;t see all its mistakes at first, but now I see the whole work needs fixing.

@JonVenske: Really? Cool! I'm flattered! You're a really good artist! Thanks a lot!

Now, another skectch from the same work I've been working one. I've been sort of busy this week :/
[Image: futuro_pasado2_by_dadapan-d6lsm1b.png]

That last sketch is coming along nicely! Cant wait to see it finished. I think you could push values a bit further to focus more on the main point of interest. Frame your interest point with the values =) so far it looks a bit like grey mass. Keep working hard!

Wow the styles you use in your paintings and line work is really something to look at. Really digging the types of works you paint and draw. I see alot of progress between now and when you started this sketchbook. Keep up the great work and thanks for stopping by my sketchbook! :)
(09-11-2013, 06:43 PM)Felidarc Wrote: That last sketch is coming along nicely! Cant wait to see it finished. I think you could push values a bit further to focus more on the main point of interest. Frame your interest point with the values =) so far it looks a bit like grey mass. Keep working hard!

Thank you! I'm working on that right now! It was really helpful :)

(09-12-2013, 06:04 AM)Joe777k7 Wrote: Wow the styles you use in your paintings and line work is really something to look at. Really digging the types of works you paint and draw. I see alot of progress between now and when you started this sketchbook. Keep up the great work and thanks for stopping by my sketchbook! :)

Wow! thanks! :D I'm really glad to hear so, although I have not progressed as much as I had planned. I guess I've got to work harder.
No probs, impressive stuff.

Now, more.
[Image: futuro_pasado3_by_dadapan-d6lxv3q.png]

And now, some more pokemon fanart

[Image: micaela2_by_dadapan-d6lzgic.png]

Heeeey, nice sketchbook you have here mate ;) Try to study some anatomy and do some still lifes. It should help you improve a lot faster. Keep pushing it! Cheers ;3

Yes! Great value range and explosive action!

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Thanks, tyger!
Ramalooke, you're definitely right. I have many basics to learn.

I've been away CD for a while, but now I'm back.

[Image: sorcereress_by_dadapan-d6oml5c.png]

[Image: nicodemus_by_dadapan-d6p389f.png]

What do you guys think? I've been practicing glows.

Wow! I really like your sketchbook! I like the brushes you use, it give you a style that I think is really unique. There's a lot of creativity in your designs! Great job

Thanks, Nika! I actually hate using those chalky bruches though.

Nice colors on the red-head woman. Love the way that warm light influece skin/dress colors.

It's a somewhat solitary existence, a bit like a lighthouse keeper throwing a beam out into the darkness, in faith that this action might help someone unseen.

BombMy Sketchbook (critique welcome)Bomb
Thank you, Kerm, been practicing a lot with lightning.

Now, more of the same: Light

[Image: heruman2_by_dadapan-d6pydkd.png]

And a study of this famous scene, needs a huge lot more of work

[Image: portraying_and_olor_practice_by_dadapan-d6pyevr.png]

[Image: agua_by_dadapan-d6qk4h8.png]

Children illustration

and lapras [Image: lapras_by_dadapan-d6qkx05.png]

Some monsters practice, I've been playing too much pokemon.

These are not fakemon, fakemon are lame. These are just made up creatures.

[Image: rawrs_by_dadapan-d6qonwb.png]

Those are some cool creatures :)
I used to watch Pokemon but stopped because there were too many of them to keep up with :/


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