solid head sculpt, man. And I like the cartoon head sketches. Which Ron Lemen tut are you referring for that exercise?

Thanks dude :).

This one.

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
[Image: c58VI.jpg]

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
Something i'm working on.

[Image: 3cecN.jpg]

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
Nice job on that last portrait, lookin good so far :D

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I'm really liking the warm purples on the portait. She looks like a very serious person.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Awesome stuff! I've never felt as drawn to 3d as 2d but you may have convinced me to dust off a 3d program and start noodling around, it seems like fun and a nice way to study form XD
and the portrait looks super cool so far, can't wait to see it finished!

Love the dives into 3D, and something about one of the tactical pouches on the first post is really pleasingly rendered, not sure why but i really like that one particular part.

Thanks guys, kinda finished on this one as I'm not happy with where it's going,

3d is a great way to study form, but be warned if you step into it, it is a really technical field :).

Oh and yeah pouches are cool.

[Image: VQ0naHz.jpg?1]

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
hey nice control of your brush thats a pretty great portrait.

I think you should practice your hair a bit more. and honestly the way the picture is framed is a little strange.

Like you made almost all of the head, but not the entire thing in frame. Whats to stop you from doing the entire thing in frame really?

Once again great portrait, and kutos on the 3d as well, is that Mudbox?

Workshop enthusiast
Workshop blog
I don't think it's especially necessary that a portrait include the whole head, Toodles. As they're currently composed they have an intimate mood.

I would warn against abusing that blur tool though.
Haha i don't use the blur tool, It's just how i paint. I paint from blurry to hard so if it looks blurry it's because i didn't polish enough. (i've got to stop trying to be zhang lu...).

And yeah i agree there are tons of problems with that portrait, i might come back and try and fix them in the next few days, but the structure is a bit out which is hard to fix :/.

Thanks guys.

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
Cool too see you on here, really cool work man.

(07-03-2013, 06:31 PM)OtherMuzz Wrote: Thanks dude :).

This one.

I'm keeping this one handy :p

The pages are going fast here!
Really nice to see someone plunge into 3D.

Does it help to get a better understanding in the forms?
Hope this can help in something

First: Normal surface

Second: Translucid surface (Skin)

White and black for more color space for each of the colors

Approach......for paint no translucid an translucid surface

Nice stuff man, keep going
Whoa big images Shock. (maybe post them as links instead?)

I'm not entirely sure what you are getting at with them?

Spectre, yep sure helps with the forms, yep yep it does.

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
Experiment trying to break down the forms into something more solid.

[Image: tcZKH.jpg]

EDIT: ok i learnt a bunch out of this... calling this a sketch.

[Image: qaofjQb.jpg?1]

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
Dicking around. Models looking blobby as i haven't tried to do hard surface in zbrush before.

[Image: 0kwpd.jpg]

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
Shitty update but i'm practicing my subD modelling.

[Image: q6dZS.jpg]

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
(07-08-2013, 12:10 PM)OtherMuzz Wrote: Oh and yeah pouches are cool.

That sounds like something rob liefeld would say.Rolling eyes, funny thought

Cool 3d stuff. Is the transition from photoshop painting to 3d very difficult? I've been considering getting into it.


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