Ramblings, delusions & sketches
Lately I feel more like painting colorful things... I wonder why xP

Here's some stuff I did lately + a painting I forgot to post last time. The character is a concept for a story I'm working on. He's just roughed out for now, because I don't really know which direction the story should go yet (or what I will do with it for that matter).

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Quick thingy. Trying what I learned about composition.

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I painted this at a local Starbucks today. The employees there seemed to really like it and their reactions sure made my day better! I'm also getting more comfortable with the surface on the go, but the pen that comes with it still sucks and I keep my bamboo with me too. I wish the surface was more precise and had a softer screen...

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Great works! Lack of delusions! Awesomeness. :Grin:

Keep up this great stuff. Do moar life stuff. Just pump it up! Go for VICTORYYYYY.


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I very much enjoy watching through your sketchbook. I like all the variations on your studies and all of them look great, keep it up and you will get far!

One thing i noticed is that your values seems a bit off, try doing some black and white studies from reference. I´m struggling with that myself but I find that b&W studies have helped a lot:)

@Bookend: Hey! Thanks for encouraging me! Yesss life stuff is awesome! I'll do just that!

@echo: Jup, I should follow your example when it comes to studies. If you happen to see my values getting weird, would you (and others of course too) point that out to me on an example? Because I'm always unsure if it's a value problem I'm dealing with, or an edge problem, or a color problem, or something else entirely. That said, more practice doesn't hurt. Thanks for stopping by :)

Soo, I was out painting for a bit today and I brought back this sketch and a study of an head I did for a piece I'm working on. Next will be the hands of the guy.
On hindsight, the scooter's lights and darks seem to be too muddled for the clear weather I had today, but it was slowly getting dark too, so that might be the problem? Another hint that value studies might be in order.

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Now with more value studies. I's true, I'm really rusty when it comes to values, and I remember that this, as well as the rendering itself was easier to me at some point too. I've been neglecting basic studies too much, it seems.

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Those value studies looks great! I´m gonna give you a tip that I got on conceptart.org some time ago, and that I myself found really helpfull! :)
In some of your studies it seems that you are using a kinda low opacity brush.
When you are doing the studies, try to use bigger, more opaque brushes in the beginning. You know blocky shapes on the bottom and thinner, lighter strokes on top where necessary. It's more efficient and should produce more solid, believable forms.

Keep it up, you gonna do great! :D

Hey man thanks again for that paintover you did for me :).

Nice progress, can't help much but on the topic of values Sycra did a video on a fairly simple but effective excercise for getting better at them, helped me out alot with them.

Keep it coming man

@echo: Actually, that's cause of my favorite custom brush. It's a little blurry and never at 100% opacity, so when I'm too sloppy with blending, it looks like this. I also found that for some imaginative work, it works good for me to layer complementary colors over each other so that they'll show through, so the never-full-opacity works great for this.
I'll try it out in the next life study, seeing as I have problems with getting the colors from life right. Thanks for the advice!

@Triggerpigking: No problem man :). Hey, that seems like a great thing for lunch break or during commute. Nice!

So yeah....My recent fails at color studies :D First is a movie still, second is from a cafe I was at recently. I might simplify the excercise to just colorblocking, so it's about the colors and the composition and not about features or acurate representation or something. I was told recently that I'm taking too many steps at once...
Also some small value sketching and the line drawing for the cafe thing. And some quick old mens faces for a character I might do shortly.

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Slowly, slowly crawling forward. I'm having a bit of rough times right now, but I feel quick sketching keeps me focused and a bit more sane. Most of it is too bad to show though :D

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I have been unwell for quite a while now, but it's time to get back on track. So here's a master study and a speedpaint from am livestream some time ago.

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Two quick anatomy things from reference and imagination, because looking through other peoples sketchbooks reminded me that I don't do them enough. Also a failed attempt at animating a person turning their head.

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Visiting my parents for easter, and doodled on the train today. Not much came out of it though, mostly just pen excercises.

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Small doodle.

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I'm back!
I've been busy with a bunch of things and I have a lot of stuff that I want to upload here for completions sake. Buuut for the time being, this sketch of 2 imagined character heads.

I have been rewatching this demo and thought I'd try it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dgv8ECDh_CM

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Yaaay animation, do more :D
I feel like you needd to practice the skeletal structure of the figure, some weird things going on with chests, necks etc. try to visualize a realistic bone jaw under the skin when you are drawing the connection of the head to the neck.
Keep it up

Lovely work! As mentioned above, you probably want to do more anatomical studies to get a real grasp of form and perspective on the human body (Loomis and Hampton are good for this). Also try to work with higher opacity brushes or even 100% opacity brushes to improve your stroke economy! That way you will really think about where and when you put your brush strokes and everything will look a lot cleaner. Keep it up!

Thank you Eristhe and Gliger for your feedback! It is most welcome :D
I didn't even realise how crappy my sketching of anatomy has become, so I'll keep an eye out on that in the future.
(Sadly I just found that the lifedrawing place I liked to go just started summer break...gnaah)

Today I got quick pose sketches done with a ballpoint pen, which works surprisingly well for me when sketching. Also, some sketches from imagination on an idle sunday in a nearby coffee shop. Then an architecture study that has been giving me headaches. And lastly an older still life that I don't think I've posted yet, although abandoned for quite a while now  :)

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nothing much to say atm but your on the right track, just keep putting in those hours!

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