Great updates man! Love all those still lifes you did. Kinda reminds me I didn't do any for a while. Try paying more attention to proportions. You'll avoid to small/big head issue. Something I've struggled with. Side of that. I love how much you improved. Great job!

Thanks for visiting Ramalooke

Day 7: 3h done

Day 8: 4.5h done

Rode 30km on bicycle today, took longer than I expected and wore me out good, but its good to have those marathons every once in a while. Ill try to catch up on the next 2 days.
Designed a shield and tried to design armor around it.

(07-15-2013, 04:18 PM)crackedskull Wrote: Izzual- Thanks I quess going over Loomis again wont hurt.
In general I'll go back to hitting the books again. When I got the tablet I neglected them, but funtimes over. (Not that studying from books isnt fun, but I prefer ref studies and such)

Since everything goes, worst or best ill go ahead and upload this load of crap! Everything is wrong about it and its the worst piece I've done in days. Yet another glaring reason to return to dem hot E-books.

Moving on to some studies.

First off this apple that took me 30 mi- I mean two and a half hours! From value study to simplifying from the original image (that had a really complex pattern) to coloring.

Frank Frazetta study. I gotta say studying a masters piece really opens up how great they are and makes you appreciate them that much more.

And to top it of Gestures 3

Thats about it for today.

Woah. Ninja! :O
Awesome SB btw. Keep it up!

Thanks Nestergen

Day 9: 6h done
Day 10: 3.5h done

Total score: 51.5/60h done

Seeing this
made me kind of unmotivated and stressed out, my thoughts became nihilistic(lets just leave it at that).

This has happened to me before aswell, I just tend to mull over certain issues and news and the worst case outcomes they bring. Good thing is I figure out what I do when it hits and accept the circumstances. Bad thing, its a depressing train of thoughts. I've seen a lot of depressing news on the internet and it does get me down, however recovering from the fallback makes me mentally stronger and more knowledgeable.

Recently checked out the first pages of my SB and got reminded of the extatic feeling I had when I did my first digital paintings. Due to a cognitive bias I tend to forget the feelings caused by various hardships in the past. I know that when I was starting out it there was a lot of frustration, but there really were moments where I felt really happy. Ive forgotten the feeling of the stressful parts, but retained the good feelings when I recall the memories.

Gonna try again, Im also making some small adjustments.
Tomorrow is organizing day. I'll organize my references, make general plans for the next goal and search for more references for ongoing illustrations. I'll also do 3h of art to keep some kind of momentum going.
After that Im gonna try to do 60h in 10 days again.
Also I will disconnect from the internet while Im drawing from now on, another small improvement I'll apply is placing my phone a couple of meters away, since I still tend to browse internet from there when my computer isnt connected.

I'm confident that a big enough shitstorm will arise and the laws won't pass.

You're really going all the way on this though. Best of luck.
I have to say, the determination that your schedule and the way you try to set up a distraction-free environment for you to work in is mighty inspiring. I feel like drawing up a detaild plan for my next project now.

That aside, I really like how you apply what you learned about perspective and anatomy. It shows that you have been putting in the hours. Way to go!

Hey Cracked how´s it going? Hope you doing well.

I really like your "old man in the garden" thing. I can see something in there.
Maybe you should focus more on "structure". Im no master of anatomy but I know it helped me going to a live drawing class. Im still going every week twice. If you don't have the possibility maybe just check out those youtube channels and practice an home brother.

Try to start drawing the human figure with the "bean (proko". Nail the gesture first but be aware of the structure ( so 7,5 head´s high....[3,5 =upper body 4= lower body] where the arms stop ...where The connecting points are etc...

Also for your faces download Andrew Loomis PDF and try to draw/(construct faces every day
I did the same just copy the first 2-3 pages of the PDF...than Draw one single sketchbook page full with faces just from mid.. To get kinda rotation in it. Do this everyday...draw People everywhere don't have to be perfect just practice capturing the gesture/structure... If you manage this the rest will come...

I really like you painting a lot. I wish I would be this way but I need to understand something perfectly before painting stuff. :)

So keep it up buddy !!! Don flinch just believe and have fun !!!

Thanks Vornag
Good to know Baoto, appreciate the visit
Thank you for the crits and resources Janos

Day 1: 6h done
Day 2: 5.5h done

damn that last update is a kicker.
youre imagination sketches are getting better and better.
how do you come up with the concepts? do you prepare and research alot before committing to one?
or you just sketch and go through with that?

im gonna crit that ghoul thingy with the dude holding on the rope for dear life,
Knees would be good to study from, also the rope needs to feel more cylindrical , i know its a sketch , but its good to treat every piece like its our final right?
either way feel free to ignore a noob like me

Hello there! :D
Sry it's been a while. Saw your updated red cape dude, nice work though I don't see the purpose of the cyan rimlight ;P

But whoa there were some bigger updays since then! A mMulling and the pope/king sketch is great! :O
A great plus on the perspective sketches but I would wait with the extremes. Try to do something easier. Search for easy perspective fotos and do linearts from them. that way you will force yourself to find the perspective points and reverste ingineer the scene... learning the perspective rules that way.

And noooow to the pirate guy cuddling the rope <3
Thething is that he has no real reason to clinge to the rope, the skeletton is just cuddling his head, he is not pulling it backwards... do that, create the tension by letting him pull the pirate guy back over the reiling. that way the poor guy really HAS a reason to clinge to the rope.

Aside from that I love the colors in the desert piece :D

Aaah, always nice to see the amount of work you’re putting in man! Keep it up! Never let news, external circumstances drag you down and keep you from doing art… whatever is happening, even if it’s depressing, just keep pushing… your future you will thank you for it. (But that said, if you need time off - that’s ok too every now and then).

One thing I’ve noticed in your latest update - mind your edges! They tend to be either extremely crisp, or a bit soft - probably depending on what techniques/tools you’re using. Edges (and values) can lead/catch our attention though, so a very crisp edge in a place that’s not an important area in your image might just be a distraction. So maybe soften some of the lasso-crisp edges a bit in areas that aren’t too important (I’m looking at the tree-desert-environment). Same goes for values - put your strongest value contrast where you want us to look - and always check your paintings in black and white to see if they’re still reading :)

Keep it up!

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
I took a break.

Kurt- Thanks for the critiques. As for concepts, I mostly start doing random sketches, but sometimes I try other ways, its all about finding a way that suits you.

Hey Nowio :)
Smrr paintover had one so I added one to mine aswell, I quess the purpose of it was to accentuate the shilouette. Pope guy was fun to do. I dont find perspective that hard, its just setting vanishing points up and drawing lines from then, if need be I can use the division method to keep the proportions constant. Hard way is to do it from head(like kim jung gi). I find that critique quite helpful, thank you.

Lyrona- External circumstances have always been my kriptonite. Thanks for the crit.

Starting tomorrow I will do 5-6 hours a day of work for 10 days. Also I will set and follow some rules. If I fail them then the days worth of work doesnt count towards the goal.
*Start after breakfast
*No Internet when working

Among some studies I started working on a new character.

Feels good.

Setting up the basis for design lineart.

Lo0o0omis face variety study.

Environment sketches

Forgot to put hours yesterday, it was 5h
Today I managed 3h



I'm contemplating redoing the face from scratch

It's been a while, man, but everything's looking great! Keep up the awesome work, as always.

Thank you Frenik.

I went on a short vacation on a nearby island. The journey was enriching, nature felt different and more grown, beaches were fun to walk on. There was also plenty of old manors and churches to visit. The whole island is sort of a tourist spot so there were many beautiful houses.

Heres some sketches I did while travelling, I only got to lay in the general structure on a couple of occasions rest of it was from memory, furnished some sketches today aswell.

Digital work from today

Starting tomorrow I will start the 50 hour goal. Deadline is 21st of August.

Same rules apply as before.
*Start after breakfast
*No Internet when working

Day 1- 5h done


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