Late night sketching with TonariNoPunpun!
Really beautiful portrait! You have a very good feel for the form.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Thanks for stopping by in my SB, I really like your work and if you are frustrated sometimes just go on, no failed drawing is wasted time, you always learn something. Also if you want to improve your colors try still lifes, I ve never tried it but they are on my list. Keep it up!

-Thanks matt, will do!
-Thanks a lot Tygerson, but it still bugs me a lot...
-blu01, will keep it in mind, though I actually started a still life (but never finished, as everything), hope you do one too, thanks for the encouragement!

So yeah guys, I knew this day would come, but I have to be strong...vacation is officialy over...
But well, nothing more therapeutic than doing art, I guess:

whatever became of that WIP:

totoro is from ref, all else from imagination ( also the study is from ref...its by its side haha)
Time will be scarce now...but I will try my best

your sketches are so much fun to look through! I like how you snuck in a totoro sketch too (soo cute)!

-Thanks Marjorie! It was from reference though(the bus stop scene)

Small update:
a wip and...
...Clint Eastwood (?!?) done during english class at school (photo from the textbook haha, had to keep hiding the paper from my teacher)

Not having much time for drawing... 1 to 2 hours everyday at most

haha sweet nice clint eastwood sketch! keep up the awesome work! ^_^

-Thanks Marjorie, you too!

Well, after a week trying to paint that WIP in color, it failed badly, so I did a small grayscale thing today:

The face sucks too much and I cant fix it...time to study i guess
And a study at the shopping mall, was fun:

Sketches at grandmas house:

Finally finished this one! (at least I think its done)

Hey guys, sorry for the absence, only have another wip for now, school is tight...

Hey nice people of CD!
Been a slow week, lots of tests at school
But here is some stuff:

As always, crits are welcome!

Thanks for the comment! I think you draw really interesting mechs, I'd love to see more of those!

You have really cool sketchbook and you adress all things you should practice. Just keep this study routine, remember to apply those what you have learned and you'll be fine. Cheers =3

those sweet skin tones! those last sketches are looking goo too.
And what ramalooke says, just practice like crazy everyday! you are about to level up!

Damn that last portrait is cool, great sense of form.

Really like what you did with that last portrait, very cool!
and sketches are all looking good, would love to see more stuff from you :)

-Samszym: haha thanks, i enjoy doing then so maybe I will do some more
-ramalooke: Thanks a lot man, cheers!
-EduardoGaray: thanks a lot man, but I still need a lot of XP haha
-Triggerpigking:thanks man!
-DanBK: thanks haha, will try to post more
Oh man, 2 weeks since the last update, internet was down for a week, but then I got lazy...
Been reworking some wips:
Sketch (I like it better XD):


Found in math notes:

On the school desk (i used to do a lot of sketches on the desk haha, here are some from last year:

A wild sketchbook page appears! top right is from ref:

More work on that portrait:

Tried to use levels in photoshop:

New wip! I guess...

Yeah, I know, no studies, will fix that tomorrow I promise...

punpun keep it up! soo many awesome sketches!
i really am loving the last one you posted. its looking bea~u~tiful!!

Nice update again ;) Keep'em comming <3

Thanks a lot Marjorie and ramalooke! You guys are so nice...

So...test week happened (ended yesterday). But I survived! And now i´m freeeeeee!!! for sometime

Most things are from the week before:

-Crazy sketches on the desk

-Gestures with ink (G-Pen haha, from the manga days)

-Digital gestures

-Quick color study (under 30 min)

-Quick color study that got carried on a bit (50 min)

-Worked on it a bit more, but that´s it for this one (i just can´t seem to finish stuff yet...oh well)

-Quick sketch from today (not too happy with this one, but was only 30 min so its ok)

-Sketchbook pages (no studies this time)

-Pencil study

-First time using charcoal, its hard to control it, but quite fun (plus update on the pencil one)

-Life sketch

Phewww...oh, my "travel" (intended as time waiting for lessons to start, breaks, and all that haha) sketchbook passed away...

Hey guys! Felt like I should paint more (need more practice), so today was all digital!

Quick (30 min)

Longer!(5-6 hours already)

Probably the new wip and funny sketch!

So many awesome people here...its hard keeping up with you guys! But keep going everyone, wiil try my best!
Take care

Just droping some stuff from today:

-hands, gotta do more (the ones on the right are from imagination)

-Quick color of from Ross Tran (forgive the accuracy, 30 min)

-Had some more fun with the doodle haha


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