Darktiste Sketchbook
(03-02-2019, 06:57 AM)darktiste Wrote:
(03-01-2019, 06:52 PM)Hobitt Wrote: Cool stuff, but i don't see you applying it to personal pieces, why?

I am currently in the theoric and study part a costume&weapon design course.This will lead toward personal piece later on.

It doesen't really work that way in art , think about it like training muscles right now your creative muscle is not being worked at all, if you think you will finish some studies and then be able to do good pieces, thats not the case all these things should be worked at simultaneously.I assume you got into art to do something you wanted ( i assume costume design) then do that studies are good but without application its a waste of time, trust me this is coming from someone who wasted several years doing the same thing and getting nothing out of it, don't make the same mistake.

(03-02-2019, 06:53 PM)Hobitt Wrote:
(03-02-2019, 06:57 AM)darktiste Wrote:
(03-01-2019, 06:52 PM)Hobitt Wrote: Cool stuff, but i don't see you applying it to personal pieces, why?

I am currently in the theoric and study part a costume&weapon design course.This will lead toward personal piece later on.

It doesen't really work that way in art , think about it like training muscles right now your creative muscle is not being worked at all, if you think you will finish some studies and then be able to do good pieces, thats not the case all these things should be worked at simultaneously.I assume you got into art to do something you wanted ( i assume costume design) then do that studies are good but without application its a waste of time, trust me this is coming from someone who wasted several years doing the same thing and getting nothing out of it, don't make the same mistake.

I cannot say what you did exactly wrong but i would guess you did to many study without enough personal work.I personally can't say for a fact if i am repeating those seem error.I know that i am not aim at copying aimlessly and that i might need more personal work to reflect that i do actually transfer those knowledge.I will definitevely try to show that i do transfer those knowledge into personal work.The problem with study is that you can get stuck in what i would call a copying mode were you stop being creative and in this mode you try to absord information but you can't retain the information because you don't inject what you learn into your own work.

My method is to generally do a few study to gain confidence that i understand the principle and then inject those principle into my own work.Correct me if i am wrong but a good ''art loop'' would be theory//study//personal work/getting feed back i think that a winning process.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Well right now for the last few pages i don't see any personal work at all,all i see are very low effort studies,and at this point i have to ask, do you even enjoy doing these? because clearly if you did you would put more effort into them ,youve been sitting in a comfort zone for a very long time doing stuff that is completely useless to your development as a artist, and if your goal is to get a job doing art then you are a long way off because no one cares for this stuff people want to see illustrations and ideas ( as many people told you a hundred times before), you should do personal pieces where you put 100% of the effort into them since thats the goal, studies are secondary to that.Look at Fedodikas latest painting with help from other users he pushed himself a lot and got great results, that should be the goal to do things you feel you are not good at.And you know this yourself as you sed "My method is to generally do a few study to gain confidence that i understand the principle and then inject those principle into my own work" but the thing is you aren't doing this there are no personal pieces in your sketchbook, focus less on "methods" and more on doing things you actually want to do, art is not rocket science the more you do of something the better you will get at it.
So it is up to you, you can keep making lame excuses like you did for a long time now or you can take the matter into your own hands and start actually improving and start reaching for your dreams and goals,by doing what you actually enjoy.

Hey man, i don´t have much more to say, you have already received loads of solid gold advice, i would but throw my 2 cents ( if it helps).

Perharps i´m perceiving wrongly, but i sense that you are procrastinating with secondary studies; textures, specific materials renders. Those studies on themselves are nice endeavors however, they´re not tackling the fundamentals, the core; anatomy, composition, perspective, shape.

I see a lot of personality and heart into your first couple of 10/12 pages of this sketchbook.
The last pages are studies that are not helping you but burning your time.

A suggestion, as Glen Keane said, to make a good drawing you need to make 1000 bad drawings. Do not be afraid to fail, this forum is also a cool place to post our failings so we can get critiques and have quicker progress.

I did a quick luce drawover of one of your designs i really did like, and how you should post character designs. Nail those fundamentals and your designs will rock ( you have good designer eyes for character design)


Thank you for the honest kick in the ass.

Posing in on my list of thing to do in the future since i know i am extremely weak in gesture.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Weapon Design project aim to take place in a primitive world.The design are inspired by the stone age period.

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Make sure to do a finished illustration as well.

Finish the first part of my Primitive weapon series
Here the 3 final blunt weapon.

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Hey here is a paintover if you don't mind. Right now your paintings feel formless, mostly because it seems you are relying too much on textures and the lasso tool, right now you want to focus on basic forms spheres cubes cylinders etc.
In the paintover you can see how i did a drawing of basic forms and a shaded cube to help me figure out the direction of the light source and and how the shadows will look like, always think of light and form.If you want read something about this i recommend drawing lessons from the great masters by Robert Beverly Hale. Also you may benefit from studying some perspective drawing, perspective drawing by Rex Vicat Cole has more or less all the info and since its old its free! https://archive.org/details/cu31924020581041/page/n6 so you may want to practice that as well, and some shading on basic forms. I would like to see you repaint these with more emphasis on form and drawing with no textures or lassos at a high resolution.

I feel you i really felt like it was coming out flat but i had set myself a dead line and push as i could to meet it.Also after i looked at my lighting i kinda fail to keep it consistent because the cast shadow imply there 2 light source but i initially was setting the light to be facing the object.Also i could have presented the weapon in a much less static way like you did by showing more of the volume rather than showing them at eye level.I am satisfy with my result but i see that i can improve them also.I think i also did miss a few of the cast shadow that could have gave it more form.I also understand that i could save more time by rendering less and work more of the form and still get a more balance result.

I will be work on my other 6 thumbnail and i will try to keep those thing in mind.

Also i don't understand why the lasso would flatten anything would you care to elaborate on that?

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
"i had set myself a dead line and push as i could to meet it." why? right now your priority should be quality above everything else, push yourself with each thing you do thats the best way to improve.

"I am satisfy with my result but i see that i can improve them also" If you see a mistake or something you can improve never ever leave that mistake

"Also i don't understand why the lasso would flatten anything would you care to elaborate on that? "
Its mostly has to do with edges the lasso leaves hard edges all around it looks unnatural

I really think you should slow down and repaint this one until you are 100% happy with how it looks.Without any tools just a basic round brush, also you may want to check out ctr+paint videos to help you with some stuff.

Please don't give yourself excuses to half ass a bunch of drawing really try to do your best with each one if you want to improve that is, if you don't just keep pumping out stuff that is full of mistakes and build bad habits.


I really like your material study, I think most of them are on point. The golden fur and metal box looks real good .
For your primitive weapons, I think the texture look good. I agree with Hobitt, more defined form would help sell the package.
I think i am a bit late for some fan art but the idea has been on my mind since the movie alita as hit the cinema.For those who don't know alita is adapted from this manga i am lucky that i own the big cover version that as extra content at the end(So a manga + a concept art book).I might or might not do some fan art.I feel like there so much thing i could do beside fan art.But maybe if i see some people are interested i will make some time to do some.

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Quote:`But maybe if i see some people are interested i will make some time to do some. `

Dude if you want to do something do it Shock

draw whatchu wanna draw

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Those drawing are mainly done so that i can know where i am at in term of rendering and process as well as testing how well i do when i have a deadline.

Here is a trio of primitive throwing weapon.

This time i throw in an other background see if it was the paper texture that creating a flattening effect.
This time i didn't throw in a cast shadow to avoid relying on the shadow create a sense of volume.

This time i spent more time thinking about the light on the object itself.Without trying to rely on perspective to try to show form.

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Quote:Those drawing are mainly done so that i can know where i am at in term of rendering and process as well as testing how well i do when i have a deadline.

What about drawing simply for the fun of it? I mean sure it's always good to see where you're at and everything, but it's important to enjoy drawing and enjoy the subject you're drawing.

To quote the wise words of Fed: 'draw whatchu wanna draw'

Just have fun with it man.
(03-13-2019, 10:18 AM)chubby_cat Wrote:
Quote:Those drawing are mainly done so that i can know where i am at in term of rendering and process as well as testing how well i do when i have a deadline.

What about drawing simply for the fun of it? I mean sure it's always good to see where you're at and everything, but it's important to enjoy drawing and enjoy the subject you're drawing.

To quote the wise words of Fed: 'draw whatchu wanna draw'

Just have fun with it man.

It can hard to be able to balance fun and discipline when you try to get some gain you sometime forget why you started in the first place.Art is definitivly not just pretty picture there as to be space for fun to explore and sometime to find inspiration in someone else work.
You didin't redo the previous one as i recommended and did not apply the advice i gave you, but i have another paintover.

You drawings still lack form, i really think you could benefit from some perspective drawing , look up scott robertsons stuff if you want to get into that, the painting on the right was done with 3 flat values you don't need texture to show form.I still recommend that you repaint some of these applying the advice.

(03-13-2019, 07:02 PM)Hobitt Wrote: You didin't redo the previous one as i recommended and did not apply the advice i gave you, but i have another paintover.

You drawings still lack form, i really think you could benefit from some perspective drawing , look up scott robertsons stuff if you want to get into that, the painting on the right was done with 3 flat values you don't need texture to show form.I still recommend that you repaint some of these applying the advice.
The problem is i actually did follow your advice maybe not from A to Z but i tried to improve my lighting consistency.Since i think form isn't my biggest problem i choose to focus on lightning inconsistency problem first.

My light is directly above the object in this piece no from the top left but now that i take look at it again my highlight on the wood should be darker or else it imply that the light source coming more from front than from above.

I definitively know that light and shadow isn't my strongest fundamental.I think my problem is that i should indicate as you did with an arrow from where the light it coming from so i can check if it stay consistent.

I think you also have a fair point about form but i think you discard the idea that rock can also be rounded or rather flat.I seen in your sketchbook how you do your own weapon design it really 3d line i think that why you insist i follow your example.

I think the next step is to ignore the rendering as you suggest and to focus on simple value and light.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.

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