Forrest's Sketchbook of Wondercanes and Dreamsicles.
Thanks Warburton :)

I didn't get around to what I wanted to do today but I will certainly kick my own ass for it tomorrow. Streaming tomorrow at 3:50 pm pst. Be there or be dead to me forever. :D

Just some doodles

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Dragon Ball stuff makes me feel warm inside ;333


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It makes me feel warm too ramalooke ;)

Hand studies for today :) Really want to nail it when it comes to drawing hands and so I want to crack down on studies for them. Hopefully I'll finish this book cover commission I've been working on lately by tomorrow so I can show something other then boring studies.

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imagination stuff is looking strong sir :) hogarth would be prourd ;D
You defs have an awesome body of work here man :) this sketchbook deserves more love <3
we should study together through skype , maybe ill absorb some of your work ethic

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Thanks Yarrnick :)

Ben Ha thanks man xD And I'd totally be down for studyin over skype. I don't think I have you added, my profile on it is "forrest.imel" So add me fool!

Finished commission at the top, a couple studies, and my valentines day present for my lovely girlfriend :)

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some studies, a WIP of my ArtOrder submission for this months challenge and my new study/work schedule I'm going to try hard to keep up.

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First day of my new schedule. It's kind of stupid for me to start it today since tomorrow I'm going to be gone all day at a comic-con in Portland xD I'll have to get right back to it on sunday then. For now here is the study I worked on today. I started this awhile back but never finished it. Now I want to do one of these every week.

P.S. Yes I know his head is too tiny :P

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Here's figures from today, I also started the loomis book figure drawing for all it's worth from the beginning. I read for about an hour before working on the figures below and only had time for one sketch from the book but next week I'll have more time to draw and less to read :P

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Another day another study... or two... yeah.

I added more to my Hogarth study page and did some visual memory studies of hands and then on the right of that page did some from my imagination to apply all that I learned :) Tomorrow is my walk to Starbucks to sketch which I'm psyched about and then streaming later in the day ;)

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Studies from today, tomorrow I'll post up more and possibly a couple finished commissions if I finish them up.

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nice work dude :) i have your skype already but youre never online

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Nice studies Forrest, I need to catch up with you xD

Thanks David ;)

I didn't quite finish the female portrait I was supposed to do today. It was of Emma Stone and I just really wanted to get this dragon world painting finished :P I think I'm calling it finished unless I hear any really strong critique on it that I'd be able to change without messing it up ha. Also a finished commission for Alluria Publishing.

I've decided to start doing little journal entries on my blog that sort of summarize my day and I'll talk about things I've learned that day and stuff so if you're interested pop on by :)

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This last illustration looks cool)


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