Elaeis's sketchbook
hey there! if you're following my blog, the address has changed, easier to remember :p !


some stuff from this week:

the end for this one :)

trying out a new technique after seeing safadi's videos

anatomy! btw this book is great:[link]


hey there! here's this week stuff!

portrait of a friend of mine who agreed to pose; 1h30 from life, 4 hours from photo

and studizzz:


studies of the week!

here are this week studies and sketches; I tend to do more illustration stuff so this week I wanted to concentrate on design (so hard -_-); here's some chara dev and... yeah the start of an illustration :p

[Image: -.jpg]
some thumbs and development

[Image: 20140203_StorkDev.jpg]
two of the most advanced version; final chara will be the left one (pitch: She is the Princess of the Stork House, destined to hunt for demon frogs... Ultimate prize being the King frog.)

here's some dev on the frog:
[Image: IMG_059.jpg]

detail from the illu:
[Image: 20140205_frogAndPrincessTease.jpg]

aand some studies and sketches:

[Image: 20140203_vikingsStudy.jpg]

[Image: IMG_056.jpg]

[Image: IMG_061.jpg]

[Image: IMG_063.jpg]


Solid lines! Awesome works! :D

Awesome stuffs! My favorite though is those stylized faces you got going in your latest post, super sick. Can't wait to see more :D !

hey guys! thanks Brobossa and Imskeptical!

I've been feeling a little down this week; always nice to read you comments :)

here's an illustration I've worked on this week, still wip:

[Image: 20140214_frogAndPrincess.jpg]
a bit too compressed sorry :/

[Image: 20140211_Simon.jpg]
little portrait of the week

[Image: 20140213_lizardStudy.jpg]


Wow! Just wow! I love your choice of colors and your brushstroke! Great stuff! Keep it up!
Man, the lizard sketch and the portrait are killing it.. The illustration is nice too, though something might be missing.. how about something in the extreme foreground? Maybe a bit of voyeur-like feeling?... :)

mat04art, Kaffer, thank you guys!!
Kaffer Thank you for your crit, I see what you mean :) I'm posing that illustration for now since I'm engaged on an online course atm, maybe I'll pick it up after that!

here's this week studies, and one of the maps I made for Sean Murray's world building seminar (first week)

[Image: 20140218_beachStudy.jpg]

[Image: 20140222_horseStudy.jpg]
because of all thoses horses on facebook haha

[Image: 20140217_arms-studies.jpg]

[Image: 20140219_WBmapCityCleanSmall.jpg]
(it's an apposition of life and death, but I didn't wanted to go towards the "bad guys/good guys"; they just have very opposite cultures and that's what I want to develop) more on that later!


Here's some studies from this week:

[Image: smilingJanitor.jpg]

[Image: mouths.jpg]

[Image: 20140227_lava.jpg]

[Image: charStuff.jpg]

[Image: IMG_072.jpg]

been working on some architecture design stuff but they're not finalized yet, so see you next week!

great sketchbook, nice to look at! Love the sketches from #50, the line is so clear and precise!

Thanks Madzia! I'm getting used to the cintiq, it sliiiides so well :D

hey hey!

this week, some flora and fauna research, as well as architecture research, not really my strong suit but it was fun :) I look forward to the end of the seminar so I can spend some more time on all this!

[Image: faunaAdvancedClean.jpg]

[Image: floraAdvancedClean.jpg]

[Image: Final.jpg]
wip for the final flora/fauna illustration

[Image: 20140228_door.jpg]

[Image: 20140228_door2.jpg]

[Image: 20140228_temple3.jpg]

[Image: 20140301_templeLife.jpg]

[Image: 20140307_portraitThingy.jpg]
and a comp test thingy :)


new stuff from this week

[Image: 20140311_plains.png]

[Image: DeathPeopleFinal2.jpg]

[Image: lifePeopleFinal2.jpg]
chara designs for a personal project

[Image: Final.jpg]
sketch with some of last week's creatures

[Image: IMG_080.jpg]
sketchin' in Brussels like the cool kids

that's it!


Beautiful work! You are really getting shape and form to bend to your will. And the wildlife painting, I like where its going :)

Thank you Eraiasu!!

now a JL Gérome study between assignments reviews :)

[Image: jlGeromeStudy.jpg]


Hey there!

I made a new character :

[Image: 20140410_nobleOniruneLines2.png]
"Barefoot" Bogama, the noble merchant

now on to a new environment!


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