René Aigner's Sketchbook
Thanks buxu! You've got a good eye, what you've spotted is some lack of coherence in detail between painted areas and areas that have been photobashed to some extent. Should have overpainted more in the BG... Thanks in any case!

Thanks Suira!

Was itching to do a bit of linework again for a change, so here's a random scifi ship design:

[Image: stud_0914_02.jpg]

[Image: stud_0914_03.jpg]

Rene, i am trying to learn environments and i'd like to ask you what do you think is the most efficient way to practice them? the same with anything else? just do a study, apply from memory?

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
If possible, paint from life. Draw from life. Paint "virtual plein air" (basically studies from photos), "google views" is a good resource for that. That combined with an understanding of perspective will start you off nicely for enviros.Book recommodation: Color and Light by Gurney.


I've been experimenting with workflows for "polished" hard surface designs/illustration. What I used here was some rudimentary hard surface modeling in Z-Brush, then I added a generous layer of kitbashing and lots of overpainting in PS.

[Image: stud_0914_04.jpg]

[Image: stud_0914_05.jpg]

[Image: stud_0914_05b.jpg]

Beautiful. Love all the subtle color variations in the skin... and those eyes are really mesmerizing!

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
Thanks Lyraina!

I've been buried in work... finally got some time to do a study. Been way to long.

[Image: stud_0914_06.jpg]

ref from

Lovely stuff man! I think it would be cool to see a bit more simplification in parts, I've noticed that a lot of your work has a similar level of detail throughout. Some simplified "rest areas" would really help contrast all of the detail of your focal points. For example, I think in that last study each area has a fairly wide range of value and if you constrain that to the house and simplify the trees the overall thumbnail would have more impact. For the sci-fi ship too, a less detailed plating over the main body could have a nice contrast with the complex engines.

Thanks a lot devin, you're right! Particularily about the foliage. I find it hard to maintain a good balance between detail and simplification with foliage... Need to do a few master studies. I've always admired Boug's foliage.

finally some work without an NDA to show:

[Image: soundpacks1.jpg]

Enjoyed painting this landscape very much. I even quite like the result, which is very rare for me.

[Image: stud_1014_01.jpg]

[Image: stud_1014_01b.jpg]

[Image: elves.jpg]

Goddamit, the stones are magic!

Thanks! ;)

A lifepainting before I'm off to bed:

[Image: stud_1014_02.jpg]

[Image: stud_1014_02b.jpg]

[Image: medieval.jpg][/align]

How much time does it take you to get an enviro like this done, if you don't mind me asking? Looks really detailed and impressive. :o

Thanks denikina! The last one took around 7 hours in total.

Been doing lots of ultra-detailed stuff for work, so I wanted to do something more painterly for a change.
[Image: stud_1014_03.jpg]
[Image: stud_1014_03b.jpg]
and a detail:
[Image: stud_1014_03c.jpg]

painted from life:
[Image: stud_1014_04.jpg]

painted from life:

[Image: stud_1014_05.jpg]

[Image: stud_1014_06.jpg]

[Image: stud_1014_06b.jpg]

[Image: stud_1014_06c.jpg]


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