Meat House
Wow! Your oils are awesome! I love that colors pretty much! Keep it up!

Marla: I tried to do some quick(er) gesture drawings like you suggested, from video clips online. Looks like I have some problem letting go and just do gestures. That uncertain fighter is actually an AU version of Princess Anna of Arendelle.

ramalooke: Thanks man! They're kind of a rare thing since it's a lot of preparation, but I'd like to do them more...

iamorim: Just do it! Use whatever paper, whatever pen/pencil, it don't matter! If you get self-conscious with people staring, put on earphone and music, and sunglasses, and block them out. It's hard at first, but you gotta keep pushing it, and it'll become fun because later on you can remember what you were thinking or hearing or seeing when you doodled that thing.

anarlie: Thanks! Good job with your studies too! Makes me want to do them as well.
Been trying to get through this modelling tutorial for 3ds Max, but am crawling so slowly for days now. Only got this much so far:

Also been doing armor-related drawings from books, and rather blurry Youtube videos of armor people in either re-enactment, or full contact Battle of Nations. They're nice unwinding practice before bed, or just good excuse to NOT do the modelling tutorial...

Some obvious recycling of used pages going on here... trying to make this thin notebook last. I like this thin, soft book better than the rigid, wire-bound ones nowadays because it can be curled up and shoved into pockets of jacket/cargo pants to take to go.

If u want to do them, than do them!)
Nice plates! And max study looks not simple, definately for me;)

Thank you for stopping by my sketchbook!!!

I really dig your traditional paintings, the colours are great, especially the one with the blossoms. Also like the armor drawings and how you paid attention to the small details! The airport people look good as well! I always find it very hard to do such quick drawings of people when I'm sitting around somewhere, for me they always move too fast @_@


3ds max, woo! That looks interesting, looking forward to where you're going to take that.

Cool motion studies. Should do some of those too. Do you pause the video to do the sketches or just watch and draw along at the same time?

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Every feedback is appreciated!
anarlie: So many things I want to draw, so little time! My list of I-wish-to-draw has already been backed up by almost 2 weeks!

Cyprinus: Thanks bud! Yeah I really like sculptural details even though they can only exist in studies when time isn't of any essence. A lot of my any-where people drawings are just indecipherable line fragments that you never see because of exactly what you said. I'd say just draw them anyway, then draw right over the scraps for the practice. One day we'll all be eagle fast and accurate to snatch gestures out of any fleeing pedestrians.

Lyraina: The video goes to fast, I had to pause them to get the pose, and how armor looks on a body in that pose, doing things, etc.

Didn't want to reply with text only, but only managed 1 sketch today. ... that is a very squished head. Should've measured it.

There's gotta be a more efficient way than smoothing everything, then going back to add edge loops everywhere... yes?

....There _has_ to be a more time efficient way than smooth all, then going back to add edge loops every damn corners for hard surface... please tell me yes...

I have the same trouble with wish-to-draw-list.
About edge loops you can split polys into 2 close to the corner, which gives you nice smooth corner but maybe it is faster. Just saw some guys did stuff like that with this method.

Oh god, 3D work *Runs away because he is out of his depth to crit anything*

Doing the motion studies is a great way to study people in motion (I did it ages ago with assassins creed trailers, you should give them a shot since they are 1080p and pretty accurate) other than that, maybe look up some go pro footage on the website, they have really high res vids of people doing random stuff, sometimes it looks like it would be fun to draw.

Keep on keeping on man, looking forward to more!

(01-26-2014, 12:28 AM)anarlie Wrote: I have the same trouble with wish-to-draw-list.
About edge loops you can split polys into 2 close to the corner, which gives you nice smooth corner but maybe it is faster. Just saw some guys did stuff like that with this method.

Wait, can you elaborate? This is the first time I'm using 3ds Max. Is Split Poly a function somewhere?

Oh, I haven't done anything in Max for ages. As far as I remember it must be editable poly or edit poly modifier has something like that. Here I've found editable poly context menu picture, there are burrons like slice, I think you should seek somewhere in that area.
The second way. you can probably extrude an edge poly a little and then drag polys to the place you need, it also will give you extra polys...
Hope it helps, but I'm not superpro in 3d.
Do you use any tutorial for that or on your own?

(01-26-2014, 09:43 PM)anarlie Wrote: Oh, I haven't done anything in Max for ages. As far as I remember it must be editable poly or edit poly modifier has something like that. Here I've found editable poly context menu picture, there are burrons like slice, I think you should seek somewhere in that area.
The second way. you can probably extrude an edge poly a little and then drag polys to the place you need, it also will give you extra polys...
Hope it helps, but I'm not superpro in 3d.
Do you use any tutorial for that or on your own?

Thanks anarlie! I'm following an Intro to 3ds tutorial on Digital Tutor for this. They're good for getting to know a new software.

Not much this week... well at least I'm not paralyzed with fear now when starting to draw armored folks, though much details can still use much work. I changed mind and did not do armor study at a museum. I much prefer blurry Youtube video because there the armors are worn on actual human bodies that are doing things in those armors. Museum armors always look off. Now I just need to wait 'till the local Renaissance Faire...

Awesome armored guys! I totally love watching vids and pausing to sketch too. Something about seeing the whole motion, and that life that a static posed model in a studio just can't recreate. I also like that you have sets of figures interacting--adds a whole new dimension.

Cool 3D ship, too.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


(01-31-2014, 10:11 AM)Tygerson Wrote: Awesome armored guys! I totally love watching vids and pausing to sketch too. Something about seeing the whole motion, and that life that a static posed model in a studio just can't recreate. I also like that you have sets of figures interacting--adds a whole new dimension.

Cool 3D ship, too.

Yes, exactly! Down side of video is Youtube vids are often quite blurry, so sometimes I wasn't sure if that fuzz was his hand on the other side of the body or what, which interfere with the gesture study somewhat.

Thanks for the comment Meat! I'd think some bluriness wouldn't hurt gesture studies much, it'd remove some detail and force you to focus on the pose more. Y'knowm it might be interesting to do some more in depth armor studies and then try to clothe a figure in the armor you studied, instead of drawing what they're actually wearing! Totally get what you mean about the annoying fuzziness though, it's super bad when you want to draw any detail and stuff D:
sketches are looking really nice! I know jack about 3D, can't even imagine what work must have gone into that helicopter! Awesome work, keep it up :D

(02-01-2014, 12:07 AM)Samszym Wrote: Thanks for the comment Meat! I'd think some bluriness wouldn't hurt gesture studies much, it'd remove some detail and force you to focus on the pose more. Y'knowm it might be interesting to do some more in depth armor studies and then try to clothe a figure in the armor you studied, instead of drawing what they're actually wearing! Totally get what you mean about the annoying fuzziness though, it's super bad when you want to draw any detail and stuff D:
sketches are looking really nice! I know jack about 3D, can't even imagine what work must have gone into that helicopter! Awesome work, keep it up :D

Yeah that's what I wanted to do - draw imagined character in imagined armor that stems from and looks funtional. But I keep blanking out when I tried, hence these armor studies. Thanks for your suggestion, I was actually on the fence about doing further and more detailed full armor studies due to the time requirement, but now I will, and put all those studies into the next 3 armor characters I had meant to do for a long while.

If you're trying to draw armor from imagination you should try to approach it like you would anatomy. Learn each piece of armors name and do individual studies of each one. You can do searches of specific parts and build your visual library that way. Its much easier than trying to draw full suits of armor and guessing at whats what. You can make notes on how each piece attaches to the body and how it interlocks with one another. I couldnt find the reference photo I used but heres a diagram I copied with all the armor labeled.

Attached Files Image(s)

Thanks for the comment--I think you're right about the unbalance.

As for the head model, I reffed photos other people took of it. (There are links to the photos in my post.) It's a John Asaro planes of the head model, and can be ordered online. Wish I had one!

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Good point on the difference between moving armor and empty standing armor. So it seems that you have to hire someone to move in slow motion wearing armor for you to draw :P

When doing those motion studies, I can see that you look for the balance of the bodies - what might help with this is also looking for the negative space between the legs - what kind of triangle does it form and where is the weight of the body?

Here's some more armor-anatomy

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