Meat House
I'm not being very productive these 3 days... with sister visiting home and rare snow, and Sloth rolling all over me...

Hypnagogic_Haze: Hey thanks! I probably won't remember the names of the pieces unless they're those famous ones you see in games (guantlet, cuirass, etc), lol! Studying how they connect to each other is a good idea, I'll look for information on that.

Tygerson: I see! You can get away with studying photos of it without buying, I'm sure. Human head is one thing that is never short of study material, so no need to go out of the way to buy another one.

Lyraina: Oh if only I can have my personal knight at my beck and call doing whatever pose that crosses my mind! "Now pretend that house is a castle, and go storm its gates and avoid the dogs while I sketch you!"

Interesting idea of studying the negative space between the legs, will try that! And thanks for the armor-anatomy material!

[edit] I love winter and snow, but not the shoveling 3 times a day to avoid being sued by parents of little children who passes by our house should they slip and hurt themselves... So this unusually snowy winter since a decade ago has been both a blessing and a curse.

[edit2] Something I illustrated for the Buddhism study group, but it doesn't need a new update post, so appending to this old post:

Museum sculpture sketches.

Haha.. at least you get some snow (or even some more snow, it seems)! Our winter was terribly snow-less so far unfortunately. Love Elsa :P

Nice sculpture sketches. It could be interesting to sketch those from different angles, while you move around it!

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(02-25-2014, 05:15 AM)Lyraina Wrote: Haha.. at least you get some snow (or even some more snow, it seems)! Our winter was terribly snow-less so far unfortunately. Love Elsa :P

Nice sculpture sketches. It could be interesting to sketch those from different angles, while you move around it!

Snow is beautiful, I love snow! Plus it means we're less likely to have water shortage later in the year, which means better vegetable yields and lower market prices. I imagine, I don't keep detail tracks of vege prices over years. I used to dream of moving to Europe because I thought winter there is always white with snow....

It seems I'm allowed to rent stools in that museum, so I can try out the different view point next time!

lol snow car :D

The studies are coming out nicely.
ApolOllipop: Thanks mate! Yep yet another ref to Frozen. I love that film.

Been trying to do composition-a-day exercise suggested from a book I read recently.

Some studies and horrible thumbs for something sky soaring piece I vaguely have in mind but can't visualize yet. All I know is it has an eagle, and a human on a personal flying machine thing (like Nausicca but not as elegant).

How is this the first time I visited here? Nice sketches and studies man. Keep it up!
If you haven't seen it already, check out the 2 part series, 'dressing in steel' on YT posted by the Metropolitan museum of Art channel. Great insights on armour wearing..lots of cool stuff on their channel actually

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Love the bird studies.

This sketchbook needs an update!

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
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This is what I've been kind of wasting my days with, after that 2D reel. I was leaving claw marks in the ground resisting this ship. But. Some really good AU fanfic out there hurled my ass over and on board. So I did a fan art in return. Tried to make it into a practice of painting different fabric materials, but not sure how successful that's been.

[Image: tumblr_n2m23wusRI1t1e8vzo1_400.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_n2rzs053ur1t1e8vzo1_400.jpg]

(03-15-2014, 06:10 AM)monkeybread Wrote: How is this the first time I visited here? Nice sketches and studies man. Keep it up!
If you haven't seen it already, check out the 2 part series, 'dressing in steel' on YT posted by the Metropolitan museum of Art channel. Great insights on armour wearing..lots of cool stuff on their channel actually

MB, I never realized the Met has a video channel. In fact, I never explored the Met website beyond Opening Times and Current Exhibition. ... SHAME ON ME!!! Think of all the resources I browsed right pass all these years! AUGH I just want to die right now. Before I do that, thank you for pointing out that 2-part vid, they are AWESOME! I am getting other ideas from watching the blacksmith work. The best part of this vid is hi-res, and I can rewatch.

collage of recent, left-handed, doodles....

Very nice sketchbook! If you are still looking for armor refs you can find some from my stock-account. I could lend the armor of a friend for some photos.

That fanart is so cute <3 Love Anna's look/smile. Not sure I'm a fand of the vintage backgound though, as the colors don't really fit together very well.

Love the sketches inspired by nature, so creative :)

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
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Really great variety to the work in here. Looking really good. Those bird sketches are great.
A good way to practice composition (since you were doing those comp sketch a day things) is to take a movie by a good director and just do a bunch of comp sketches, really quick, of some screenshots. You'll be amazed how much you learn :)

Keep up the good work meat :D

Wolkenfels: Thanks for the armor ref, Wolk! I am still doing armor study sketches here and there. For no particular reason or project - it's just fun to me :) I am less enthusiastic about sketching individual parts of the armor though, is that helpful?

Lyraina: Yeah the vintage bg was part of the reference photo and I just left it there because I couldn't be bothered to paint a bg as well...

Jaik: Perhaps too much variety for what's good, lol! I never finish anything... like those birds study... hasn't progressed at all. Good suggestion on the director study. I think I'll start with some notable Film Noir and Raider of the Lost Arc.

Thanks guys for stopping by! I wish I can do a big update too, but here's all I got. I kind of don't like spamming big images of my stuff, so I shrunk and collaged everything together to make them fit smaller.

First off it's been almost 2 weeks of non-stop Graphics Design projects. I don't know anything about GD... so they've all been learning experience... Here are some of them, and there are a few I can't/don't want to post because they don't look like much work/are mostly text/are just variants of similar designs already in this collage:

Then here are the sketches of some of the stuff I want to do and never got done on time. Besides the GD projects, there's a gift painting, my own sci-art project, and the CD concept art projects I want to part-take, and various studies of armor, hair, color board, composition. Obviously, almost none of them happened because there's too many. It's *definitely* time to chose and cut... *tears*

...but I did take 2 days off to play Leviathan and Omega DLC for ME3. Not Citadel yet.

Really loving these pencil and pen sketches, the improvement from the first page of this sketchbook is tremendous Thumbs_up

Especially the birds. Damn, those are gorgeous.
PointFiveBlue : Thanks man! Trying hard~

Finally finished drawing studies from those people-in-armor ref videos from ages ago. It's been a whole day of nothing but studies that were meant to be done for a long while and never gotten to. While they've been fun, I'm not sure if I'm improving anywhere at all - speed, knowledge of painting, etc. I don't think doing studies are enough, as engaging as they are. Yet I don't feel I'm doing nearly enough of even just studies at this point.

Really liked those doodles where you took a plant or something and creature-ified it! Do more of those!

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Those in-motion armor guy studies are badass! On speed-improvement: I find on myself that if I try to improve my speed, I just end up cramping up, but when I only mind painting, speed improves by itself... so just keep at it, it'll happen and you won't even notice it :)

So many knights and motion studies, that's cool! As for improving - I think studies are important, but so is application. Sketches form imagination after doing the studies, but also using the newly-won knowledge for finished pieces. Doing those will show you where your weakest areas are and where do to more studies. But reading post #75 it looks like you do have more than enough things to paint :)

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