Renato's Sketchbook
Yeah listen to Lyra, she's done a lot of still life digitally and traditionally *thumb up* Just wanna say 'cos didn't last time - that is a badass still life. Got all the different materials in one study, that takes guts! I'd have pushed the translucent ones away..... The wood materials aren't feeling that woody yet, but getting there! Some of the darker areas, especially the shadow on paper, feel like they could be darker, but without knowing your lighting situation it's hard to say.

wow, so many messages! :O thanks a lot guys, really ^^ and yes, I shall take Lyraina's advice to heart and work on those edges :D you guys got me pumped up to do more studies, lets get thiz rockinnnggg! 8D

oh and here are a coupe things I did, a study for a character for the personal project and butterape!ehe

[Image: jW20KX6l.jpg]
[Image: k2oXrFZl.jpg]

I like the details in that character design. Also, the hair texture looks great on that Pokemon fusion piece, haha. I rather like how you interpreted it.
You already know it, I really love those two last drawings you did! And that Pokemon crossover looks aawesssooooome!! ^^

You are your only limits!

Oo your personal project looks interesting, can't wait to see more. If I could crit one thing, I think his proportions are a little bit off if he's a child. If he's a dwarf I think it would be accurate, but his legs seem short compared to his size and age. And the pokemon crossover is beautifully painted, really well done :)

Agreed with Nathan about the legs! I just noticed it!

You are your only limits!

Great sketchbook. I see plenty of improvement with the linework. Looks much more precise.
I'll keep an eye on this thread.

Again, gone for a long time. Truth is this year I almost didn't draw, therefore the progress wasn't that good.. anyway, trying to get back, so did some gestures:

[Image: 0j2Id2yl.jpg]

some ladies

[Image: R2IIlJgl.jpg]

tried to quickly draw a head without any Ref, just to acess how bad things are xD

[Image: 6KT5FXOl.jpg]

and finally, a character for that personal project :)

[Image: Qq4Dvg6l.jpg]

Solid and smooth gestures drawing.
Loving your finished piece and the still lifes! :D

Nothing to crit, I'm a nooby, so well, keep pushing!

Ola Renato~! Stop slacking dude : )

Love that tiger, feels like he should have a top hat and a cigar instead of a staff and a scroll! Great expression on him ^^

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
Hi man, thanks for visiting my sketchbook! You have alot of beautiful paintings in yours! :) I don't know what I'm talking about, but I see very few anatomy studies in here, like muscles and stuff. Maybe you can benefit from a deeper understanding of bones/muscles? I dunno, just a suggestion! Keep working :)

Cool tiger and pretty good gestures, keep it up ! :)

Butt-e-rape name for pokemon cross is weeeeellllllllll :D :P
Hey guys! thank you all so much for the comments! and yeah artplur, anatomy is definitely one of my weaknesses, gotta work on it :x

here's what i've been up to: gestures, a little illustration a try at a desert landscape (gotta push it further later)

[Image: Slw2OZZl.jpg]

[Image: 1Q3VDWEl.jpg]

[Image: EGXv5C8m.jpg]

The landscape looks great, hope to see other landscapes with higher resolutions here!
updaaaaaate! Hope you're doing awesome man! :D
thought that post is a bit aged; check out proko on youtube for anatomy (never too soon for more antomy work) and scott eaten's bodys in motion site just launched for practice.
I laughed on the basset-hound mount. ^^

Really nice sketchbook, i really your furry characters, very cool designs and textures overall. Insiprational!

Just some things I've been up to lately! Since I started working on the game studio, don't really have much time for my own personal stuff

[Image: gBpRZg7l.jpg]
[Image: OB3ExZrl.jpg]
[Image: WSaG1fel.jpg]
[Image: 3TSSSfMl.jpg]

Okay, so I worked a bit more on the illustration for my personal project, based on one of the thumbnails:

[Image: r03oVah.jpg]

I will finish this one as soon as I have some free time. If anyone could give me feedback on it, it would be greatly appreciated :)

I also started a new one! the goal is to have one each week, so i did some figure drawings (15s to 2m) and from there, i sketched some thumbnaisl for the new illustration.

[Image: Q3ye9wJ.jpg]
[Image: IJmptmX.jpg]

Oh and i started working on a new pokemon fusion xD not sure if I'll finish this one

[Image: tlLUcMfl.jpg]


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