Danger Zone
Hells to the yeah! Dem dwarfs are sexy! I'd bang those short ladies anytime xD Really nice man. And you're right , those thumbs are shaping up for real, all of them read clearly and nicely, good job man. Can't wait to see the female dwarf with some colors on her. and the mage also shows real promise. A really productive day INDEED! :)

Yesssss those goblins! :O Love the design, color, everythinggggg

@Suira & pnate Thanks so much guys, makes me want to keep going until my arm explodes, lol.

Shan't forget to do some regular anatomy studies once in a while too, but today was pretty much a repeat of yesterday as I had to work on some money to pay the bills today. But overall I'm happy with all the pieces and the thumbnails, still leveling up!

[Image: hK3y32K.png]
[Image: NTUYQRT.png]
[Image: lwjZz7v.png]
[Image: r7wA3u6.png]

Your thumbnails are really getting so much more fleshed out and nice looking! The ones today really pack more of a punch compared to the last bunch, I think you're finding a really good black/white balance and more telling lighting schemes.
How long are you spending on your bigger projects, would you say? I see you posting updates of the same pieces all the time.

Gosh! I love your work man! Your linework is gorgeous as well! Keep it up!

You are your only limits!

Like the way this frosty mage going on! (maybe some more cold green on background? no? ok)) And nice dwarf-shaman sketch, but please don't make her barefoot, nobody wants to look at dwarfs hairy foot :)

@Vicianus Thank you. :) Hm, I don't really know, but I work like one hour tops at a time, there are a few reasons for it, first I don't want to rush it and get frustrated on it like on my previous attemps as these pieces are most likely going to my portfolio, so gotta be real thoughtfull there.
I view these "back and forth"s on these paintings as what other artists do with their thumbnails before painting, like frazetta or something (I'm not comparing myself to him lol, just the way you as an artist have to plan before doing something bigger), but since I suck at thumbnails at the moment, I have to do these bigger ones.
Lastly it's because I don't "feel" the painting, I know I've got a decent idea but what I did on paper/monitor does not match what I am trying to envision, so I've got to tweak a lot until I feel it's good then I go for it. On these last character studies there are no worries with composition and atmospheres so I just blast them through.

@LaleAnn Thank you thank you, I will try!

@Nikt Haha, NO I WILL! lol She will be barefoot but not haired most likely, just dirted feet making her more in tune with the earth. :)

Just woke up, great day ahead!

Really motivating to see you put so much work in with those short woman studies and thumbnails, keep it all up! :D

Sketchbook | Deviantart | Blog

"The difficulties of not knowing are much greater than the effort of learning"
Dude, if you keep improving at this rate, I'm gonna have to find you and kill you. xD

Seriously though, incredible progress on the thumbs, they're becoming real good real fast, keep it up I'm really inspired man. There's nothing I don't like about this last update, the dwarf is really cool too ( I must admit the barefoot thing kind of threw me off at first, but it gives an original spin to the whole thing) as a suggestion to make it even fresher maybe you could do instead of a wolf a couple of spectral goats, I know it sounds silly but if you made them look dangerous that could be real awesome. The mage is looking better every time, plus BEEEEEWBZ! :D

Keep up the great work mate!

@Egbu Thanks man, nice to be the motivator!

@Suira Haha, then you gotta find fast because I am outta here asap. And damn, I loved that idea, but I liked that wolf too. I'll save the goats for a future druid! My druid on warcraft was named Goatchaser :D. And thanks again man, let's keep working hard!

Same as yesterday, fuck, I was trying to paint through the night and finish these 2 by the same time, but I think I've used all my overnight's for my lifetime, I can barely concentrate as it is. Gotta wake up real early tomorrow.

[Image: ti6Ef5s.png]
[Image: kKhpU4E.png]
[Image: tsVYMJX.png]
[Image: DpWdrM5.png]

Rafa droppin the bombs. How much do you draw everyday ? It looks sick.
Sweet progress on the paintings man, I lol'd so hard when I realised I had mistaken the elbow for a giant boob in the previous post HAHAHA I have issues I guess xD Pretty great to see how you're managing to include cool hue variations more and more, that still kills me. Thumbs are great (seriously awesome, I'ma have to start doing them already) and figures are great. Always something inspiring to see.

And I feel you in the overnight thing man. Yesterday my clock sounded at 2am and I had gone to bed at 22:00 and my brain said: "look mate, if you wake up right now, I'm calling in sick" xD Acumulating too many days of sleep shortage is counter productive , but sleeping when you have so many ideas is boring haha.

Man I just want to lick my screen after looking at this sketchbook, so good!

If you want a small crit from the last piece, I think the tree is a bit too busy
behind the shield and grabs the atention away from the face.
But thats just a personal preference, and im just a noob, so :D

No matter the tool as long as it's cool!

Brilliant updates. Looking through your sketchbook makes me think I need to get my shit together and work harder.

Really like your wee figure line sketches, clearly a lot of skill and knowledge going on in them.

Lookin' good, man.

If I could, I'd like to nudge you to look up some of the gesture drawing videos Glenn Vilppu made. Particularly those from his own lectures. And if you're already familiar with those videos, maybe re-watch them to brush up on some of the things he talks about. I think you'd benefit a lot from his approach to developing rhythm and movement in figures. As they are now, they're a little stiff and tend to have very symmetrical shapes.

Anyway, over all, you're doing good work. Keep it up!

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
@nastobi123 Thanks! Every second I can, which is not enough.

@Suira Thank you, thank you! And I do make some beautifull rounded, supple elbows though, I can see the confusion, lol. But yea, one thing I`ve noticed is that I barely dream these last few weeks, my mind is going so fast in day time that it just shuts off when I sleep.

@Birchgrove Thanks man! Every crit is appreciated, but hopefully all the effects took the attention away from it. Be carefull to not lick some of the sharp edge paintings though! ba dum tss.

@Craig Paton Thanks a lot man! Things like this makes me want to work even harder.

@Tristan Berndt Thanks Tristan, I haven`t seen his things yet, he is really good on gestures, probably gonna catch some whenever I get some free time.

Not at home today so I just barely finished the Boreas painting, I didn`t know laptop screens were this terrible to paint, it`s like the blacks are barely grays.

[Image: AQPLSTa.png?1]

Man I love the variety in your sketchbook. Though I agree with Tristan on Vilppu's videos as a great and helpful resource, I have to say you're my current inspiration to get my gesture studies right! ^^ Very inspiring, thank you!! :D

You are your only limits!

@LaleAnn Thank you very much! I'll definitely check him out, and it always makes me happy to be inspiring someone, I hope to keep it up!

Was away for the weekend and I did something here and there, trying to get back into drawing shape but I'm really tired right now. :(
Finished the dwarf, pretty happy with it.

[Image: R2fwYvF.png]
[Image: bE4gTR7.png]
[Image: svRZZTc.png]
[Image: 33IfNQE.png]
[Image: Pw9DGMl.png]

oooo sweet stuff dude! Dwarf lady turned out awesome.

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Awesome update man! Tons of gestures too! I really like the graphical approach you went with separating the dwarf and the wolf ( next goats, promise me xD) it really pays off in a nice way. I think you did a really good job with this piece, my only crit would be that I feel the axe's design doesn't really match the rest of the outfit, it feels like something from the litch king's naxxramas or stuff like that. In any way, that's a really personal thing, it's not an objective crit hehe.

You keep teasing me with those thumbs, I'm gonna have to do some already, because you're becoming too good with them, and if I don't get to it I'll never be able to catch up!


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