Danger Zone
This armor set ... UGHH ... *thinks hard* ... priest ? Icecrown ? I don't remembeeeer.

Woooooooaaaahhh man. Just woah. Its been a while since I lurked in here and I must say that you went fucking over board man. This amount of work is nuts! I love what you are doing with the work too.

Really neat to see, and as a previously WoWaddict... You make me want to play again :( sigh, "whats that? You want to work in the video game industry? SURE! Please hand in all video games at the front desk and you enter." sighhhhh

Dude, you keep nailing those gestures. When I gave a try to the sensistock thingie I failed hard, you, on your first try get it right just like that, damn you damn you to HEEEEEELLLL! And also I copied you and started using digital for the gestures and it's hard as fuck.

And remember, I'm inside your mind all the time, even when you poop, remember that for the next push! xD

Pretty happy to see this consistent habit of yours of fixing things pretty nicely in the painting stage, it's two times now that I wasn't really convinced about the sketch and yet the painting looks pretty awesome, so good job man. And damn, that Kekai's painting is awesome. I'm gonna experiment a lot in the near future, I need to find an approach or I'll die of artist depression haha.

Hnnnnnnng! Those digital lines and gestures are so good, man.

I'm loving these characters you've been producing lately. Totally solid, and they all have great consistency. Really makes me want to get hit by the figure train even harder now. It'll be awsome to see that fun flow through.

Do you have any personal wisdom you've gained that you'd be willing to impart regarding figures? I mean, aside from just hella studies/application and all that razzamatazz. :]


Freakin' Awesome sketchbook man! How long have you been doing this anyway?

Always open for critiques!Thumbs_up
My Sketchbook

My Tumblr

@Adrian I don't really know, I just like to go to wowhead and find a nice looking set, heh.

@Jaik Thank you very much man, I was very addicted to it too, one of my biggest walls I had to climb as I was starting to be an artist and in that phase I was easely distracted.

@Suira Thanks man! It's kinda hard to let go of the structures that I am used to do, foreshortening is pretty much drawing without elements, most of the time I finish a pose and go wait, is that it? I kinda miss something, but it is, sometimes don't have to draw everything on the body.

@Archreux Thank you thank you. :) Hmm, other than those? haha, would be like you said on your SB, planning is a big part, and having a good visual library also really helps, I'm still working on those too.

@Vompt Thank you very much man, appreciate it. A long time being casual with it, only took it religiously serious about 2 years ago.

Thinking of the next pieces. :)

[Image: EgpcrAV.png]
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[Image: gVQmYpF.png]

Yeah man, foreshortening is just understanding overlapping and a good sense of simplification. The fact that it's really simple makes it hard to convey properly in most cases, because you have to get it perfect so the distortion effect works, and you do that sir :D

The new sketches look really promising, I specially like the troll one, that one looks like it's gonna be killer classic wow stuff man. And I like the worgen too, specially because I haven't seen much worgen art wearing skirts so it can come out pretty fresh hehe.

Are you gonna make an entry for CHOW? I would love to see your take man, I bet you'd be top 3 for sure.

Anyway, cool stuff, keep it up my friend :)

@Suira Thanks man! Yep, I'm doing it, gonna take it more seriously after I finish the troll and pandaren, and I don't mind positions really, I've never participated on these contests to tell you the truth, so it'll be fun!

Really shitty day for some reason as I felt tired as fuck.
So here are some more of the usual things. :)

[Image: FwLePrI.png]
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[Image: X2ZvNFa.png?1]

Hey man, didn't have much time to comment yesterday, digin the ideas for the CHOW, it's a really diferent approach compared to mine, and that is very refreshing :) My only crit is that, with the helmet on , it reminds be a bit of master chief from Halo, maybe if you played with the top part being "transparet" glass so we could see his face would give it a boost.

And look at you, you're doing GIFs like Mr.Jack already! I liked the final result specially the fire effects are really cool. I only wish you did them in an environment eveyr now and then, but I understand it's better to focus on the thing you wanna do best.

Thumbs and gestures are great, as usual :)

I have no idea how i never noticed this sketchbook, loving your stuff man. Really liking the lines and those are some cool (and fun) characters. Maybe consider adding a drop shadow to them?

Keep on rocking, I'll be subscribing your sketchbook :)

@Suira Hey man no sweat, I'm being kinda inactive lately too, fatigue is trying to get hold of me but I say no! About the helmet yea, it is totally inspired by it, I made a change and it kinda feels ok now without losing the look, we'll see!
Oh, I'll do some enviros later on, but this was a series I wanted to do, just basic ones. After these 2 I'll release the kraken

@bemota Thanks for dropping by man! Glad you liked it, and yea, these are just to study the characters and are not meant to be full ilustrations really, going to start a new direction real soon.

Shitty day again, felt a wasted day as I had to wait 3 hours between the post office and my bike being a pain in the ass.
Thumbnails are getting some more face time now, taking it more slowly
So just lines for today, went ahead with the troll design so I can finish tomorrow and lined the pandaren, the last one!
I'm kinda loving but not loving the chow design, I think it has some spirit but it's not there yet.
Fuck being tired, tomorrow must work my balls off.

[Image: ZtzzLcP.png]
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The Chow design is really awesome. Perhaps what you feel it's missing is caused by the pose that doesn't put into "light" it's full potential ? I'm probably talking nonsense.

Anyways I really like it :U.

Hey man!
Really cool spin on the Crimson Daggers CHoW brief. It's fun how you interepted a sci-fi mercenary type of character when I totally read it as fantasy! Pretty sweet that the design still has some of your fantasy-esque style in it (thinking mostly about the leg plate). Can't wait to see him painted!

You always have very interesting gestures and you've improved the depth in the pandaren sketch. Because that's what I'd critique otherwise. Seems like the feet are stationed a bit flat, or in a straight line. If they took more space on the page maybe they'd increase in their presence?

Ooh and those centaur portraits from an earlier page need bodies! I trust yoou!

Also, Glenn release his second video too if you haven't already seen it. I can give you a rundown if you don't want to buy it :P

I feel you on the shit day man xD Loving the troll, I can already see in my mind how it's gonna turn out with that vanilla feel that's so awesome, make it vivid man, make it vivid!

CHOW entry is looking cool, only crit the seaths for the daggers, to short for the length of the blade, on the rest, really cool, and now I dig the helmet more.

Studies are sexy as hell too. The pandaren has tons of potential, but the pose is a bit stiff, those legs need more split and overlaping to make it feel kung fu like. Maybe check out some kung fu forms on google, probably will help.

Keep the cool stuff coming mate, it's always cool and inspiring and it gets me off my butt :D

wow, your Vorgen warlock just super awesome! add it in favs on DA ^_^
It looks like it is so easy for you to construct the figure, even in stylized WoW style. I see it on the first sketch of Vorgen, where you showed 3 variations of his pose. I want do it like you !
I noticed that you starting your daily figures from 1 ellipse for rib cage. Why?) Why no second shape for pelvis? it helps you to come up with more interesting pose or something like this?)
Also cool to see sci-fi peace from you (i'am about chow challenge)

@Adrian I kinda like the pose actually, I don't know yet, lol.

@Bjulvar Thank you! Yea, I might give another shot at the pandaren, feeling it's too generic. And I did some bodies, fucking horse's anatomy are hard as hell, have to study more about them.
And woot, don't spoil it! lol, is there going to be more? Rather buy them all at once.

@Suira Thank you man, yea gonna try something different with the pandaren, I tried, but I reached critical levels today. :(

@Nikt Thank you very much. Just lots of studies man, I've been realizing that on this last month and 2 weeks I did more than 500 gestures.
The elipse is just to have a starting point, I don't feel the need for another one for the pelvis, I used to though, some people like to make the line of the spine, I don't know why I got used to the ribcage.

Warning, warning, total brain malfuction, meltdown incoming, abort! abort! Fuck!

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[Image: I25lW1B.png]

Loving the WoW series man. Rock on!

You know what Rafa? You really draw very beautiful hips.

*grabs 'most random comment' awards and runs away*

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
Could be cool going back and redesigning that Pandaren. I think that type of culture is one of the hardest to paint from WoW since it's so ornamented and detailed. Do you own any of the art books? The MoP one has so much inspiration shoved into it :D

Aah you gave them bodies! The left one has nicely blended anatomy, more believable as they seem to share their proportions. Maybe make the horses body a bit longer though ( or it might just be foreshortening)

Glenn ended the painting with part 2! So looking forward to him making moore videos now.

Also, don't have a meltdown duude! Write everything that you need/want to do down if you're stressed out!

@Ursula Dorada Thank you very much!

@Lyraina Lol! That was not even contested, grats on the award!!

@Bjulvar Haha, thank man, I guess it was just overwork talking last night, I feel the need to draw nonstop, and I won't get a no from myself, it's weird.
No, I don't, they are ridicously expensive down here and the shipping costs are pretty bad as well. I usually take my wow fix from here: http://wow.blizzgame.ru/gallery/ (which they added 2 of my paintings this week, lol)
Sweet, I'll definitely check it out.

The panda is the last one, wewt! Also having fun at the expense of others, lol.
Tip of the day: When you want to make a dynamic pose of someone wielding an axe or a sword, use tennis players on action for reference, it's perfect.
Must... fight.... the urge... to send......... https://url.careerify.net/1hz4tiu02

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