Danger Zone
i loooove the warcraft stuff ;O makes me want to paint some too ! waaaahhh

You're killing it, man! :D Always loving your gestures and that last girl you drew is awesome!

You are your only limits!

I'm liking the variation in shape in that last one you posted.
Doo iiiit man! Send your things to blizzard :o in the worst case scenario, you get your art seen by an art director, which is always awesome.. it might be soon, but you don't loose anything in trying..

Btw, lately whenever i'm in need of some inspiration to get my mojo back, i go through your sketchbook man, its such an inspiration! :o can you please still post here when you get all famous and working for blizzard? XD aha

Keep it up man!

Duuude, such a good idea with the tennis players! Fuck yes, I gotta try that, plus there must be tons of quality pics for that, yay!

The troll dude is awesome love the colors and the mood, that one along with the night elf are my favs of this series, now you only need to kill it with the pandaren. Also good to see you're more pumped today, nothing better to keep struggling than overcoming art crysis :D

The chick is hot, and you managed to pull off a pretty hard foreshortening in there, only thing that doesn't sit well for me is the positioning of the legs not sure why, but I feel they don't follow the rest of the perspective.

And you should totally apply man, there's a chance you'll get an internship or something, and as Renato says, it's better that they know of you, the sooner the better. If you submit it and they don't like what they see, and 6 months after you've improved a lot, they'll remember you, and if you fail a second time and the third you've improved again, they'll be most likely getting you in, cause you've prove consistency and motivation, and they might even pick you over someone else with maybe more skill but that hasn't proven that dedication. So give it a try man. ;)

@Nimao Thanks man! You should totally do it, I had a lot of fun.

@LaleAnn Thank you thank you. :)

@StardustLarva Thank you. :)

@RenatoCaria Hahaha thank man, I will definitely try, but that's waaays in the future!

@Suira Yep, I felt the legs weren't up to par with the rest but it was good enough I guess, haha.
At the moment I'd rather focus on what I'm weak at than building a portfolio (I don't have anything recent to show them anyways, lol), but the time to send is definitely coming!

Rather slow day, mostly lines.
Now I'm digging the panda and I'm starting to dig the armor too, I don't want to overcomplicate the pose as it is a character piece and not ilustration.
O yea I'll make a proper helmet when I'm not so tired. :)

[Image: 1lJZXsZ.png]
[Image: VMNFrsf.png]
[Image: pYGKHp3.png]
[Image: asCYZ6G.png]

Wow, I must've been pretty drunk last night for that armor, it's so stretched out, lol.
Taking it light today, and probably tomorrow as well.

[Image: aFMug7K.png]
[Image: n2iTaEq.png]

Absolutely love what I've seen in this thread. I spent yesterday afternoon musing over your sketchbook from start to finish and by the end I was pumped to get the tablet out and start practicing again, so thanks for that :) and keep up the awesome work!

That's a fine teddybear. :) Itching to see what's next man.

You're doing really good with what you're up to... so I think it's time you started to challenge yourself a little with some different stuff. When you start to feel comfortable your learning slows down and when looking at your sketchbook, it is starting to feel a little "safe". I know that I'll see good character illustrations, gestures and thumbnails.

Breach that comfort zone and get going on some new subjects! I'd love to see scenes and environments that are as polished as your characters. I also think that some more photo studies and maybe some still life paintings will do you good.

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
fail moar

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
@Mayenla Hey thanks alot, always makes me happy to be incentivize someone. :)

@Suira Ain't he cute? Probably some more studies, no characters (outside chow) for some time.

@Tristan Berndt Thanks man, my goal is to make some sort of skill check with the warcraft pieces, now I'm gonna pick up where I left off with landscapes and probably some other stuff too.

@Fedodika I do sir, every day. :)

Daily anatomy and baby steps on the crimson dagger guy, now that I'm finished with the warcraftses I'll work on it more. The helmet i'm going for a full metal look, no glass.

[Image: QIWYo6F.png]
[Image: FU8jmkc.png]

Always love them gestures you do. Stop it.

There's some lovely detailing stuff going on in that ChoW design! Don't forget to leave some areas for the eye to rest though :)

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
That assassin is starting to look dope! Crit of the day: the feet/hands/arms ratio feels kinda wonky I think it's because the "tighter" parts of the armor make it look like he's got skinny arms and that creates a feeling of huge feet tiny arms. Also, as Lyraina said, don't forget to simplify some areas so he doesn't look to overdetailed.

On a sidenote I really like the rythim play with the daggers and the pose ( maybe the hip needs a bit more tilt, I know I know, I'm sorry I'll shut up xD).

Keep it up, and I wanna see those awesome studies you promised man, I'm sure you'll kick ass! :D

Amazing work, Rafa! I'm gradually making my way through your sketchbook, and already I want to skip out on the job and just draw and paint and have fun learning new stuff! Damn...

Criticism is always welcome!

If you continue to question as to when you'll ever be ready for something, you'll find that you're never truly ready for anything.
extreme angles, theyre awesome.
@Adrian Thanks! No, never!

@Lyraina Thank you! I'll remember that. :)

@Suira Thanks man, it is a bit wobly as I mostly did some transforming yesterday, but now I'm fed up and started coloring, lol.

@Busy B. Thanks, that's how evil I am! When I was working I always had the same feeling, and now it infected me.

@nastobi123 Thanks man!

Crap for you, and crap for you and you, crap for everyone!!
Wish I could keep up studying like this everyday.

[Image: qHV1YVo.png]
[Image: wruu7rX.png]
[Image: yNzoWuO.png]
[Image: n7FFQ5F.png]
[Image: os4pCHW.png]
[Image: vFBsfY4.png]
[Image: VpBfQf0.png]
[Image: 6W7N9e0.png]

Nice studies, those figures are really looking on the up and up. :]

Wow Rafa! Productive man, really productive! The dragon and portrait sketches are really awesome looking. I also dig a lot the female painting, di you do it with reference? If not all the more impressive, only crit would be that sub surface scattering is a bit overdone in the eye and she looks high or like she just came out of the swiming pool xD But I seriously like it, it has an incredibly cool edge control and sweet values, I wanted to see you paint a portrait and I got my wish! :D

The chow entry is starting to look very nice too, are you gonna put some invisibility on the legs or something? If so, it's a really cool idea. The enviros and warmups are also looking really nice man. So much stuff!! Great update, now keeping it up is gonna be the real challenge xD


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