Danger Zone
[Image: GoldenDagger.png]

Congratz rafa zanchetin, you have received this weeks Crimson Sticky!

Just by lookin at page 1 till now I can see you are makin killer progress, and by consistency of which you are posting. I remember the first page you posted here in 2014 and now you are at page 32! I feel like it would be a pity not to give you this crimson sticky, even if you feel like you don't want it.

Everyone pitch in and give Rafa some crits this week to help him ascend even further!
congrats on stickyyy!!!!!!!
All I have to add is this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zZlQ1WSn5U

Hint: Cherry is your art ... LOL

@Adam Lina Thanks! Lately I've been trying to have more fun and just do my own stuff.

@Fedodika Should I start charging for giving excitement, oh wait, wouldn't that make me a prostitute?

@Dennis Kutsenko Woot! Thanks Dennis!!! It has been a wonderfull experience through these months. Hope to keep updating and be inspiring for more artists to do the same, if there would be a real "secret" to draw better it should be "make 30+ pages in a sketchbook". AND WHAT THE F IS THAT? LOL OH NO OH MY GOD

@AngeliquevdMee :D thanks Angelique!!

@Adrian Hahahha, that anime is so weeeird! Like scary weird!!

On one more note, I've got retweeted by director Duncan Jones, it was a pretty good day!

[Image: Y0dk3GR.png?1]

Grats man! Well deserved, you absolutely killed that last page.
Really awesome, man! It's a really cool painting, and deserves that attention!

You do a lot of stuff. Still, really inspiring on the output and quality, as always. :]

Hey man, i took some time last night to have a look through your whole sketchbook during a period of insomnia (i drank too much coffee - that shit is delicious) - and made me take a hard long look at my own commitment to all this. Thanks for inspiring me, i will have to redouble my efforts.

When i have more time after the summer ill have more time (what a shitty excuse, im cutting my hours to only three days a week - go on skeleton pay) but im going to copy the shit outta your routine, and start doing warm ups sketches, and line work stuff then hit some colour stuff.

You have made my sketchbook an embarrassment. But thank you for this, woke me up.

Keep fighting the good fight!

This is sketchbook is extraordinary and big faceslapper, awesome..!
Your progress is really mind-blowing! I saw every page and the only thing I can say is "Great art man!" and "You should send your work to Blizzard!"

Now I know why this sketchbook is called "Danger Zone". I want to kill myself.

Gratz on the sticky man! You totally earned it.

Thanks for the love everyone!

Here's some more from today.

[Image: uy4L4Xl.png?1]
[Image: EbROIlq.png?1]

Well deserved Crimson Sticky man! Youre awesome!

That Crimson Sticky is more than deserved! You're kicking butts man! Not sure I can give any crits as I think your work is pretty awesome and completely pro! Keep it up!

You are your only limits!

@Caisne & LaleAnn Thank you very much!!

Been doodling some weird animals.

[Image: GYLHHrf.png?1]
[Image: bCVKPor.png?1]

Dude love those animals man. Do you usually go in with the colour first or do you grey scale first?

I am happy for you and I also hate you in a healthy way :D

Huge congrats on the CD sticky and RT, Rafa! O: well deserved ofc

keep producing dem sxc artz <3

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
@Kimonas Thanks, I painted gray scale first on those, but I'd say it's necessary to know both.

@NinoKitteN Haha, thanks!

@smrr Thanks smrr, will do. :)

Here's a project that'll take me some time. :)

[Image: v70fjUC.png?1]

Dude, Magus looks siiick.

I'm just stopping by to let you know that your sketchbook is awesome... :) Great work!


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