Hope I'll be able to post here often, not the coming week at least, damn tests
Critique always welcome

1.Perspective exercises from Scott Robertson's new book
2. Random weapon sketches for a game my friend and I might start soon

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Agh, i've been meaning to get his book. Looking good so far, keep at it.

Test weeks are finally over!
Ladies, perspective crap and thumbnails (jeez I need more persp./environment practice)

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I'm back! The reason I haven't been posting is simply because I didn't feel like it was worth all the trouble, since I went hardcore on fundamentals, like really basic lines and all that. Who'd even want to see stuffy lines all over the place?
Example with ellipses is below. Furthermore, I did line and mirroring practice from How to Draw, and I actually landed my first NDA commission thingy!

Other than that there are some environment thumbs. Again there is much more but I really don't feel like using my crappy cellphone camera to upload them all by one. You'll get more when there is actually some interesting stuff going on.
Also coming up is a portrait study.

I am going to focus on figures and environments for now. Will upload more in a bit, the clock is ticking.

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I really suck at posting oftenly... Anyway here are some armor and pose sketches for an upcoming video game. I don't mean to make excuses, but there is more in my notebooks from class but scanning all that would be a pain in the arse... Also, the movers of the art department LOST A FULL A2 DRAWING which is now being remade as you can see...

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Some anatomy studies, a color study and two things I forgot to post.

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Was at my gramps this weekend, so couldn't draw much
more quicksketching here, filesize issues:

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Sketching in between test breaks, uploading in chunks to save time
But I will stop making excuses now
Sorry for all the rushedness!

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Now I have plenty of time


this sketchbook shall get way more frequent
Awesome. Glad to hear you'll have more time to focus. I enjoy seeing the fundamental studies of artists, even if they are scrappy lines. Post them all.

Have you thought about maybe joining a course to help direct your study? I can recommend Noah Bradley's Art Camp, if you're interested in that.

Thanks for the tip, Craig. Currently looking into some, but it's hard to find some free ones. Can't exactly afford to purchase any.
Anyhow, had a great weekend, visited an old friend and passed my taekwon-do exam. Could only draw during train rides though (<= is that an excuse again =_=)
more scrappy crappies
Hampton and WIP for school project, the previous one was the inked one but I screwed it up badly, just posting it to get over my fear of uploading

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Hey Sjoerd, cool to see you postin more on here.

So the major things I've noticed from your posts are that your values are washed out in most of your paintings. You don't seem to be going dark enough in some areas. And your construction that you've been studying hasn't really been getting applied.

I don't know if theres art that maybe you didn't scan but you were doing some anatomy of the arm, of the neck, and of a lot of figures. I've seen you apply some of the figures, mainly the neck studies, but haven't seen you do arms from your imagination which is crucial if you're trying to learn the anatomy and have that knowledge solidified in your head. Also you did some good neck studies from Hampton's book but it seems like you might be rushing them a bit. Take your time with them, study the size of the sternocleido mastoid and how it wraps around the major form of the neck. Ask yourself how thick it is, how thick the neck in comparison to the head is, stuff like that.

What might help is while doing these Hampton studies try to also take the time to study the same parts in the book but from a photo of someone like a bodybuilder. That way you can get a realistic interpretation of that muscle, this will definitely come in handy when you get to the forearm and leg muscles portion of Hampton's book. You can find good anatomy refs here:

Other than that you're looking good. Gestures are looking promising, maybe try to do them with even less lines (generally you can fit a whole line through the body and one of the legs so try looking for that). And you seem to like to do portraits a lot but you're spending a lot of your precious painting time on landscape/environment studies. I'm not saying it's bad to do that, it's good to take the time to experiment around with different subjects, but if you want to improve on what you really enjoy doing then you should try to mainly focus your time on that subject. So if it's portraits or characters you like to do then try to start studying head construction and take time to paint some portraits of people. The best resource for head construction is Loomis' How to Draw the Heads and Hands book :)

Good luck! And post more often!!

Wow, awesome reply Forrest! Sad I didn't read it sooner, cause this assignment was due today... Thanks for all the tips, really! I know the studies are rushed, but as I said, I wasn't gonna make any more excuses. and yes. I'll post more often. You have my Facebook, feel free to kick my ass whenever haha

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Though my mobile phone butchers them, these sketches actually are way more elaborate and focused. Instead of rushing them, I calmly read the book and used reference, while also doing some from imagination. My control of the torso feels a bit better now: getting started on arms soon. Thanks again for all the tips, Forrest!

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Hey maan, great to see you working so hard, keep it up :D

Sketchbook | Deviantart | Blog

"The difficulties of not knowing are much greater than the effort of learning"
I shamefully have to admit I barely drew today. I confess to downloading Tera online and spending way too long on it. I apologize
So after the productivity disaster that is TERA Online (so much fun but takes so much time)
I set a rule for myself: at least 5 hours of drawing per day. I've gotta keep that up for at least one week, since holidays started today, and I'm headed away for a while next week. That shouldn't be hard, no? But it's a start.

First day: Studying (fore)arms from hampton and a screen cap study from LotR to improve composition and colors. Feels good to actually set a goal and hit it too.

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2 hour gesture session
Head derps
Arm muscle practice

I DID actually make the 24hr deadline, but I wanted to play a round of LoL with an art friend before posting this stuff.
Anyway, hope you enjoy and/or have some tips.

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Yesterday I was gone the entire day, but today I put in over 5 hours, most of it went into the movie study but it didn´t work out the way I wanted. Oh well, better luck tomorrow.

Sorry for the low/light mobile phone camera quality.

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More figure drawing. Planning on getting back to some more construction with hampton tomorrow. Also I want to draw an archer.

About the post: there was also a master study which turned out so awful I am not going to post that here. You all value your eyesight, or don't you?

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