Yonderly's Sketchbook
some nothingness~~

[Image: rB2xBMV.png]

[Image: a99KHar.png]

[Image: Axk3vDK.png]

[Image: osogY0y.png]

[Image: RW1yDR6.png]

[Image: mp4RG09.jpg]

Hi Yonderly.

The cube you made looks like it's a bit warped. 2 reasons why it might seem that way:

1. The cube could be close to the viewer's cone of vision.
2. Vanishing points aren't on the same horizon line.

I did a quick paint over. I didn't bother with my first reason since I based that on a hunch.

Also I took the liberty of shaving some of the form off to make it look as close to a cube.

Add to that, the values seem to be off.. If you haven't come across 'halfway to black' rule, you might want to check this out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyy_BD8zdxw

And it's not necessarily a rule. But it's never a bad thing to know a bit of industrial design tricks!

I hope this helps!

If you are reading this, I most likely just gave you a crappy crit! What I'm basically trying to say is, don't give up!  
IG: @thatpuddinhead
Thanks for advice, John! I looked into drawing for industrial design a bit and did some high/mid/low key lighting studies, but honestly I did not draw and paint nearly enough to get where I wanted in this time...  Blushing Oh well. :'D  Anyway, bits and pieces from last 6 months. Bomb  Wisecracker

[Image: wRRXakN.jpg]

[Image: OMW4cmt.jpg]

[Image: I4693mY.png]

[Image: 7pCKhGp.jpg]

[Image: DmcXwex.jpg]

[Image: sQVdWr9.jpg]

[Image: L78U5Ko.png]

[Image: ishLJ4J.png]

[Image: QhTyu2S.png]

[Image: yEIl8Ov.jpg]

[Image: Hw8Y5PK.png]

[Image: 3ljR5Kt.png]

Woah... loooooong time no post  Eek Tho, I always got the impression that I registered after everyone has already migrated somewhere else :x Oh well!

After a while I got a job in a local game dev studio as an intern (mostly collecting references for artists), and soon got to the position of QA/doing basic art tasks with a bit of level design. Also finished my bacc in the meantime, and oh my god it was hard thing to do while handling a fulltime job  Bomb  Next stop - continue honing my skills and get to the Junior Artist position somewhere. :)

Here are some thingies from 2018 and 2019.

[Image: JBCTNEX.png]

[Image: KgqaK4Z.png]

[Image: 2Xu92Ak.png]
early 2019

[Image: oiCjICS.png]
early 2019

[Image: HlWj62x.png]
early 2019

[Image: 74PFeol.png]
early 2019

[Image: zXo45XM.png]
mid 2019

[Image: CCJpuUz.png]
mid 2019

[Image: nfaZY2b.png]
mid 2019

[Image: ymcEcKq.png]
mid 2019

[Image: SAa9PhJ.png]
mid 2019

[Image: O6ndiow.png]
mid 2019

[Image: LcfwN7Q.png]
mid 2019

[Image: FB7gICo.png]
mid 2019

[Image: Up7eAEd.png]
mid 2019

[Image: pR8I0Js.png]
mid 2019

[Image: rgP3DVd.png]
mid 2019

[Image: Or2x71X.png]
late 2019

[Image: vhosWvt.png]
late 2019

[Image: 2fpT3Sn.png]
late 2019

2019 was the hardest art year for me so far. I drew more than ever and tried to draw daily. I stopped being stubborn and finally saw that I needed to learn how to draw and paint simple objects first (still struggling with that sometimes heh), and increase complexity as I go.

In 2020, I want to:

1) Rediscover the joy of drawing, painting, learning, experimentation. Sometimes it is such an anxiety source for me, and I don't want it to be, because I've embbeded it to an outside goal (getting an art job).
2) Have at least one project in the same style, like idk a level for a game, not the random things I keep drawing. It's not that they're not valuable - I just have to level up my game. :)

The basis of digital painting is traditional drawing and less digital painting.This will ensure you build confidence in your own ability rather than use digital trick on shaky foundation.Your biggest goal should always be consistency if you manage to draw everyday your already on a good path.

I wanna share with your two post i did that i think are a good read to start 2020

Positive thinking

How to learn to draw and the importance of practical dialogue over mindless pratice

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Thank you and you are completely right for both of the things :) It's something I should continually work on. ;) 

Some sketches and studies from last ~month and a half:

[Image: AqCdUNW.png]
[Image: a29iXiN.png]
[Image: 8GMfNyS.png]
[Image: bBSKMHS.png]
[Image: ZRdJEHI.png]
[Image: SPo47py.png]
[Image: idIgAFD.png]

You seem to have the right approch to how you study.I suggest you draw more portrait so you understand how to push your style with an actual understanding of the human anatomy.I mean no cartoon type of exercise.That in part and exercise to see how much you simplify or use symbol in your drawing when it come to realism.The last portrait isn't bad.As far as i can tell right now it your angle and value you need to check more.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.

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