Jaik's Sketches & Thoughts
Thanks Nowio! Good suggestion with the hood.

Clockodile: Yeah I think I missed the beat with that rock bridge. That bothered me but I couldnt work out what it was that was wrong. Thanks for that!

Thanks Smrr! And welcome back!! Generic concept art poses are my specialty though! Just kidding.. I really need to work on dynamism -__-
Yeah I'm thinking next weekend? ill msg you soon.


Didn't update in a bit. A combination of learning 3D (which proved fruitless and have nothing to show for it) and doing a couple of art tests for a company (probably a waste of time, I passed and they liked what I did, but the devils in the details I guess) but this week I go back into it a bit.

I have found that digitaltutors.com have a lot of good 3D tutorials on there. So I am thinking of getting a monthly sub to them. Seem to have a really good range of basics all the way up to some really advanced stuff. But apparently the quality of the tutors varies from tutorial to tutorial.

I've also been feeling really fatigued lately. Can't concentrate, motivations down, stress is up. All those wonderful things. I've narrowed it dwon to 3 things.
One is diet, I have been literally having chocolate as 2 of 3 main meals in a day some days. I'm just to lazy to cook myself food, so its normally just two bits of bread and a pre-cut bit of cheese when I do actually eat. So need to start doing something about that.
Two is coffee. I drink 12+ cups of espresso strength coffee a day and anything less than that I get a headache. So I've started cutting down. Caffeine withdrawals suck. So bad.
Exercise. Most exercise I get is walking from my room, to the pantry to get chocolate.

Three big changes, I think it will take me a few months to implement them properly since it's all about small steps in keeping habits -_-;;

No enough rambling onto art:

Finished the bloodsports char, but didnt do a back view. Lost motivation.
[Image: 140629-1.jpg]

A sketch, which frustrated me because it sucked and my values werent good, neither was my imagination. Queue value studies.
[Image: 140629-2.JPG]

Value statue study. I think it helped
[Image: 140629-3.JPG]

Application. Still not great but better I guess.
[Image: 140629-4.JPG]

Illustration of Link, because I just finished playing A link Between Worlds. So much fun. I also just discovered I could buy Oracle of Seasons on the Nintendo e-shop. I think fan art of a similar fashion is in order.
Need to still do more on this though. Trying to use a really desaturated palette and make it look realistic. Kind of gears of war style.
[Image: 140629-5.JPG]

Another value study (backlighting):
[Image: 140629-6.JPG]

Application, it looks like I only spent about 5 min on this, but this was probably about two hours of me painting, then over painting then failing and restarting. Super frustrating, I think I need more studies.
[Image: 140629-7.jpg]

All in all not a great few weeks, but not too bad. Thanks for stopping by guys, the daggers really help me feel accountable and give me the strength to keep at it.

I like the use of texture in the bloodsports character, also the forms in the application are really solid, I like that a lot. Also, I was surprised to see such a portrait of an older, more manly Link with scars! It's really refreshing. I'm so used to seeing all these manga-style portraits of handsome young Link...

I wish you strength and perseverance for your new diet and the other changes! It's really hard to fight old habits, but the resolve to do so is the first step. Diet is such an important topic. I was always drinking way too little, and since I'm paying more attention to it I really feel much better. I'm not sure what you want to substitute the coffee with, but green tea can be really refreshing.

Keep it up!!! (:


Hey Jaik! I'm liking these last couple of updates here. Those environments of yours are impressive. You're leveling up! It's wonderful to see that good hard work paying off in all respects.

Keep working hard, man. :]

Cyprinus: Haha yeah, I figured it would be kind of cool if Link aged with each successive game (kind of like he did between OoT and MM in child form) but kept all the battle scars from the 10+ times he has saved Zelda in the past. I know its not all supposed to be the same Link, but meh xP

Thanks Archreux :)


So this week was better from a mentality point of view. I have now run every morning and I actually am enjoying it. I have kept my coffee intake to 4 cups a day and the headaches aren't as bad as they were in the beginning of the week and I feel like I have more energy. Diet is still a toss up, I have been eating a bit better, but thats probably because I ran out of chocolate in the pantry and was too lazy to go to the shops to get more... But I'll say its because of my iron will :D

I spent a lot of time on 3D this week. Having a lot of fun. I joined digital tutors and am following along with a couple of the tutorials. None of them quite hit the mark with the direction I want to go. I really want to try and apply this to my environment painting but there don't seem to be any tutorials that focus on how to even begin this, atleast for C4D
I think I will have to learn how to model (which digital tutors is great for) then teach myself and it will probably end up becoming a combination of matte painting and 3D.

Noses bugged me in my paintings so I studied them. These are the results. The notes are in my skecthbook, might upload them another time. I then applied them to another painting that I screwed up the face for -_-
[Image: 140706-1.jpg]

Values bugged me on my environment paintings, so I studied values. During this I also investigated what was the best way to desaturate an image, because all gave slightly different results.
  • Hue/Saturation/Color Layer: This seems to make saturated colours lighter than the next one down.
  • Black and White Adjustment Layer: Makes saturated colours darker whereas desaturated colours lighter
  • Adjusment -> Greyscale: Probably the best option to go with. But the most difficult to use. I think that it uses the LAB algorithm to take the colour out of the picture, which is by far the most accurate way of portraying value in photoshop (compare the 10 jumps of greyscale in the B of the HSB vs. the B of the LAB and you will see what I mean). Only problem is that this isnt exactly an efficient way to work since you have to go through extra steps just to do a value step....
NEED HALP! What do?
[Image: 140706-2.jpg]

Applying what I learnt in the study (or copying the stair case, what ever) just a sketch, might work on it later.
[Image: 140706-3.JPG]

Life drawing, 3hr pose, took my laptop. Worked on it a little after the time. Probably about 3.5hrs all up.
[Image: 140706-4.jpg]

Applying what I learnt on noses. But now its kind of obvious that I studies noses since everything is very anatomical and the rest of the face is meh.
[Image: 140706-5.jpg]

3Dizzle, first attempt was a space ship (fail), monster was applying a tutorial (not so fail)
[Image: 140706-6.JPG]

Another 3D tutorial
[Image: 140706-7.jpg]

Are you talking about turning an image from color to b/w just to check stuff? Have you tried, View/Proof Setup/Custom... then setting it to sGrey and Perceptual. Then anytime you wanna check it you press ctrl y.

Also good read on you having trouble with your values, I think you just need to be more deliberate about whats in the light vs whats in the dark. See like on your life drawing, you kept your ranges on the figure and it looks awesome, but your textures on the light side of the drapery are too high contrast, the dots are basically the same value as the dark side. Your environments seem to have this issue quite a bit.

I still think these kinds of studies
[Image: 0133PracticeSketches131012.jpg]

were the most educational ones I ever did, at least in terms of how value and lighting work together. Doing these kind of limited value simplifications also helps shed light on the whole, whether you use local value or lighting to make things read, and how you kinda have to pick one.

Hope that helps buddy.

Thanks Cam, that helped a lot.


Havent updated in a while. Renovating a kitchen has been taking up most of my time. Maybe around 60% of it, and that doesnt leave a lot for arting. Which just means I need to get more efficient.

Started doing bloodsports, really motivated, but that sort of disappeared. I think I strayed from the original feeling of what I was going for. Since the Zelda franchise is so close, if I lost what I was interested in, theres no coming back from that =/
But I did learn a lot, since I did my first attempt at implementing 3D into my workflow.

[Image: 140720-1.jpg]

[Image: 140720-2.jpg]

[Image: 140720-3.jpg]

[Image: 140720-4.jpg]

Sketcharoo for an hour or so. Trying to model using ambient light instead of direct lighting. Was kind of challennging. Need a better vis lib though.
[Image: 140720-5.jpg]

Light and dark as per Imskeptical's advice <3 Helped loads.
[Image: 140720-6.jpg]

Link thing, kinda finished. Posted it and got some crtits so I want to go back and do some more work on it.
[Image: 140720-7.jpg]

And my first 3D base paintover that is almost finished, just need to do the foreground and then some final stuff.
[Image: 140720-8.jpg]

Thats all, thanks for stopping by!

Really sweet 3D paintover going on there, Jaik. Need to try that sometime. Feels like this really helped you set up some sweet perspecive, keep going with it!
Inspiring to see you doing such in depth study analyses too, and lastly I gotta say that I dig that Link painting. Reminds me of Logen Ninefingers from The first law trilogy cause of the scars and the expression I guess. And well, If you don't know Logen you might really want to check out previously named trilogy. A great source of inspiration ;D

Ooops, looks like I've been watching more than I've been commenting. I don't think you have to worry about something looking too anatomical in an application painting, that just means that you're on the right track about remembering what you've learnt... next step is polishing everything up to the same level (which will come naturally afterwards). It looks a bit long (or the eyes too high) though.
Same with the guy in your last post (not Link) so be careful in that regard. The guy looks cool though, might want to push the temperature a bit more next time - I think a warm glow from the foreground light would make a really nice contrast to the cool colors in the shadow.

Link portrait looks nice, I like how you really portrayed character and not just an empty face. The edges and contrast on his equipment are a bit harsh, which makes them look a bit artificial though. Color wise, I'm kind of torn - while the muted colors certainly fit the adult theme and mood, they still look a bit washed out for my liking... missing a few reds and such to make him look more human, less like a mask. Alternatively I think it might even work in greyscale (or monochrome). (Disclaimer: This comes from someone who, as you know, has caught the too-much-saturation-disease xP)

Wow, that 3d paintover enviro looks cool!!! Compositionally I wish I would see a bit less of the structure on the right, and more of that tower it overlaps. Are you going to add some more of that warm light in the background to the round house on the left midground? That might be nice to balance everything out (just an idea). Other than that (already feeling bad again for criticizing something I really like), the sky needs serious work - the level of detail doesn't match at all with the rest since it's very painterly. Just use a photo or two instead?

Keep it up! :)

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
Thanks Adzerak! I havent even heard of that trilogy, I will have to hit it up since I am actually looking for some new books to read :D

Lyraina: Ah faces.. so cruel :( Why cant they be easy to draw! Yeah I will have to be more careful with my measuring. As always..
Haha yeah, I am intentionally going for more desaturated images at the moment. Just sort of experimenting away from the saturated stuff I have been doing in the past. Not sure whether it will work out but I think exploring down the rabbit hole for a while is a good thing to do.

I was originally going to have a person leaning over the ballistrade with a coffee/smoke, which is why it got so much room, compositionally. But decided at the last minute to not include it, since it weakened the painting as a whole. (My figures arent up to snuff :( )

Getting more into a schedule now, feeling a bit better about sitting down and working. The renovations are over for now. So its time to get to work!

Copied from above since it says what I want to about this piece.
I was originally going to have a person leaning over the ballistrade with a coffee/smoke, which is why it got so much room, compositionally. But decided at the last minute to not include it, since it weakened the painting as a whole. (My figures arent up to snuff :( )
Also pasted in a sky. Next time I will be thinking more about the time of day I want to have so that I dont run into issues.
[Image: 140727-1.jpg]

Black and white thumbnails for an Enviro Tut by Eytan Zana. I want to do a heap more of these to practice values.
[Image: 140727-2.jpg]

Speed Paint for no other reason but to test what I could do in 1hr
[Image: 140727-3.jpg]

[Image: 140727-4.jpg]

[Image: 140727-5.jpg]

[Image: 140727-6.jpg]

[Image: 140727-7.jpg]

Annnd thats it.

Oh maaaan, your environments are so cool! and these studies + applications are very cool to see.
Very juicy stuff!

Do moreeee!

Thats one badass Link portrait, congrats. Those study applications are gonna pay off big time, keep doing them. Perhaps include some old master study applications aswell.

wow. great studies man! There's a ton of improvement just in this page!
I'll definitely join you in value/lighting scenario studies. -meets me right where I'm at.
I look forward to more posts;
keep climbing! ;D

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Great updates, man!

I really like that render ya got going. The atmosphere and general feel of it is really awsome. If I could offer a bit of a crit, it would be that it's feeling a little crowded, compsitionally speaking. If you moved a few of the buildings that are further off in center, over to the side, that would add a lot more breathing room and help the comp as well. Great job on that study and application portrait, it turned out great. :]

Damn Jaik! Getting so good :) Loved that 3d piece, How was the learning curve when you started to use 3d? I think that's where the industry is heading so I want to get on that asap so I don't get left behind :D
Thanks JeanDoe :D

Old masters are def on teh cards Cracked, its just they deserve more time, and until I get into the routine, I don't have that at the moment :(

Do it mann, its really good for learning :)

You are right Archreux, I feel like to much of my processing power was taken up by the 3D side and it didnt leave any to consider the other aspects of art.

Hey Ben, the learning curve is rough, but it very quickly ramps up to being easy to use. Obviously it depends on the software, but its the 80/20 rule, you use 20 percent of the tools most of the time.


This week, no 3D :( (Hopefully change that this week)

CGMA course started so have been working on that, Colour and Light is good, but I think I underestimated where I am at in my artistic growth because its not really all that new. But reinforcing the fundamentals is always a good idea!

Week 1 Homework - Different lighting Keys
[Image: 140803-1.jpg]

Tryign to apply High key. Didnt quite get it, but only spent an hour on it.
[Image: 140803-5.JPG]

3hr Enviro
[Image: 140803-2.JPG]

[Image: 140803-3.jpg]

[Image: 140803-4.JPG]

Studies (These were so much easier than the last time I did them. Got the colour withing the first ~3 tries, instead of taking 2-3min per damn colour.
[Image: 140803-7.jpg]

1hr Sketch trying to apply some things I learnt from the colour studies.
[Image: 140803-6.jpg]

Study before life drawing to learn how the hell charcoal worked
[Image: 140803-8.jpg]

Application at life drawing
[Image: 140803-9.jpg]

[Image: 140803-10.jpg]

[Image: 140803-11.jpg]

[Image: 140803-12.jpg]

And a digital plein air sketch of the water near my house. Looking forward to getting much better at these so that they are worth showing. But I wanted to put my first one here as a reference point for the future :P
[Image: 140803-13.jpg]


Dude, how have you not been doing environments this whole time, your fucking sick at them lol. The 3D paint over one and the block value ones seem really solid. Might have to take a look into this 3D business myself :p Awesome to see you tackling the values and edges too man, you've defiantly recently turned a corner in your progression, you stuff seems more confident some how.

Also, just from what I read at the top of the page, its awesome that your making progress to sort your diet and health out too. Its easy to forget these simple things and take them for granted but they should always come first. You only have one body and a healthy body and lifestyle will lead to a healthy mind.

All the best mate

Oh sweet Jesus Jaik o_o these fooking environments and aaah... charcoal! Beautiful fooking charcoal!
Just bloody great updates man, like, holy shit.

The only thing that seems to urk me a bit is with that gorgeous 3hr enviro piece - the guy leaping took me away from being there, if you get me. Might be the action pose or just adding him because the composition already kicks ass. Kind of what Shaddy says about "less is more with pro artists" or something to that extent - you know, that aspiring artists take that inch too far when we shouldn't have?

Anyways, stab and twist some more Jaik :D

And sketch meet pls with @ImSkeptical #yolo #swag

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Those charcoals are very niiiice. What kind of paper is that by the way? I like that rough texture you've got and you got some nice smooth blending that almost looks like a wash. Did you just use your finger to blend?

I really love those black and white thumbs 'cos they look like pen and ink! I also admire you people who have the patience and imagination to make all those details in your more finished enviros. Enviro is one of my biggest weak points, and I wish I can get better too!

Charcoal drawings are looking good. Especially like the reclining nude that's fading in and out of the paper.

Ah~ digital plein air! I say pocket watercolor and sketchbook still have a fighting chance here, let's see how digital turns out! :D

Warburton: Read that as "You fucking suck at them!" I was like

[Image: Okay-meme-face.jpg]

back to practice....

Haha thanks dude. YOu should definitely check out that 3D stuff man. Its a bit of a hassle to learn but so worth it. It does help speed things up and I can see ways to use it in more and more places as I get a bigger library of saved files.

Diet and exercise is harder than drawing -__-

Smrr: Thanking you :D I agree, I probably should leave it out.. stop putting stupid shit in my enviro's lol xP

Hypnagogic: The paper? I have absolutely no idea to be honest. I found it under my bed when I was moving last time. Its old. Like real old.. at least 15+ years lol. I use a combination of finger, blending stump and shammy, what ever gets the job done.

Meat: Thanks meat :D "Fading in and out of the paper" usually means for me "Didn't have the confidence of time to do it properly" xP I completely agree with the who traditonal vs digital in plein air, it took me about 10% of the time I spent out side colour correcting once I got inside because all the values are out. I am not sure whether it is a short coming of the medium or my lack of skill with it though so I want to try it some more before I decide. (Plus, I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO WATERCOLOUR)


Alright, pretty crap couple of weeks. I didnt update last week because me, Smrr and Skeptical went to an anime convention. Which was entertaining to say the least. Then I have gotten sick, death in the family and my part time work hours got pushed up because my boss tried to get himself killed on a dirt bike -_- 55 year old man learning to ride a dirt bike. I don't even.

It looks like quite a bit though, so I guess I might be getting faster? (or the quality has just gone down....

Colour and light home work
[Image: 140817-1.JPG]

[Image: 140817-2.JPG]

[Image: 140817-3.JPG]

[Image: 140817-4.jpg]

[Image: 140817-5.JPG]

[Image: 140817-6.JPG]

[Image: 140817-7.JPG]

Some thumbnails to work into more finished pieces:
[Image: 140817-8.JPG]

[Image: 140817-9.jpg]

Worked on two of them (both had 3D bases)
Adding colour to one of them.
[Image: 140817-10.jpg]

Finished sort of other thumbnail (had to change a fair bit due to me being a dumbass)
[Image: 140817-11.JPG]

Two spit paints I did at some point. Cant remember the topics lol.
[Image: 140817-12.JPG]
[Image: 140817-13.JPG]

Some pics from my sketchbook. There was a life drawing session at the anime expo, they were pretty short poses (30 min and 10min) for doing detail, but too long for doing quick sketches -_- right in the annoying time frame.
I also went to a coffee shop to get some time out alone and did life drawing there which is where the rest of the heads come from.
[Image: 140817-14.JPG]

[Image: 140817-15.jpg]

[Image: 140817-16.jpg]

Another 3D enviro, this was a bit longer. I think I spent around 7hrs on this.
[Image: 140817-17.JPG]

Half of the life drawing from the last two weeks. I forgot a sketchbook somewhere.. Which If I don't find it I will be one sad panda.
[Image: 140817-18.JPG]

[Image: 140817-19.jpg]

[Image: 140817-20.jpg]


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