Jaik's Sketches & Thoughts
Warburton: Hey man! Thanks, I hope its the right track man. Gonna be a lot of wasted time if its not. Thanks for stopping by!

Been busy busy. Just started Kalens mentorship this week. Its been pretty good.
Don't have much time so Imma dump and run. Said that I would post more often, then post less often. What is wrong with me -_-

A lot of pieces, but not many long pieces. Sorry for the volume >.> But I couldnt be bothered formatting them all again after posting them elsewhere.


[Image: 141010-1.jpg]
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Study of the god of environments.
[Image: 141010-4.jpg]
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First 9 days of Inktober, including one practice done before hand.
[Image: 141010-7.JPG]
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Kalens Environment Design Stuff
[Image: 141010-17.jpg]
[Image: 141010-18.JPG]
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[Image: 141010-21.JPG]
[Image: 141010-22.JPG]
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[Image: 141010-24.JPG]

Again, sorry for the intimidating number of pieces. I swear it looks like more than it is >.>

Some very nice little sketches in there!! Nice use of ink as well You're getting better, keep pushing!

You are your only limits!

Nice moods & linework! Why not use more lines in your concept-stuff? :) I like the painterly strokes in the cave-entrance one! :)

Way to improve man! The latest environments are really sweet, especially like the strokes in the snowy mountain with a knight-piece, such sweet strokes and nice contrast with hot and cold. At first it seemed like the knight was wearing one of those old school prison shirts tho, cause of the black/white stripes going on in his back there xD
Really inspired by the way you tackle your environment studies too (seems like they really pay off!) Gonna start doing some of my own this very evening.

Damn gotta go back through all your latest work! I really like that skeleton in armour for inktober, really cool too see those stroke explorations

LaleAnn: Thanks! :)

Kaffer: I really should use lines more, maybe I will try it for a bit and see what I come up with. Doing some all line environments would be challenging.

Adzerak: Thanks! Haha yeah, that knight just didnt work in the end =/

CoreyH: Thanks muchly!


Alright, didnt update all of October basically. I fell off the Inktober wagon pretty hard after skipping a few days. I'll definitely continue to explore in pen and ink though since I had a lot of fun.

Kalens Mentorship just finished up and here are my works that I did, I wont bother doing the steps because they arent that interesting.

[Image: 141103-1.jpg]

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[Image: 141103-5.JPG]

Film studies:

[Image: 141103-6.JPG]

[Image: 141103-7.JPG]

[Image: 141103-8.JPG]

[Image: 141103-9.JPG]

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[Image: 141103-11.jpg]

Holllly shit man that post is crazy. Favorite's definitely that huge mountain scene, the scale is epic. I feel like I had to crane my head up just looking at the picture.

Whoa that mountain scene is sexy as hell! Colours, lighting, brush handling, everything.. As on the rest: I kinda miss some happening on them, either a character or creature or something.. but all in all, tons of improvement since I checked your stuff!

I'm liking those landscapes, particularly the one of the colosseum atop the monolith. Good job with the textures on that one.
environments and inking. O_o

[Image: 8adTE.gif]

Fuurrrkkk almost a month since I last posted.

Will just post the most recent stuff. Cant even remember what I have been doing. I did take a week off though. Maybe more than a week... This month has been a blur.

Dragon Age Inquisition is amazing >.>

I HAVE BEEN FAILING SO GOD DAMN HARD WITH PHOTO-REAL AND PHOTO TEXTURES. These are the best of what I have done. The others arent even worth showing and god damn it sucks :( but thats Decembers goal, learn to do photoreal stuff

[Image: 141202-1.jpg]

[Image: 141202-2.jpg]

[Image: 141202-3.jpg]

[Image: 141202-4.jpg]

[Image: 141202-5.jpg]

nice studies and that guardian statue is lookin' pretty fine :)

Awesome studies man! You just made me feel like I'm doing it wrong. Well thats true, I'm doing it wrong.

Wow, those studies are really awesome, so much hard work! Colours looking better and better. Keep up the great work!!
And also, I can totally feel you with months being a blur and everything...happened to me a lot too, this year. But as important hard work is, breaks for refreshing the mind and body are as well (:


mooooore updates!!!!I wanna see what you've been up to! ;D

Those studies are incredible! :O

Yeah the last months have gone in a blur... Nevertheless I wish you good luck in achieving your goal for december! :D

Hey Guys! Its been so long! I have been as slack as anything! So posting more is my new years reso----

Wait.. its already the 18th? Fuuuu-----

Well.. new years resolutions are for breaking. Hope you all have had a happy and productive start to the year. Lets make it another kick arse year. I feel like I should have done some big "GOAL SETTING" post or some shit. But well, kind of moot now..

Anyway, I wont bother uploading anything I did before the 1st of Jan since well.. because my 2014 folder archive is a dark and dangerous place and not for the feint of heart..

Started Kalens mentorship a few weeks ago. Its been great! Cant recommend him enough as a teacher. I have been trying to do spitpaints in the morning most days. They dont always work out, but the ones that look semi-legible I will also post.

Also, I need your help! I want to be more effective with my posting to all the different social media outlets. Do you guys have any suggestions on what I can use? So far instagram is the only thing that will actually allow me to post to more than one platform at the same time.

But, aside from logistical things heres the art: (Sorry for the spam!)

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[Image: 011822.jpg]

If anyone wants me to explain anything here I am more than happy to. I usually try to caption most of my images but well.. theres a fair few too many so meh. I will start next time.

Also, remember, if you need help with anything dont hesitate to send me a PM or add me on facebook!

See you all next week!

(01-18-2015, 03:55 PM)Jaik Wrote: Also, I need your help! I want to be more effective with my posting to all the different social media outlets. Do you guys have any suggestions on what I can use? So far instagram is the only thing that will actually allow me to post to more than one platform at the same time.
You should check out check out If This Than That. Personally I use it to push some of my tumblr posts to facebook and twitter.

That perspective is lookin' real tight- nice job! I will say that because your style is more photo-real, your paintings don't really come to life until they're completely done. Not necessarily a critique- just an observation. Those callout sheets look really nice.

"Shit! Birds! Where's my stick?!" lmao the chronicles of stick-less man!

bro! fahk! well thanks for making me feel like shit ;D
The materials in your paintings are getting better and better Jaik... actually your environments in general are smoking hot!
shit's getting so good I can't even
[Image: MuktU.gif]

anyway looking forward to le next week's update. we'll catch up soon when everyone's able to and you're not swamped with work :3

P.s., The Aether Technician! that's an awesome site I've never heard about! defs check that out man

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Great updates mate, that latest bridge environment piece is fucking awesome. Are you using a 3D base when you start these and then drawing over them?

Beautiful progression man, please keep them coming.


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