Book of Voodoo
your notebook sketches are SO cool, love the people sketching!

keep it up!!

miracoly, Thank you for your kind words :)

here are
some of the mattepaintings I did for a TV show called Penny Dreadful
Top is original, bottom is with the mattepainting
[Image: 5_2.jpg]

Day to night mattepainting

[Image: 3_2.jpg]

Adding blood mattepainting
[Image: 4_2.jpg]

And a storyboard I did for the same TV show
[Image: Mariana_PennyDreadfulS3E1.jpg]

I finished the CHOW illustration
Missed the deadline for the challenge but! I have a finished illust at least xD
[Image: CaribbeanDragon.jpg]
sketches on my notebook!
[Image: IMG_-vogaq1.jpg]

[Image: IMG_7jwe71.jpg]

[Image: IMG_-xo1v0u.jpg]

[Image: IMG_-q5xcth.jpg]

[Image: IMG_n1ty7k.jpg]

[Image: 7-Fev-2017.jpg]

[Image: 6-Fev-2017.jpg]
Love these studies! Your matte paintings also look great! You should post more of these to your instagram :) Just wondering, but did you do more storyboards for Penny Dreadful?

Axrel ,Thank you! ^^u I admit my Instagram is kind of neglected. I will update it more often ;) For Penny Dreadful I only storyboarded this small scene. I have other storyboards but they're from another TV show.

[Image: 9-Fev-2017.jpg]

notebook sketches
[Image: DSC_0494_201702091916069241109.jpg]

and a work in progress pic. Assassin's Creed Fanart
[Image: IMG_-qln9tz1169.jpg]
Awesome work! I love your people sketches, they are so simple and yet so expressive. Do you sketch straight with pens or do you do any sketching with pencils first? I really like your style!

AlexShi, Thank you! Yes, these latest ones were done straight with pen. Usually I alternate it tho, sometimes straight with ink, until I get bored and swith to pencil first and ink later.

digi studies
[Image: 13-Fev-2017.jpg]

[Image: 109-Fev-2017.jpg]

[Image: 14-Fev-2017.jpg]

And the finished Assassin's Creed fanart!
[Image: ArnoElise.jpg]

Happy Valentine's day
Nice studies as usual! I love the colors and mood in that Assassin's Creed fanart piece :)

Great eye for color! Some really great stuff in here.

My only suggestion would be to push the values a tad more on the assassins creed piece. You might lose a slight bit of that color by doing so, but I think if you really cemented the occlusion shadows and darkest darks then it would make the forms pop more.

Good stuff!

amazing sketchbook, totes in love with this impessionistic-kinda way you paint, and castles are an obssesion of mine too, so this is twice awesome. The last illustration is such an eye candy in terms of color, all these warm hues.. awh. But I gotta agree w Nick Waldinger regarding values, the foreground would really stand out more with darker tones.

Axrel, Thank you!

Nick Waldigner, Thank you! Will work more on values for the next pieces. For this piece I wanted it to be not so contrasty like this, I felt it would help portray the lumonisity better

Vennsom, Thank you! castles are really fun to draw :)

more digistudy
[Image: 15-Fev-2017.jpg]
[Image: 16-Fev-2017.jpg]

a few landscape sketches
[Image: IMG_20170216_205142_150.jpg]
I really like that second study! The vertical brushstrokes and the colors make it look cool :D Also do you do those pen landscape studies from life?

damn look at that mountain's do you do that

Axrel, Thank you! the pen landscapes are from imagination. Sometimes I use photo for reference.

vennsom, Thanks! I used brushes without pressure sensitivity , is that what you mean? I also added noise at the end so that is what gives most of the texture.


studies. WWI soldiers
[Image: DSC_0861_1.jpg]

more ink and marker sketches
in my notebook
[Image: IMG_cx8sdf.jpg]

Quebec snow landscape
with gouache
[Image: IMG_-p9ayr9.jpg]
Just study and life drawing

[Image: 17-Fev-2017.jpg]

[Image: _20170221_102254.jpg]
[Image: DSC_0867.jpg]

[Image: 22-Fev-2017.jpg]

lifedrawing on the subway
[Image: IMGq.jpg]
[Image: IMG_njg3dt.jpg]

and some random sketching
[Image: IMG_-at47k1.jpg]
[Image: 2017Fev-11.jpg]

[Image: 2017Fev-2.jpg]
[Image: 2017Fev-3-2.jpg]
[Image: 2017Fev-4.jpg]
Wow VoodooMama! Your sketchbook is awesome! I particularly love your traditional paintings - the lighting and colour ...

Would you say that working with traditional paints like gouache has strengthened your digital art as well?

Keep posting!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Thank you!
Yes, It has helped me a lot with digital. I used to only paint digitally, but after I started doing painting studies with watercolor and gouache it really helped me with colours and values in digital. I'm not entirely sure why, but it has worked for me so far. I also find it really hard, but I really enjoy it! it's my goal to get better at it!

-- here are some really rough storyboards I did for another TV show.
This one is 'Vikings' , season 4

[Image: 1_VIKINGS_S4_Storyboard_Mariana.jpg]

[Image: 4_VIKINGS_S4_Storyboard_Mariana.jpg]

[Image: 5_VIKINGS_S4_Storyboard_Mariana.jpg]

[Image: 6_VIKINGS_S4_Storyboard_Mariana.jpg]
It's a scene were the Franks managed to stop the Viking boats by raising a chain on the river. Causing the viking boats to crash against each other.

Some more landscape sketching on my notebook
[Image: DSC_0864.jpg]

And yeaw! a new chow has been announced, here is my entry
I chose to do a Pirate Bard

This is the thumbnail I selected
[Image: PirateBard-1.jpg]
detailing the character and bg
[Image: PirateBard-2.jpg]
Started the rendering
[Image: PirateBard-3.jpg]
I'm thinking of adding a few more things to make him more bard-ish :/
Really like where this last one is headin! One of my favorites from the CHOWs so far. Thought of a Howard Pyle painting when I first saw it, even if the mood in his paintings is somewhat always grim.
Damn you're killing it, I'm looking forward to the finished CHOW piece :D. I also really love the characters you did on the 25th (or at least when you posted them).

I would love feedback on my Sketchbook

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