Hey man! Awesome progress, lots of hard work! Transistor face looks great, nice shapes especially the eyes. It'd be a good exercise to try and draw that again from memory trying to remember those same shapes.

Your gestures are getting really solid and the poses are really clear now! I made a few notes for you, not trying to play down your progress - just to help you. If you know this stuff already please ignore ^^

[Image: 7wTFflo.jpg]

Mainly about the ribcage, it's more egg shaped than spherical, to leave space at the top for the arms to swing around. Also you can probably start adding things like the collarbone to get more solid structure, and if you include the spine, really think about how it connects all the way from the neck down to pelvis. Thinking about this stuff will make your constructions more and more solid. Great work, looking forward to more ^^

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
Really nice perspective exercises! I'd recommend doing longer figure studies and looking into values and volume as well as body anatomy. Red's face is really good, I love your structure sketch. Another thing - you might want to use smaller pictures? It will make it easier for people to scroll down. Keep up the good work and cheerio!

@JyonnyNovice : Thanks! And don't worry, your advice has been extremely helpful.

@ ryesbread : The pictures are going to be a bit smaller from now on. And thank you for the advice as well

I did a bunch of head drawings from reference, here are a few.

These next drawings are just weird visual notes I  took while looking at a Rockwell Portrait.

Expect to see a lot more of those little notes. And tomorrow I will do a bunch of head drawings out of my...head.
Which will allow me to redraw Red from different angles like JyonnyNovice suggested.
The heads that came straight out my head Tongue Ha

These did not come out so hot, going to try again tomorrow!

Then I tried to break down hands and feet into simple shapes. Based on reference of course.

good night.
Gosh! I got really derailed for a second there...

Some old studies from a month or two back!

Here is a bunch of drawings I did while watching a free head drawing lecture on YouTube.

I have some more old drawings from the last two or three months, but I would rather post some new stuff

Good night B210e58c
Some boring perspective stuff.

Night y'all.  Moon, good night
good to see you're still hammering away at it : )

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
@JyonnyNovice: Like wise jyonny! You've been really busy while I was away!

Some quick sketches of hands.

Starting to build some momentum.
I forgot to show you guys these studies I did of a painting last month.

I put the painting in grey scale.

The Painting was a Rembrandt I think.

I was also looking at starter pistols for a project.

Some drawings today.

Good night. ZZZZZzzzz
More Rembrandt mine studies.

Wull Hi!

Looking through your SB and it's good to see you apply yourself to study. I would suggest considering proportions of anatomy, particularly of the human head. Maybe try using references, with or without grids. Be sure to post the studies here with the references so we can all see how you do!


Link Tree

Discord: emnida

Am alive!

Be back in a sec, more to come!



Been doing a bunch of these...Bridgman hand studies in pen.



Be back with more later.


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