The 10000 Hour Rule - Art Edition - 7626/10,000
Yesterday's stuff

Studies - Trying to work really methodically, thinking about the light. Painting shadows, then light areas, then highlights etc

[Image: study20thAprilcopy.jpg]

[Image: study20thAprilprocesscopy.jpg]

[Image: study220thAprilcopy.jpg]

[Image: thumbnailing20thAprilcopy.jpg]

Developed one of them
[Image: featheredhatguycopy.jpg]

[Image: featheredhatguyprocesscopy.jpg]

And then some evening studies and sketches
[Image: facestudies20thaprilcopy.jpg]

[Image: facesketches20thaprilcopy.jpg]

And a quick self portrait
[Image: selfportrait20thAprilcopy.jpg]


[Image: thumbnailing21stAPrilcopy.jpg]

And some character line drawings, developing a few of the thumbs
[Image: Linecharacters21stAPrilcopy.jpg]

Colour studies, and application. Lots of pixar in here :)
[Image: colourstudiescopy.jpg]

[Image: colourthumbscopy.jpg]

Portrait Sketch
[Image: portraitsketch21stAprilcopy.jpg]

Terrible study, couldnt concentrate for some reason.
[Image: Untitled-1copy.jpg]

And a portrait. Hope I got the likeness close enough? Gonna try and do more portraits of famous people, hopefully it'll force me to be more accurate. That being said, this isn't super close to the reference. Working on capturing a sense of light again, and surfing the fine line between a study and a painting I guess. basically, it's just a fairy inaccurate study lol ;)
Either way, it was awesome fun, and I learned a ton

[Image: waltstudycopy.jpg]

[Image: waltstudyprocesscopy.jpg]

Think you can kind of see what I'm talking about with my lighting process here.
Block in, add shadow, and light areas. Refine Shadows, refine light, add bounce light, add occlusion shadows, add speculars. :)

I like your brush economy, seems very deliberate.
Simplefyng works well for you! I've been watching a nathan fowkes portrait download
and he stresses getting the simple essence of the forms and repeatedly mentions the importance of squinting your eyes to see the simple masses of light and shadow without distracting details.

He also changed some elements like a lowering the position of a necklace, locks of hair and drapery was designed to all better serve the composition. had he copied exactly what he saw the piece wouldn't be so pleasing to the eye.
keep it up!

Hey man, you're making great improvements your character designs and illustrations have come on a ton! Plus your personal style is beginning to show through more, with your edges and brush work which I like a lot, keep pushing dude.

Lumens - Cheers man, yeah, it's pretty satisifying when it works, still working on it though :) I'll have to check that video out. Thanks :)

JonHop - Cheers man, I'll try :)

Recent stuff, just finished up an illustration I've been working on for a couple days.
Focusing on composition, and being a bit more adventurous. There's some stuff wrong with it, but time to move on I think. Let me know what you guys think :)

[Image: Encircledcopy.jpg]

[Image: Encircled-processcopy.jpg]

Let me know what you guys think :)

ok, heres what i think. THIS LATEST PIECE IS FUCKING AWESOME! gotta love that comp

It's been a while since i last dropped by but i'm pretty shocked by your developments. Flicking through the last few pages combined with this song

pure epicness :p

gettin me all fired up to start destroying the studies again like yourself. Last year around this time i was up super early, doin loads of studies, but slowly ive found myself getting less done and focusing more on imagination stuff and not studies. This was just what i needed, thanks ;p

oh, and one more thing, ass pats don't inspire work ethic so show us moooooooore and keep going!

F*cking awesome man!

Just get your screen calibrated because it is a tad too dark - but awesome one man!
Keep it up <3

Warburton - Haha, love your comments, always so full on :). Thanks a ton, I'll try and keep it coming, thanks for the kind words :D

Ursula - Thank you :D. Yeah I know, I need to get that sorted, cheers. :)

Rubbish day yesterday

Character Sketch
[Image: riotguycopy.jpg]

Clooney study, no likeness lol
[Image: cloonscopy.jpg]

Portrait sketch from imagination
[Image: Portrait26thAprilcopy.jpg]

And this, I dunno
[Image: fishcopy.jpg]

The portrait studies look awsome, i love how you simplified the planes, and the ilustration looks great,maybe you could push a little more the rendering on the clouds in the backgorund.

yea definately calibrate that screen asap ! that illustration is looking great , maybe play with the sky a bit try and give some mood to it.
Razvan - Cheers man. Ah yeah, I should really study some clouds properly. Atm I'm kina bullshitting them lol.

BenFlores - Yeah, I know lol, it's getting a bit silly. Gonna try and pick up a spyder or something soon. Cheers :)

Hey, new illustration

"Churchill to appear on the new £5 note."

The story

The economist (kinda stole the cover)

[Image: churchillmoneycopy.jpg]

Mocked up with an economist cover, Seemed like a good idea, I dno
[Image: churchillcovercopy.jpg]

[Image: churchillmoneyprocesscopy.jpg]

And a study, working on likeness some more
[Image: CZjonesstudycopy.jpg]

Great sketchbook mate, keep up that hard work. Dont forget to apply the studies when your done doing them but other than that your kicking ass! Keep going! :D

Cj_Marsh - Yeah, that's always the hardest bit lol. Thanks though :)

Studies from yesterday :)
Still going for likeness

[Image: jonsnowcopy.jpg]

[Image: famousportraitstudies28thAprilcopy.jpg]

[Image: DonStudycopy.jpg]

process :)
[Image: Don-Study.gif]

Passed 1800 Hours Here

Not happy with yesterday at all.. Ho hum, moving on

Quickish colour studies
[Image: huntedstudiescopy.jpg]

Wolf Studies
[Image: Wolfstudiescopy.jpg]

Illustration I started, not going anywhere though, don't like it at all
[Image: huntedcopy.jpg]

And some sketches
[Image: sketchescopy.jpg]

New stuff

Illustration I never finished
[Image: giantcopy.jpg]

Quickish piece
[Image: assassincopy.jpg]

[Image: portraitpracticecopy.jpg]

Form study, playing around with value ranges, and adjustments layers
[Image: Faceformstudycopy.jpg]

Nexus 7 still life, sucky, but gonna try and do more, maybe itll become a handy tool :)
[Image: Sketch302235127.jpg]

Warm up from yesterday
[Image: UFOscopy.jpg]

[Image: UFOs-process.gif]

WIP of a new illustration
[Image: Trucecopy.jpg]

Studies for it
[Image: sunsetmountainsstudycopy.jpg]

[Image: cloudcolourstudycopy.jpg]

nice amount of work !! I like the compositions you're doing ! keep it up !

I like your sketchbook! It is nice that you showing your process.

kikindaface- Thank you, yeah I'm really enjoying playing with composition atm, pretty fun :)

Nikt - Thank you, glad you like it :)

New stuff

Warmup sketch thing
[Image: Carchasecopy.jpg]

Crappy warm up thing. Just wasn't concentrating at all
[Image: Knightcopy.jpg]

[Image: silhouettescopy.jpg]

[Image: butlercopy.jpg]

Practicing materials
[Image: Glasscopy.jpg]

[Image: Ribboncopy.jpg]

[Image: citywallstudiescopy.jpg]

Sargent study
[Image: Sargentstudycopy.jpg]

And I finished up this illustration. Love to know what you think :)
[Image: Trucecopy-1.jpg]

Progress for it
[Image: TruceProcesscopy.jpg]

Yesterday's stuff
Mood study from Skyfall
[Image: skyfallstudycopy.jpg]

Portrait from imagination, kinda applying that sargent study
[Image: Portraitcopy.jpg]

And some early thumbnails
[Image: 1copy.jpg]


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