The 10000 Hour Rule - Art Edition - 7626/10,000
crackedskull - Cheers dude :)

Jonhop - Thanks man, glad you think so. Awww crap yeah you're totally right, I should've spotted that. Gonna leave it for this one, I'll try and keep it in mind with the next piece though, cheers dude.

New thing, Barbarian. Kinda focusing on pure character design for a little bit :)

[Image: barbarian.jpg]

Jake! Awesome stuff lately. I'm really digging you're effort into story-telling!

About the barbarian, I would say his shins are too small, or I'm reading it wrong because of that straps in the knees..

Good job!

MateusRocha - Cheers dude, yeah story telling's so much fun to work on :). Hmm, yeah think you might be right, I've posted a final below, but I might tweak it before I put it up as a portfolio piece anywhere. Thanks :).

Finished this dude - Check it out on DA for a better res :)

[Image: barbarian-1.jpg]

Unfinished still life, boooo
[Image: Buzzed.jpg]

Quick study
[Image: theoden.jpg]

Shitty sketches
[Image: sketching.jpg]

You're killin' it mate. Love seeing you progress, don't stop! ;>

That barbarian piece turned out really well. Nice work

ramalooke - Cheers man, means a lot

Ignatz - thanks, glad you like it :)

New Character WIP. Sort of started as a necromancer. It's a magic dude though I guess.
[Image: necromancer.jpg]

Finished this up just now, gonna post it around tomorrow, but I'm open to any tweaks :)

[Image: necromancer-1.jpg]

Oh man, keep up these characters! This is deliciously inspirational to see. Maybe some more drapery and hair studies for your next set of characters to add more of that realism.

Pnate - Ahh, glad you like them dude, gonna try a couple in environments next I think, had a load of fun with them though. So good to just focus on design for a little bit :). Yeah, I'll do that, I definitely bullshit that stuff a little atm. Cheers man :).

New Stuff

[Image: Demonic-Angel.jpg]

[Image: Wise-man.jpg]

New Character
[Image: Ranger.jpg]

On DA -

And I put together a process image for that last dude, not sure if it'll help anyone, but I've been working in a slightly different way, and it's helped a ton.

[Image: Process.jpg]

Higher res on my blog -
Let me know if anything doesn't make sense, I'll try and clarify :)

New Stuff

Gross Sargent study - maybe learnt a few things though
[Image: sargent-steps-study.jpg]

Goblin Studies
[Image: goblin-studies.jpg]

[Image: Surface-guard.jpg]

Speedpaint - the burial
[Image: burial.jpg]

Shit, I took a break from this thread for about a week and you've been killing it, as usual! Seeing how much work you turn out makes me paranoid that I'm not doing enough :[ Dam you, making me feel all guilty and shit haha.

Love these characters dude, there really showing off your progression and skills, keep um coming! I have a secret love for goblins too. I'm already liking that sketch, the comp is simple but really sweet and I want to see it finished :P

I'm digressing, I saw this on DA today and thought of you and your stuff. If your after some sweet medieval refs these might come in useful dude -

Ive probably voiced this loads of time but I really love seeing your work and progression man, keep it up mate!

I agree with Warburton. You're excelling at a rapid rate. Gonna have to light a fire under my ass and keep up with you!

Warburton - Haha, cheers dude. You always seem to swing by just as I'm in a lazy slump, between pieces or whatever. Such a kick in the ass to get my shit together ;) Cheers man :). That DA's awesome as well, nice find, gonna be using that a lot in future I think.

MrFrenik - Cheers man, glad you think so. Hearing that kinda stuff helps keep me so pumped lol, thank you :).

Abandoned that last piece in the end, but here's the progress
[Image: Surface-guard-1.jpg]

Quick creature portrait thing
[Image: Goblin-dude.jpg]

[Image: Untitled-2-1.jpg]

WIP of a new illustration, much happier with this one so far
[Image: Goblin-.jpg]

Also, I've been trying to exercise more, and this week I joined a hockey team. That, combined with actually trying to leave the house a little more often, means that hitting 60 hours a week has been a little less common. I'm going to try aiming for 50 each week, (9-5 during the week + 5 hours a day at the weekend) which seems totally achievable. Fingers crossed I do a little bit more than that, but at least this way I'll be exceeding a goal, as opposed to missing one and getting stressed and pissed off about it. Who knows, this might make me crazy lazy, and I'll have to reevaluate, but either way, I'll keep updating you guys. Thanks for all the support, means a lot :).

This is something I've definitely been trying to do. The more and more I go without exercising, the worse I feel and less I'm actually productive with anything creative. I remember one of my old college professors saying that you have to keep your "triangle" in check, the three sides of it being physical, mental, and spiritual (not necessarily religous) well being. If one of those is off, then it throws you completely off balance. Just something I think about every so often. And I like this last piece much better than the other. Good job spotting it early and starting a new one. Keep updating!

MrFrenik - Yeah man, definitely. If I don't do something regularly, I just feel scummy and gross. Plus, it's actually pretty fun being a bit more active, I'm starting to enjoy it now, rather than it being a chore anyway :). And yeah, me too, cheers dude :).

Spitpainting - 30 mins - Dual Wielding Guns

[Image: Dual-Wielding-guns.jpg]

And another WIP on that piece, any feedback would be awesome :)

[Image: Goblin--1.jpg]

Maybe narrow the picture a bit? I think there is too much background, compared to how many things are happening there:) The composition might be too simmetrical, seems kinda unnatural IMO..

always improving man, love the recent work youre putting out. and for some criticism , try to make everything on your characters read. pretend as if youre passing it off to a 3d modeler. looking forward to whats next !
Kaffer - Cheers for the comments man, the symmetry was something I probably should have addressed earlier, and I'll bear it in mind going forwards, recropping the piece helped a ton though, thanks for pointing that out :)

BenFlores - Thanks :) Ah that's a good way of thinking about it, I'll try and remember that. Cheers :)

Spitpainting - Smash the wall
[Image: smash-the-wall.jpg]

Final Goblin piece
[Image: Goblin-Different-crop.jpg]

Hey man. Your character designs are getting so strong, and its really cool too see how much experimentation you do with your illustration. Looks badass dude keep it up.

that gobling turned out great indeed!
Also, i´m totally going to study your process haha, thanks for sharing mate!


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