The 10000 Hour Rule - Art Edition - 7626/10,000
Hey, he turned ou nice! :) Keep it up! \m/

Passed 2800 Hours Here :)

Eduardo Garay - Thanks man, yeah feel free, it helped me a lot when thinking about light/form and stuff. :) Hope it helps.

Kaffer - Cheers dude, thanks again for the feedback.

Castle Studies for sketch below
[Image: castle-studies.jpg]

Abandoned sketch (there's a lot of these today)
[Image: Cliff-Castle.jpg]

[Image: thing.jpg]

[Image: Untitled-2-2.jpg]

Pawn Sketch
[Image: Pawn.jpg]

[Image: Arch.jpg]

Spitpainting - Sleeping
[Image: Sleeping.jpg]

Centaur design
[Image: centaur-design.jpg]

Horse Studies
[Image: horse-studies.jpg]

Forest studies
[Image: forest-edge-studies.jpg]

WIP of this new piece, so pumped, arrrhhjgjghg
[Image: Centaur.jpg]

Stuff from today, I'm gonna try and push this illustration to a finish tomorrow, so any feedback you guys have would be AMAZING :D. Cheers :)

Horse study
[Image: Horse-study.jpg]

Quick colour study, looking at the treeline
[Image: colour-study-clouds-trees.jpg]

And a WIP - Having so much fun with this, horse bodies are awesome
[Image: Centaur-1.jpg]

that last one is looking amazing ! looks like you really figured out your own process and youre running with it. for feedback id say study hair flowing in the wind like that and try to seperate it from clouds. its getting a thick oil painting look not sure if thats what youre going for though. sick piece man keep it up.
That goblin piece and this centaur... Man I think I got my art fix for a long time!
The amount of work you push out daily inspires me so much, that I have to thank you

Keep up the great work man :D!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
That centaur piece is really cool man, definitely my favorite of yours so far. You should slap a little motion blur on it at some point, it would make them look like they are moving faster. I might also get rid of the centaur on the very right as he kind of messes with the flow in my opinion.

Looking good though.

Sorry guys, in a rush, replies tomorrow. Thanks for all the tips though, helped a ton

Here's the final, as always, any feedback is much appreciated :)

[Image: Centaur-2.jpg]

wow love it!
BenFlores - Ah yeah, I repainted the hair, cheers man. Yeah I guess oil paint sounds about right, I've just been concentrating on brush work a bit more recently. Trying to simplify planes, that sort of thing, and that gives it that kind of look. Maybe it works. Who knows lol.

smrfette - Haha thank you :).

JJ Aaron - The comp looked a little weird when I took him out, so I pushed him back a bit, hope that works a bit better? And yeah, blurring/smudging some stuff helped a lot. Cheers dude, glad you like it.

BVB - Thank you :)

Crappy trees
[Image: trees-study.jpg]

quick hair
[Image: shitty-hair-study.jpg]

Book cover studies
[Image: Book-Cover-Studies.jpg]

Scifi character studies
[Image: Scifi-design-studiess.jpg]

Ascension Thumbs
[Image: Ascension-Thumbs.jpg]

Ascension Characters
[Image: Ascension-character-sketches.jpg]

Ascension Rough
[Image: template.jpg]

Hey, posted this on facebook, but figured I'd drop it here too...

So, I've been tracking the hours when I work on art stuff for a while now, in order to test myself against "the 10,000 rule". And, the whole time I've been posting to a blog. Only problem was, the blog was kind of a mess, hard to navigate, and it wasn't the kind of thing I'd want to point potential clients at (too many crappy abandoned sketches etc). Anyway, that's all changed now, it's separate from my portfolio, it's tidy, and it works much better. There's even little menus so you can jump to any 100 hour period in the process so far. It's cool, you should check it out :).

Also, it's on tumblr, so if you're a person who's also on tumblr, that's even better :).

Lost in space spitpainting
[Image: Lost-in-space-1.jpg]

Abandoned monument - ew
[Image: abandoned-monument.jpg]

Ascension WIP - Abandoned this one
[Image: Ascension-cover.jpg]

New Ascension WIP :)

[Image: Ascension-cover2.jpg]

Female Gesture studies
[Image: female-gestures2.jpg]

Ascension WIP
[Image: Ascension-cover2-1.jpg]

Dudde you get better every time I come here. I'm diggin that centaur piece :) Keep this up mannn

pnate - Thanks man, I'll try :)

Cave Study
[Image: Cave-study.jpg]

Ascension WIP - Hopefully get this finished today :) Needs a second pass I think
[Image: Ascension-cover2-2.jpg]

Wow, that centaur piece, its stunning.
The ascension is looking good, like the composition and the mood. It looks like a concept straight out of a game artbook. Keep pumping out amazing stuff.

That centaur!!!!!!!!! (:

This ascension is going well too! What's that for? Anything specific?

CrackedSkull - Cheers dude, Really glad you like them, thank you :)

Mateus - Yeah it's for the Draw or Die FB group, I've dropped a link down below, get involved :D. Cheers man.

Spitpainting - Utilitarian Mech
[Image: Utilitarian-mech.jpg]

Flower Study
[Image: Flower-study.jpg]

Probably the final WIP for Ascension - Realised I never mentioned why I was doing this. It's for the Draw or Die FB group. Check it out, pretty cool group of people :)

So yeah, this is pretty much done, the deadline's not until the end of the month though, so if there's anything broken that you can see, let me know. Gonna do a final pass over it, edges and stuff, shortly.

[Image: Ascension-cover---Tweaks.jpg]

Hey, I saw your blog site and it's pretty damn inspiring. The amount of general improvement is definitely visible.
I'm really liking that minotaur piece, it turned out great! Also liking that ascension cover you've been working on. I don't know how it looks in full res, but from this size the woman's neck looks a little elongated, I think the shadow on her neck, and some of the gear she has on is making it appear that way. Again, it's hard to tell at this size. One more thing, it took me a while to notice that there are hands in the foreground reaching over the rocks, they really blend into the environment, nearly mistook them for rocks.

Liking your stuff a lot, man. :]

Hey Jake. I agree with Archreux's crits. I don't think the highlights are enough to make the hands stand out; maybe make them a little paler just to give them a different value than the rocks or a faint secondry light from the left to define the backs of the hands? Not sure about the girls neck, it may be the backlight cutting into the form giving it an elongated look. Apart from that I think it's a cool piece and the centaur pic is fantastic; lovely brushstrokes.

Centaur charging = extreme awesome
I like the silhouetting against the sky, and how he's emerging from the forest. You used the sweeping strokes, long streaming hair, and slight blur so well to create motion. The chiseled strokes of the muscles and face on the main creature really add to the power.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Archreux - Thanks man, yeah I've shortened the neck in the final, a couple of people pointed it out in the end, and you're right. She was like giraffe style. Oops. I brightened the hands up, and darkened the rock they're sat on as well. Was tempted to try and justify it, because it's the back cover or whatever, but Ignatz agreed. Not gonna argue with a 2 on 1 ;) Seriously though, you were right, they were way too dark. Thanks :)

Ignatz - Like I said above, I've tweaked both of those, hopefully they work a bit better now. Thanks for the feedback, always helps a ton :) Cheers

Tygerson - Thanks, had so much fun painting that, really glad you liked it. :)

So, Final Ascension stuff

[Image: Ascension-cover---Tweaks-1.jpg]

And a mock up of how it'd look :)
[Image: Ascension-Mockup.jpg]

Spitpainting - Gasmask in the dark
[Image: Gasmask-in-the-dark.jpg]

And a piece from a little while ago for Bloodrealm (Between 2500-2600 hours somewhere)
[Image: Golden-Knight-Final-signed.jpg]

Illustration for Bloodrealm |

Image is the property of Making Fun, Inc. ©2013


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