The 10000 Hour Rule - Art Edition - 7626/10,000
From yesterday
[Image: Movie-study-car.jpg]

And a quackish piece
[Image: Rider-.jpg]

Today's stuff

Django study - butchered the likeness, learnt some stuff though :)
[Image: Django-screencap-Study.jpg]

[Image: Snowslope.jpg]

Looking good Jake, Jaime Jones study on the last page is sweet. Your plans for 2014 sound good as well. Really liking the application of your studies.

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Yeah man good start to the year! Great application of your studies. Maybe have a look at your edge control? that last snow piece has great potential and a few sharper edges around the face and helmet could help it have more of a focal point, seeing as we tend to look at faces 1st in an image.

Jonesoda - Cheers man. Learnt a shit ton doing that. The guy really knows his stuff.

kidult - Yeah dude I know, my edges are horrible. I'm trying to come up with a way of working on them while I work, rather than blurring stuff out at the end, you know? You're definitely right about that one as well, just kinda stopped working on it lol. I'll try and push the focal point in tomorrow's. Cheers :)

Today's study
[Image: 21-Jump-street-study.jpg]

And thing that I kinda ballsed up then abandoned. Oops. Better luck next time lol.
[Image: Windy.jpg]

And a spitpainting :) Strange cloud formation
[Image: Strange-Cloud-formation.jpg]

Man so much hard work in here. I really like the way you are applying each of the things you do, something I really need to do more of. Do you find that applying your studies in a quickish piece is more beneficial than applying it with a longer image that you spend more time on?

Tons of awesome stuff as always :)
Keep it up and show that cloud formation to lazyness.

that jaime jones study and the one after that was brilliant. dat brush work
[Image: dat-ass-meme.jpg]
keep it up man
Jaik - I dunno, it's a bit of give and take. I just realised I wasn't finishing anything from imagination at all at the end of last year, and this is a good way to force myself to do it. Maybe you can learn more from longer pieces, but there's only so many hours in the day, you know? I wanna study, apply, and do bits of client work (if I have it) or work on my portfolio, all in the same day, taking too long on any one thing makes it much more difficult. All that being said, I think this is a happy medium. I've been spending a couple hours on the studies (sometimes longer) then a bit more on the application, and I feel like I'm learning more than I have in a very long time lol. Plus, it's funnnn :D

Crackedskull - Haha, yeah dude. If I saw that when I looked out of my window, I'd never stop ;)

BenFlores - Haha, cheers man. He's a beast. Learnt so much studying that, just gotta try and apply it in my own work now. :)

Watched Shaddy Safadi's tutorials on youtube today, while studying. Really cool workflow, definitely check them out if you get a chance.

[Image: Big-Rock-study.jpg]

Initial comp, which I abandoned
[Image: Desert-Rocks1.jpg]

Here's what I came up with instead :)
[Image: Desert-RocksFinal.jpg]

GoT Study
[Image: Robb-Stark-Study.jpg]

Apply - Not happy with this at all. Oops.
[Image: Hillside.jpg]

Witch hunter spitpainting
[Image: Witch-hunter.jpg]

[Image: Sword-Guy.jpg]


[Image: LOTR-volcano-study.jpg]

I meant to apply the study, but ended up painting something totally different. Ho hum
[Image: 7th-December-painting.jpg]

Aaaaaand a portrait sketch
[Image: portrait-sketch-7th-dec.jpg]

Tried to mix it up a bit today, didn't really work. Back to that other method tomorrow, seemed to be working :)
Soo... crappy sphere studies, playing around with process
[Image: sphere.jpg]

[Image: wood-material-study.jpg]

A quick, crappy study and apply
[Image: 30-min-study-1.jpg]

[Image: Untitled-1-6.jpg]

Portrait study, bit happier with this, but was more concerned with trying out a different method and kinda ballsed it up
[Image: Portrait-study-Slaughter-of-the-Lambs.jpg]

Just went back to basics in the afternoon
[Image: skyfall-study2.jpg]

And started to apply it, but ran out of day
[Image: staff-dude.jpg]

Pumped for tomorrow :)

[Image: Screncap-study---rubber.jpg]

Apply, kinda. Should have taken this further. Was trying to stay loose? Sorta...
[Image: Sketch.jpg]

Entrance to the dark castle spit painting
[Image: Entrance-to-the-dark-castle.jpg]

Colour studies
[Image: colour-studiesss.jpg]

Random generic sketch.
[Image: Rocks-and-flag.jpg]

Passed 3600 hours here

Hey, so tried something different for today. These first few images are all chronological. Basically wanted to study and apply the different phases of a painting, all separately. Seemed to work alright. Hope it makes sense :)

So, composition studies first. Big shapes.
[Image: 10th-Jan-Comp-studies.jpg]

Then applying, composition sketches
[Image: 10th-Jan-Comp-sketches.jpg]

Enviro studies
[Image: 10th-Jan-Enviro-studies.jpg]

Applying to the image - Enviro sketch
[Image: 10th-Jan--enviro-lines.jpg]

Character studies
[Image: 10th-Jan-chara-studies.jpg]

Applying that
[Image: 10th-Jan--line.jpg]

Colour study
[Image: 10th-Jan-Colour-Study.jpg]

And the painting :)
[Image: 10th-Jan---Colour.jpg]

So yeah, think that worked. Learnt a ton, gonna repeat this I think. Means I can hit more weak points in a single image, and don't have to worry about getting everything from one study.

Here's some other stuff from today :)
Couple of hours
[Image: over-the-edge.jpg]

an hour(ish)
[Image: Wagon-Path.jpg]

And a spitpainting - The great dam
[Image: The-Great-Dam.jpg]

"And started to apply it, but ran out of day" - Lol! Yeah I hate it when that happens. :p

I'm not sure what you've changed about your technique or how your doing it but I think if you keep busting ass like this your going to see improvements in huge amounts. It's already getting better from these latest posts.

One possible suggestion, is try to spend some time studying forms. Try to break down in your head how things would look in 3d space while your painting stuff and how light effects those forms. It sounds easy but it's really tough to fully wrap your head around this shit lol.

Always a pleasure dropping by this thread man, great motivation.

Warburton - Cheers man. Playing around with a few things. Just trying to fuck around with brushes and edges a bit more though, and studying regularly is helping a ton. Yeah, I try to do that, it's definitely more difficult in practice though. I'll try and do a still life or something soon. They seem to help with that :).

Been away over the weekend, and kinda slacking today. Here's what I've got though.

Comp Studies
[Image: 12th-Jan-Comp-studies.jpg]

[Image: comp-studies-13th-Jan.jpg]

[Image: comp-sketches-13th-Jan.jpg]

[Image: Untitled-2-5.jpg]

[Image: 12th-jan-sketches.jpg]

[Image: sketch-thing.jpg]

[Image: city-studies.jpg]

[Image: Church-study.jpg]

Horrible thing from life in the car. Disaster lol.
[Image: Car-plein-air.jpg]

Did this in the car as well, went a bit better lol
[Image: Tree.jpg]

And a spitpainting - Elevated railway
[Image: elevated-railway.jpg]

Better day tomorrow hopefully :)

Nice stuff as always.. those value comp. sketches seem useful, might give it a try.. :)

Kaffer - Cheers dude. Yeah I think they do, and they're fun if nothing else. Really interesting trying to make stuff work with big shapes :)

Comp Studies
[Image: 14th-Jan-comp-studies.jpg]

Comp Sketches
[Image: comp-sketches-14th-Jan.jpg]

[Image: 14th-janflag-studies.jpg]

[Image: 14th-jan-enviro-studies.jpg]

[Image: 14th-jan-colour-study.jpg]

Applying it all
[Image: 14th-Jan.jpg]

And the process, if anyone's interested :)
Comp -> Lines -> Flatish colour -> Bold light ->Cleaning up the form/light/colour -> Brushy edges everywhere :)

[Image: 14th-Jan---Process.jpg]

Sketch for Ascension. Really don't like it lol. Might have to bail on this month's one and get back into it next month.
[Image: ascension-4-comp.jpg]

And a spitpainting - Toxic pool
[Image: toxic-pools.jpg]

As always a pleasure to watch your constant progress. Some nice goals you've set yourself for this year to.

Thr rocky pieces with the guy on top and the dragon are very good, I think if you changed the dragon a bit and made is tail longer to lead the eye from the road up to him it would help the comp. Seeing all your work makes me feel I gotta start studying more! lol Awesome stuff dude, keep pushing it!

Like how you are apply and doing those studies! Shows in the last piece of the guy on the rock


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