The Velvet Revolvers
hey all, Today's work.

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Today's shitty oils. About 2 hrs.
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Awww fireworks, that's so cool! *_*
Well I have actually no idea how much time it took me, maybe 2hours, as i've spent a tiny amount of time on it every day this week (didn't do anything else -.-) I didn't spend more than 5-10mintues on that background really, armor is still tricky to me and those shades of blue were just... tough! xP

Thank you about the portfolio! ^^ Seen your progress around here and it's pretty impressive!! Those oils (oils, right?) you've been doing look fancy.. Can't wait to put my hands on that as well soon! Keep it up!
About jobs, I'm just getting some very underpaid RP card illustrations as well as portraits so far.  I also make a bit of money with photography now and then.. Now you know! ^^

What about you? and everyone else? Who's a student and who's getting gigs? I'd love to know!

Here's a few little scribbles done today, before going out for a long walk in the forest! :)

You are your only limits!

Hey Lale,  What card games do you work on?  Every so often I get freelance gigs from personal clients, really small gigs really. Currently I'm working on this game though, that a personal client is making, in which I gotta make the art for the whole thing so, that's gonna keep me busy.  Eventually I want to work for WoC though, and them high lvl Fantasy jobs.
Lovely gestures btw. And that value study is pretty sweet, couldn't have done that better myself, the hands are really well done, and that head in perspective is perfect.

Weekly Review

This is going to be a long one, so be ready...

So this week I spent it finishing my first of many commissions for the upcoming game I told u guys about.  Pretty happy with how it turned out, I finished that a few days ago, and now I'm back into training mode.

 Recently I watched a tutorial, about making it as a concept artist in the industry, by Shaddy Safadi, and he talks about how concept art is what it is today, and that is, a cheat fest of all sorts of shit. Like using photos, and 3d models, and picking colors from ref, and straight out painting on top of pictures. And that that's just how it is. And if you want to get your game up to part and have any kind of shot at getting hired by big companies, you gotta do those things. And it made a lot of sense

I look up to guys like Maciej Kuciara, and Jamie Jones, And those guys use all of those things to make their images, so why not? Shaddy said something that really got to me though, we are all going to die, very soon. There is no time to fuck around, just do what needs to be done to get their as fast as you can.

You know, I look around, and I'm like, what the fuck, I spent nearly 5 years in art school, been out for 3 months, there is no way I can support myself with what I am right now and what I can do. Im Living with my parents, training art like a mofo, and man, its hard, the progress is hard, like, Im 23, there are other mofos out there... 20 yrs old, who kick my ass, and use photos and 3d's and shit. Why not just do it, I want to enjoy my late 20's and not feel like a decade has passed and I've just gone through 10% more of progress in my career. Youth is invaluable, I cant think of anything fun I have ever done in life, like going to a different country and getting laid with some foreign beauty, skydiving, just, like an adventure somewhere unknown, I dont do shit, I feel like an android, cut away from society. And ok, so work as hard as I can for 5 more years to reach top notch lvl, and then grind at jobs, til I get enough money and establishment to do anything, you can get lost into that world, suddenly you are 35-40 you haven't done shit in life, your most beautiful years of youth are way past you, you will never get those back. And then that's just gone.
Why not speed it up?
Why try to kill myself perfecting perspective for years, when I can just learn modo or sketchup for a couple of weeks, and produce perfect architecture and paint on top of it, and have the best illustration I've ever done?  That's gross, I despise all those shitty tricks man, using photos for 70% of the thing and calling it a painting, fuck that. But you know who doesn't give a shit? The clients, and the ones that pay the most, just want to see the fucking thing done as real as can be.

I will try to embrace some of that, I will learn modo, from now on. I will get back into Zbrush, I will learn how to matte paint. I will learn all this shit, to come out a more valuable artist sooner than later.
The commercial art world is spinning on this kind of wheels right now, If you want to be part of it, If you have the ambition to get to the top, you gotta do this. If you wanna get there and not be like a super stylized guy and all. Which is great too, I think that's even a better thing to be, your own kind of market, created by art you make, that's so different that everything else. But that's a story for another day.

Ok, this is long enough, fuck it. If you haven't already, I really recommend listening to this guy's talk, is just 3$    Make your own conclusions, and decisions. I think I've made mine.
Not saying I will become one of those dude who just photo/3d bash the shit out of their work, I'm just saying, I will stop being ignorant, of these tools, that can give me the push I need to get out of this shit.

Hey guys sorry for the lack of updates, I can't access my scanner atm so i'll post a bunch when I can which should hopefully be tommorow, also have'nt been drawing much productive anyway because i've been busy the last few days.

Laleann:Hey welcome to the group!, you seem to have a really solid understanding of form and gesture.
Also about the hangouts, if we could get a daily or every few days hangout i'd be up for it, whats the PN hangout? I might join sometime :).

Bookend's Weekly Review: Meh. It was an okay week. Excited about the new proj with my sister. Definitely moving forward, and that's the important thing. Uninstalling and reinstalling Krita, because I suspect I messed up the brushes somehow... Hopefully I did, so when I get new brushes, I can be like YEAH.


 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!
It's a bit late to post the weekly review... xD This week nothing much new, doing amit assignment and some anatomy stuff. I think I'm gonna do since right now 30 min sketch warm up every single day before anything.

Jeso: I'm fking agree with every single word you wrote down in your weekly review.

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Sorry I haven't posted guys, My computer was going insane, fucked up my Photoshop. I just fixed it, getting back to work tomorrow. Getting some 3d software installed too.

Hey Jose, By the way, really dig the colors you have in your enviro sketches! You nailed that.

Jeso: Keep up those oils man, so inspiring!

LaleAnn: I like those clean gestures and forms, nice!

Lordminkx: Floating rocks are always +awesome. somethings always better than nothing, good luck with the 30 min warm up!

keep truckin guys!
hey Thanks Dodeqaa

Shit from today.
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Tried to paint Legolas, ............ ... Uhmm Something didn't come out right........ haha

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Alright, Guess im going to practice some tutorials now.

Now this is shit.. if you can believe it... Sometimes i feel like i get worse... haha

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What the hell is going on in here, what happen to all you guys?

Stuff from last night.

Heads from imagination
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Trying to get more emotion into them faces...
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Nice variety of faces Jeso!, I think the ball of the head might be more stretched back a bit though(it's more of an egg shape from the side from what i've seen), and the ear is a bit to far back on some of them like marlon brando there XD.

Anyway sorry I can't update still, ordered a new scanner which should be here in a few days.

Hey, this is something I've been working on. Trying to get into photo bashing, watched this tutorial by John Sweeney. Gonna try to dwell into it more from now on.

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Hey trigger thanks for showing up yesterday btw.

But I guess its gonna be only me today... again....

Whatever, here is what i've done today so far. Next im going to try and learn modo.

All of this is from imagination, as you might be able to tell, by its lvl of shitness... lol

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This 2 are paint over photos

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Kinda proud of this one.

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Yeah I noticed that too...where the hell has everyone been the last 7 days?

Anyway good to see you trying to apply so much to imagination man.
The first one looks to muddy in it's values I think, theres also issues once again with the head shape(the head needs to be wider I think and the chin seems to be pushed too far back from the cheekbone, i'm assuming these are done completely from imagination but maybe quickly get a mirror and try to pose your face in the same way as the paintings sometimes then put it down again, that way you're not copying but you can see where you've gone wrong.

Also yeah that last piece looks sweet, weird but cool.

Hey trigger, Yea man, gotta practice more heads, in structure. Thanks for the critique ^.^ In fact... Tomorrow im going to draw nothing but heads.. fuck it... go balls out and address the issue. Grab the bulls by the ball sack... that's my motto.

Man... I really hope this doesn't become my personal sketchbook.

Today's face pooping fest.

60 seconds heads.. just impossible to finish them properly.

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Some referenced heads
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Another from Ref.
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And then from imagination. Felt some improvement at the end.
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Need to get better at hair styles

I finally have my scanner!

yeah man them heads are lookin better already.

I won't upload everything i've done, mainly just shapes practice anyway and I don't want to spam the thread with crap.

I feel pretty good about how these cubes are turning out now but I still need more practice with cylinders. i'm gonna try and do more figures for a while though.
the imagination doodles turned out alright, i'm seeing a ton of problems(making the necks to long) but atm i'm just trying to get back into the habit of drawing from imagination everyday.

Also thinking of trying out the drawing fundamentals course on schoolism thouhg I can't seem to find anything but the 1 year subscription.

Anyway won't be updating again till after halloween as i'm going away for a few days, hopefully some of the other members of the group will come out of hiding soon xD.

Attached Files Image(s)

Hey Trigger! We are 2 wolf pack for the time being! Those cubes are looking nice man. But dont get too caught up on that, Chances are you wont be drawing cubes professionally. What are you drawing them so much for? Is it to practice some sort of perspective? apply to something, build figures with cubes in different angles. Build environments in cubic like shapes based of actual horizon line and perspective.

Are you using actual perspective and Horizon line for the cubes you did? If not, then what is that? just cubes for the sake of practicing the dexterity of doing straight lines?

The figures got proportion issues. I think necks are fine though. But I think the proportions of the Heads you are drawing are too skewed. Something I used and helped my a lot yesterday when i was doing heads was this video by Proko. Follow the method he is using for structuring the head.

Good work, Keep it coming.

Stuff from today

60 sec poses. Long pose study ref-memory-ref. Some thumbnails for a project im going to be working on in the future.

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