kidult's sketchbook
[Image: thumbs-1_zps5bac0543.jpg]

[Image: thumbs1_zps9547bdec.jpg]

[Image: IMG_zpsd0eb4e79.jpg]

another helmet design:
[Image: helmet1b_zps4312034c.jpg]

Awesome design, I love the robots! God Job!
The helmet design is awesome as well, the only think I would change is alignment of hologram frame to helmet perspective. It distract my awfully that frame is in different perspective than head.

It's good to see these sketchbooks grow so much, 7 pages is something I aspire to here, and beyond! Keep on practicing!

Thanks for the feedback Madzia and go for it Goht!

[Image: IMG_005_zps399654c2.jpg]
[Image: IMG_002_zps468ad62e.jpg]
[Image: IMG_003_zpsb0fabda6.jpg]
[Image: IMG_025_zpsa9c62e7a.jpg]
[Image: IMG_040_zps1cd82f08.jpg]

face studies, left side ones from photos, right side ones from imagination:
[Image: IMG_042_zpsc814a8e3.jpg]
[Image: IMG_053_zps20757402.jpg]

just imagination:
[Image: IMG_051_zpse6b7e3f9.jpg]

[Image: face1_zpscca4c518.jpg]

another helmet guy:
[Image: helmet1c_zps86fe87f8.jpg]

sketches from imagination:
[Image: IMG_061_zps57b6a0f6.jpg]
[Image: IMG_062_zps229c0a9a.jpg]

another sci fi helmet:
[Image: helmetd_zps5dee8dde.jpg]

Working on my own webcomic project, here's the logo and a part of page 1:

[Image: logo1b_zps1e2397e8.jpg]

[Image: page1a_zps85074a20.jpg]

Love your sketchbook drawings and studies and everything. marry me! ups. did i said that out loud? ;x

Thanks Rama! and sorry my girlfriends being a party pooper...she won't let me get married to anyone else...

Another teaser:
[Image: starbackground_zpsf161535a.jpg]

It's been a while since I checked out your work, and wow man, you work so hard and it shows. I'd do more value studies and stuff, i fell like most of your work could use a bit more of a value range to make it superb. You humble me with your thoroughness, keep up the awesome work.

Thanks iCi ! and yeah need to work them values more!

so here's a go at doing some panels for my comic, trying to work things out like showing movement and adding sound effects. the background is just a placeholder for now, like the colours but the buildings are a bit junky and don'y really fit the scene:

[Image: page6_zps4ccb99dd.jpg]

Here's a look at a space station which will feature in my comic project "Escapade". It's about 99% done but I will most likely still fiddle with it some more at a later stage. This space station (name pending and I'm open to suggestions) has an entire nation living aboard it. It currently holds 120 million occupants. Most of the occupants work and live in the middle sphere. The lower sphere is the industrial area which contains numerous automated factories. The upper sphere is known as the luxury level and it's here where the rich and famous live. It's also houses a large entertainment section with is utilized by everyone.

[Image: ss1_zpsfdd59908.jpg]


[Image: colou1_zps5dd82345.jpg]

[Image: hands_zps3ae17006.jpg]

red dot ones are from photos, rest from imagination:
[Image: IMG_075_zpsb03c4077.jpg]

Some studies:

[Image: gestures1_zpsb4f1e1b5.jpg]
[Image: gestures2_zpsbf77f299.jpg]
[Image: IMG_092_zps84dcc8a5.jpg]
[Image: hands2_zps8c256967.jpg]

quick scribbles:
[Image: IMG_090_zpsd023ea47.jpg]
[Image: IMG_089_zpsb2cc7bbb.jpg]

Studies, ones on the left from photos, ones on the right from imagination:
[Image: IMG_108_zps84fa0dd6.jpg]

some rough ideas for a hover / sc fi bike:
[Image: IMG_118_zps0a15b708.jpg]

and trying to tackle my weak points, a sci fi city enviro for my comic project:
[Image: page5panel1b_zpsbbe71edf.jpg]

studies, ones on left from ref, ones on the right from imagination:
[Image: IMG_119_zpsd93d0ad7.jpg]
[Image: gestures3_zps12feb39a.jpg]

top half ref, bottom half imagination:
[Image: IMG_124_zps2b553c6a.jpg]

some sci-fi bikes / vehicles:
[Image: IMG_121_zps404eb218.jpg]

Studies, top half from ref, bottom half from imagination:
[Image: IMG_144_zpseb7ff9a1.jpg]

some sci fi biker suits:
[Image: char2_zpse79e937c.jpg]

Black Cat fanart:

[Image: blackcat1a_zpsd8882511.jpg]


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