varbas is a noob
SOmething something.. I finished that elf portrait I dont want to work more on that. Changed a color balance and background bit. But I dont know every time I start drawing I get burnout or whatever after few days soo I dont know  what to draw now...

Today I woke up late so just few things.

Just some stuff from today. I checked some jobs on DA but I dont really know what to draw if something to works I found there to apply or some bigger illustrations or something...
And also failed with study :D


The rendering on that masked character is coming out really well. Also love the apple study. Done any with multiple fruits?

Just over here trying to get better.
CHARLE PRSN- Thanks. And no really,  I wanted do study just for texture of rotten apple but doing multiple fruit study is not bad idea.. 
Some stuff from past two days.

some things. I did aplication of today study but wanted to kind of change it so it doesnt look like study.

stuff stuff.. dont know what to draw maybe burn out or i dont know..

That little knight guy looks good. If you're not bored of it, I'd like to see some light/shadow added to it :)

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Tristan Berndt- Thanks. And yea worried I would fuck it up somehow but I will maybe try some quick oclusion shadow technique to add some form. 
Today not gonna draw whole day so at least some quick studies and quick sketch.

Got drunk a bit yesterday so I didnt draw much but at least something. I tried using different references for the latest thing I am doing and starting to get why people do that :D

Just working on those sketches slowly pushing them.. the goblin dude took alot of time so didnt do much else.

Not feeling it today just doing bits on the goblin thing...

Feels bad spam posting the goblin every time but finaly finished it :D just some minor changes from last time. Not doing any new stuff so just some random sketches after studies.

Loving your rendering, very nice value range and your metal textures feel so shiny and real! I think my favorite is the hooded girl above (#74) great work on the face there :)
Keep going!

bmswift- thanks. yea that one is from photo so it looks little bit better. :D

Had to do some stuff out of house so didnt do much. And actually loosing it dont even know what to draw or study.. I dont know if i am burned out or what but it is not working.

Some studies and sketches. Did some experiment with my sketching brush watching dave rapoza and it works pretty well.

one thing i can deffinetly see is you care alot for value man this is an awesome sb! if youre still feeling burned out maybe try different subject matter? keep it up man



When in doubt ask yourself, what would scooby do?
dawckward- Yea thanks alot. And yes I pretty much do care mostly about values while rendering :D or maybe I am just staying in my confort zone or something. Now I am mostly focusing on producing at least some portfolio so that maybe burned me out but yea new subject matters are always good. I will think of something.
Some studies and sketches.. Trying to do more finished bigger pieces so did some sketches and maybe stick with one of them.

Took a day off drawing... Did some sketches and studies. and funny thing I didnt know that if you press F12 in photoshop it will reset document to previously saved or I dont know how but I found it hard way. And I dont have a clue what lighting to use one the last piece ...


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