varbas is a noob
Some studies and sketches. Late for selfportrait day. Doing those quick BaW sketches to find out some things. Just experimentation.

Stuff stuff, working. Trying few colors but the red crown looks suiting.

Some stuff. Doing some portraits as aplications for light studies but goning to try and finish them and then move to some other stuff.

Some stuff from today. "Finished" some portraits (but more like fuck that stuff time to move on other things) and did some quick sketch which I will maybe continue doing, but it is way out of my comfort zone so will take more time. Also Ruan Jia is super cool.

Didn´t do alot. Looking on some dnd character art so will try something more like that. Also took day off or whatever.


Yesterday couldnt really do anything because day before I recalibrated my monitor little bit so I couldnt really see anything so today I correctly reseted my monitor and calibrated through multiple sites. And it works fine for now. Also I did one superb bad still life that I didnt even saved. Usually I can care less how the study looks because it is just a study but this one was super bad.

These value portraits are great! The Kimimaro portrait is coming along really well. It really looks like you put that Ruan Jia study to good use.

There are some proportional and distortion issues with a few of these. The further down from the neck, the more apparent they appear to be. Just take a little more time on the drawing with the next full body piece you work on, and that should help. :]

Archreux- Thanks man. Yea Ruan Jia is blessing and the curse that I found :D And yea that character I dont really have any dwarf anatomy guide so I am just improvising. But yea cant never be too careful. 

Some stuff from today. Maybe did quantity before quality..

This past few days it totaly felt like I forgot how to draw so didn´t really do much, just struggled through it. It is getting bit better but yea.. 

Doing some stuff out of house so I have pretty much no time to draw but tomorow I guess will be last day then I hop back into it.

Good knowledge on form, the studies are paying off. I'd suggest you get some large, basic measurements right before going down to the details, on some figures it seems you skipped over them. Sorry if I'm repeating what you already know. Also if you havent seen it, theres a good toturial on measuring here for any price you wish to pay:

crackedskull- yea thanks. I am focusing on forms right now but it is messing up with my values so I should balance stuff a little bit. And yes I would say I am forgeting to meassure but in reality I am just too lazy to do it every time :D but yea should just do it. No problem, I forget basics every time so glad to be reminded.

Finished with stuff so I should be going back to drawing again.

The study and study aplication took bit more time so didnt do much. Just a bit of rendering on snake and bit of value cleaning.

Didn´t really do much just some old stuff, but I found some nice texture brush for the dave rapoza study so at least something.

Did longer study and sketch. It was pretty quick sketch but I kinda like it so maybe I will continue on it. Also I worked some colors on that portrait but I didnt think of colors beforehand as always so it will take bit more time. Not really worth posting again.

That's a lot of nice work in here. I can see you like to render and you're getting quite good at it.
Dennis Kutsenko - Yea Thanks. I dont really think I am any good in rendering but I am starting to grasp some basics of form and values and stuff. But I am really bad at composition, design and stuff that make images interesting so yea I should maybe try to focus on those. But thanks. At least some comfirmation that I am not really wasting time.
I decided that this portrait should be finished, because I keep digging into it and I should probably start on working on something else. Probably going to work on some characters for portfolio. 


Couldnt really draw yesterdey, needet to do some stuff so I just did quick study and setup that pirate figure for rendering in evening. 
Started rendering it and found out that on white backgrdound the details get kinda washed out so I put some darker gray for background. But I dont know if I am going to keep that just while I am rendering it or even as a final, because I was looking at some dnd characters and most of them are on white background. Not that I thing I must copy but I am now aiming to build portfolio for this kind of jobs soo I dont know, just thinking.


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