Monkeybread's Dribblings
Looking sweet duuuude !

Good luck,

Those last two EOW entries are fantastic and the atmosphere in the plein air piece is beautiful. Nice work.

Thanks Chris! Cheers Ignatz! Much appreciated. Thought I'd add these sketches. I'm really shit when it comes to characters and my workflow is horrendous so these are just digital ramblings really.

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Tried to chop and bash a better pose out of the initial sketch. Think it's better. The question now is to staff or not to staff and what are the better minor variation in arm positions. Only about 80% satisfied with pose but I only have a day to get cracking so I will continue onwards towards rendering but it's still easy to make pose tweaks based on crit if anyone has any to give:)

[Image: attachment.php?aid=34522]

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30 minutes
[Image: attachment.php?aid=34661]

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two more 30 minute spit paintings

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A wip, a couple of EoW comp thumbs and a bit of scratching on a screen with a stick.

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Man i love that building speed painting that is so nice!

Cool thumbs i was gonna post in the eow thing but i think they need to be more graveyardy. The last sketch is really interesting the shapes :)

Thanks Yolo. Yeah I'm trying to not take every theme so literally and use it to push the ideas more. Who says a graveyard needs to be a yard full of graves. It's just a place with lots of dead people in it really. Like cementing wise guys into construction sites or dumping them in barrels into the ocean. haha. I might try a few more conventional goes though hehe

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Damn your 30 min speedies are insane, well done.

Thanks Cracked! couple more 30 minuters...lost my mojo a bit:
Also I don't get email notifications from any subscribed threads anymore even though I'm subscribed...this happening to anyone else?


Fog Army

Got mojo back with today's 30 minutes. I'm actually pleased with my workflow for once, it was like butter!
Destroyed School

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looking good dude

Blogs CA|DA|CD
Thanks Mark!...or should I say Incinerated? ;)

30 minutes : Magic Ball. This one is crap but I was just testing some recording settings out, and decided to carry on. I think I might record these speedies more often and post the process, because I've been getting a few questions.

process vid:

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30 minutes : Minotaur
Took it off my fb post so sh$t quality.

Process vid

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wow you have so many different styles very inspiring. You can get a heck of alot done in 30 minutes. Keep up your drive!

Front End Developer by day but an Artist by Night
"Artists help artists"
My Sketchbook | Artstation | Instagram | Youtube Lets Learn 3D
Thanks Nufftynuffs! To tell the truth, I'm being bloody lazy just doing these useless speedies, but I guess at least I'm doing something!

Nother one. 30 mins. Concrete Jungle


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Awesome, man. I want to get to recording soon, but I don't have the confidence yet to put myself out there while I'm working on something, ha.

Yeah I know the feeling Frenik, but you have skills man, so just go for it. Most of the time I just figure not that many people will watch it so it doesn't really matter plus there is always something someone further back in the skill trail will learn from you, so it can't be bad. Plus when sped up you look a lot more confident than normal :P
At some point I am going to ditch these to finish something properly, but just need a break from more intense pieces for a while, and practicing comp, implied detail and testing workflow ideas is never a bad thing.

Nother one....screwed up the recording.

Ghostship. 30 mins as usual

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Another shit 30 minute paint, I gotta stop doing this crap

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That ship comp is smooth bread. The vibe and colours it all goes really well together :)


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