Monkeybread's Dribblings
The b&w concrete jungle piece is great; love the light and atmosphere. I would love to see you push some of these further.

Man, I've been seeing your stuff in the Spitpaint group and you've got some really tasty stuff for 30 mins in there, and here. You've got good atmoshpere and lighting in a lot of your stuff also. :]

Thanks Ignatz and Archreux! Yeah I'm taking the fog army one a bit further, but none of the others are really speaking to me :)

And some lion studies...because lions are freaking awesome and my imagination bucket is running on empty.

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30 mins: vulture noms

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Thanks for the comment in my SB. I see you've got a lot of 30m concepts, which look pretty awesome, but have the potential for much more. Pick the one you most like and start working on it, I think if you do this with a fresh mind right at the start of a day you could get something pretty awesome out of it.
Just throwing it out there, hope this helps. Still youre doing awesome shit in my eyes either way so keep it up.

Thanks Cracked! Yeah I've been avoiding doing any finished pieces for a while because I felt like my imagination bucket had a hole in it and needed some rejuvenation. The 30minutes are good to try and unleash it again. I've already taken the fog army one onwards another hour and I think I will end up taking it on to finish at some point. Will post is up when done. Thanks for stopping by dude!

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The lion studies are really superb! :> And also the previous speedpaint has really nice choice of colors in it! I also like the subtle feeling in it.

Keep it up! :)
Man, that man-on-the-ball piece almost gave me vertigo!

mat04art: Thanks man. I shall!
Rognoll: Lol...I'm glad to hear it. I winged the perspective so glad it's working!

30 mins: Red waterfall. Tried to do more with less....but ended up farting around too much. Definitely need to work on that. Only got 4 hours of sleep last night too so just goes to show how sleep deprivation is very very bad.

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I can definitely attest to how much sleep deprivation messes with you, since I work graveyard shift and am perpetually tired. Good studies, and I think the vulture's pretty dope. Might be worth pushing that one more.

Awesome! I really like those black and white ink-style works - those are siiick! And your Heathen works - those are some mind blastingly good stuff!

I feel you regarding imagination tanks running low - it happens to me a lot as well. Sleep is important, get some rest and recharge man. AND THEN COME BACK AND MELT FACES WITH YOUR ART

That lioness has some badass biceps. Awesome paintings MB :)

Yeah dude MrF. Being tired is sucky as hell. I was running an average of 4-5 hours a night for almost 6 months. Wrecked! Trying to get more balance now, but sometimes I succumb to bad habits. Working full time as well does suck. Oh well.
@LongJH: Thank you and yes, I'm trying to take a break but still do something throw-awayable with these speedies so I retain a tiny bit of momentum. I shall melt faces soon lol
@Prabu: I honestly exaggerated very litte. Awesome beasts! Thanks :) New speedy coming up soon

*ediit I ain't even posting it, it's so shit

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Waterspell. 30 mins
Shit just got real at the fb group....Sparth, Mathias Verhasseult, Mike Azevedo, Bjorn Hurri, Goro Fujita are posting speedies now :)

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what the hell another one before bed...totally random
Futuristic Arena 30m

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all 30 mins...all meh

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Loving the ideas here! especially that future place the colors man. Also saw sparths speed painting sweet stuff :)

Cool speedies. Definitely gonna have to check out the FB group with names like those being dropped.

Thanks dudes...tbh I'm doing too many of these and I feel like my ego has taken a hit, I need to do something decent to finish to remind myself I can do decent work.

Today's two. Plant human v1 and 2

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Nice sketchbook, monkeybread! And I know what you mean by "ego hit" :) The only thing that helps here (at least for me): doing lots of studies and not so decent sketchwork until confidence rises again.


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