Getting (more) serious!
So, after trying and failing a number of times at getting a schedule going that I can stick to I'm trying a different approach. Sort of more in line with SMART goals in a way, in that there is a measurable part to it.

It's basically a checklist with a list of tasks to do. In the past, if I changed my main area of focus to something, I find I can get stuck on that subject for long periods of time, unwilling to move on until I've 'perfected' it but that level of perfection I'm seeking would probably take years not weeks or months. So I would keep going and hammer myself into a subject until I got burned out - or I'd stay with something for a short time but move away as soon as something that sparked my interest more came along (which is probably a better way but meant I didn't give a decent amount of time to some things, especially stuff I found hard).

So, accepting that I won't be able to 'perfect' or 'master' a particular area the first time through, I've set myself limits and specific boxes to tick. Right now I'm working on facial expressions, figures in perspective and attempting to keep my inking skills up. The idea is that after I've done the drawings and ticked the boxes, I move on to the next thing regardless of how I feel about what I was drawing (although I will maintain practice and apply the knowledge learned when sketching in my sketchbook in the evenings or doing comics or illustrations). Hopefully this way, completing the whole study area instead of getting stuck on one thing I will progress better overall, and when it's complete I can make a new one to address whatever other weakness / areas of study I need to tackle!

I'll post up again with my progress in a month or so (if all goes well!). Let's do this!

[Image: 6jzfthd.jpg]

Any comments about obvious flaws I've missed, ways to improve this or any other thoughts are welcome!

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
This looks like a smart move Jyonny. I like how it's specific and measurable too.

In case you want to estimate how long it will take you to complete this and future schedules, you could try measuring how long it takes you to do each set of tasks as you do them. Just a thought :).

Good luck with this though mate!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

good idea! I'll do that

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
Sounds like a good plan! And don't forget that sometimes spending time at one topic also improves other areas. So being sufficient in other areas will certainly help to master one :)

ho those checkboxes....soo much satisfaction when you check those off :) Get to it son!!

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Good luck! Just don't forget the true goal is to get better, not just to execute a plan. I'd say check it off when you're satisfied, not when you reach 5 (but that's just my 2 cents, feel free to disregard)

Thanks Eyli, that's very true! And cheers Amit! I agree with you Piotr, 100%, but I'd always find I was never satisfied and could get stuck on an area in a soul destroying loop of near burnout! I'm trying this way to basically remove the element of having to think too much about what to do next but to focus on just doing it, then to assess at the end what would benefit from doing more. It's an experiment anyway, will report back how it goes! (Although now I decided to join CC4 this might get put on hold til after that).

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453

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