Become Pretty Good At Drawing And Rendering The Human Figure
Although art is not my fulltime occupation, I am pretty serious about getting better so I watched Amit's S.M.A.R.T. art goals video the other day and combined that with some stuff I learned over the years and have set myself the following goal:

"Become Pretty Good At Drawing And Rendering The Human Figure"

Motivational Art:

The art of Fenghua Zhong:
The art of Wei Feng:
The art of Ignacio Fernández Ríos:

Success criteria:

1. Be able to construct realistic and fluid human figure poses from different angles.
2. Be able to construct the human figure in perspective.
3. Be able to accurately construct human anatomy (bone structure and musculature) from different angles.
4. Be able to render the 3D form of the human figure with values and colours.

End Date:

31 December 2016


1. I can realistically only allocate 1 hour a night to my art hobby.
2. I have to be in bed by 11:30pm every night otherwise I will burn out.

Current Work Velocity:

29 hours/month (but I will adjust this to 20 hours/month to factor in my comic project)

Tasks For Current Month (October 2016):


Task Bucket:

Hunt down some values tutorials [0.5 hours estimated].
Do Drawabox Lesson 1: Boxes [1 hour estimated].
Do at least 1 full body human figure sketch every day for the whole month [5 hours estimated].
Do a diagram of brachialis muscle Origin And Insertion and memorize [0.5 hours estimated].
Understand Measuring Points in perspective and do 3 Measuring Points drawings [1 hour estimated].
Watch the Ron Lemen "rendering the figure video 2" [0.5 hours estimated].
Watch the Ron Lemen "rendering the figure video 3" [0.5 hours estimated].
Watch the Ron Lemen "rendering the figure video 4" [0.5 hours estimated].
Complete A Perspective Grid Referenced Drawing 4 - Worm's Eye View [1 hour estimated].
Complete A Perspective Grid Imagination Drawing 4 - Worm's Eye View [1 hour estimated].
Do a diagram of latissimus dorsi muscles Origin And Insertion and memorize [0.5 hours estimated].
Do a diagram of external oblique muscles Origin And Insertion and memorize [0.5 hours estimated].
Do a diagram of the rectus abdominus muscle origin and insertion [0.5 hours estimated].
Do a diagram of the front and outer thigh muscles origins and insertions [0.5 hours estimated].
Do a diagram of the back and inner thigh muscles origins and insertions [0.5 hours estimated].
Study the Peter Han Dynamic Sketching 1 Masterclass Demo video [2 hours estimated].
Study the Peter Han Dynamic Sketching 2 Masterclass Demo video [2 hours estimated].
Gather tutorials for adding colour to grayscale value paintings [0.5 hours].
Do a master study each month of my favourite artists [2 hours estimated].

More tasks to be added soon.

Completed Tasks:

Please see the Monthly Review posts later on in this thread.

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook


this a great lecture on rendering

Awesome - many thanks Adam! I've added videos 3 and 4 to my list to watch as well :).

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Cool man, nothing to add. Get to it!

 YouTube free learnin! | DeviantArt | Old Folio | Insta
Thanks for the push Amit - I'm on it!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

awesome goals, so specific, I think that really helps to focus on getting the stuff done, good luck with it ^^

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
Monthly Review - June 2016

What Worked Well
Having a set of clear tasks saved me from scratching my head wondering what to do next.
Having a Task Bucket allows me to record useful tasks which I don't have time to do right away but they will be there so I can come back to them later.
I was able to add new tasks to the current month and move other tasks back into the task bucket.  This allowed me to respond to unexpected learning opportunities whilst not losing sight of the original tasks.
Keeping my sketchbook updated with my thoughts and studies allowed others to come in and give me a nudge in the right direction and this was really helpful and appreciated :).

What Didn't Work Well
Failed to get to bed by 11:30pm.  I will mitigate this by allowing myself to split tasks up over several nights instead of trying to finish each one all in one sitting.
I seemed to underestimate a few tasks.  I will add another 30% onto my estimates.
I've been neglecting my warm-ups so I will make sure I do 10mins of gestures with traditional pencil and paper at the start of each session next month.

Tasks Completed This Month (June 2016)
Complete Perspective Grid Imagination Drawing 1 - Back Three Quarter [1 hour estimated] [2 hours actual].
Complete Perspective Grid Referenced Drawing 1 - Back Three Quarter  [1 hour estimated] [1.5 hours actual].
Do a diagram of Biceps Origin And Insertion and memorize [0.5 hours estimated] [0.5 hours actual].
Study Hampton: Landmarks - Volume section [1 hour estimated] [1 hour actual].
Study and understand Perspective Distortion [2 hours estimated] [2 hours actual].
Study the Cone Of Vision information from JyonnyNovice [2 hours estimated] [3 hours actual].
Hunt down some tutorials on the basics of rendering light and shadow [0.5 hours estimated] [0.5 hours actual].

Metrics For This Month (June 2016)
Estimated Hours = 8 hours
Actual Hours = 10.5 hours
Actual Monthly Work Velocity (based on 1/2 a month's stats) = 2 x 10.5 = 21 hours/month.

Priorities For Next Month
Start studying Values
Continue studying Perspective
Continue studying Anatomy

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

(06-30-2016, 02:51 AM)JyonnyNovice Wrote: awesome goals, so specific, I think that really helps to focus on getting the stuff done, good luck with it ^^

Hey thanks for the push Jyonny :).  Good luck with your stuff too.

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Hah. Fun seeing someone as "metric-driven" -don't know if you still struggle with getting to bed on time (I always do) -but something that helped me was to establish an hour of "wind-down" time where I don't do art up until sleep. I always tended to push staying up a little further, then staying up late for friends/events always fucked this up. The wind down time, usually time spent reading nonfiction and turning off all my electronics, allowed for decompression and easier nail the time. Plus, reading fiction always helped to exercise and try to push my mental visualization.

Because of this, I moved up the time when I'd start to get to work (also have a day job) setting a "do or die" time start working at my desk on projects. (Get off work at 5, get to work by 7, usually push to start by 6) I split my days by am and pm slots; am for studies, pm for client work and projects. Having transition "fluff" times was important to mitigate shit like my bus being late, getting stuck at work, dinner taking longer, but the real success is in the cyclic reactionary cycle churning passively for for improvement. Consistency is more important than being "hardcore" and working 14 hours straight without sleep then sleeping 12 hours the next day to recover. O_o

Good luck man! Hope that's helpful somewhat. I love seeing people work hard and smart! :]

Hey thanks for dropping by Heliux :).

Yeah getting to bed on time is a continual struggle for me still but I can't afford to have an extra hour of wind down because an hour is all I get to do my stuff. Anyway winding down isn't a problem for me - within 5 minutes of getting into bed I'm so tired I just drop off anyway. Thanks for the tip anyway though.

Building in a buffer zone for stuff not going to plan is good advice - I think I will add that to my plan - thanks :).

I completely agree - consistency is more important than being "hardcore" and working 14 hours straight without sleep. If you burn out there's a chance you might give up on your dreams altogether and that would be a shame. So it is better to think long term and build sustainable habits.

Thanks for the encouragement dude :).

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Monthly Review - July 2016

What Worked Well
  1. Carrying around a small sketchbook and some coloured fine-liner pens allowed me to fit in some extra sketching throughout the day.
  2. Downloading a load of reference images to my phone allowed me to fit in extra figure sketching from reference here and there.
  3. Starting the drawabox exercises has given me more confidence when doing line drawings.
  4. Joining in with various streams had no tangible benefit but I found them to be highly motivational.
  5. Doing the values studies has given me a bit more confidence when handling light and form.
  6. Studying the pelvis by doing a 3D model really helped me understand it's 3D form.
What Didn't Work Well
  1. Failed to get to bed by 11:30pm.  I will mitigate this by allowing myself to split tasks up over several nights instead of trying to finish each one all in one sitting and also aiming to finish by 11:15pm.
  2. I seemed to underestimate tasks involving values.  I will add another 30% onto my values tasks estimates.
  3. I've been neglecting my warm-ups so I will make sure I do 10mins of drawabox exercises at the start of each study session.
  4. Obviously I tried to squeeze in too much for this month so I will only put in 15 hours worth of tasks for next month.
  5. I don't feel like I am doing enough art from imagination to apply my learnings and also highlight remaining gaps in my learnings.  I will mitigate this by doing at least one full body figure sketch from imagination every day and also completing one full illustration from imagination each month.
  6. I really underestimated how long it would take me to do a 3D model of the pelvis - some of this is because I'm a bit rusty with 3D modelling but nevertheless I will add more time to my estimates involving 3D.
Tasks Completed This Month (July 2016)
Complete Perspective Grid Imagination Drawing 2 - Front Three Quarter [1.5 hours estimated] [1.5 hours actual].
Study Proko's Shading Light and Form - Basics video [1 hour estimated] [0.5 hours actual].
Study the "Learning To See Light And Shadow" tutorial at [0.5 hours estimated] [0.5 hours actual].
Values Exercise from CGCookie Exercise 29: Back to Basics [1 hour estimated] [2.5 hours actual].
Study Hampton: Landmarks - Weight Distribution section [1 hour estimated] [0.5 hours actual].
Complete Perspective Grid Referenced Drawing 2 - Front Three Quarter [1.5 hours estimated] [2 hours actual].
Study Hampton: Landmarks - Connections section [1 hour estimated] [0.5 hours actual].
Do Drawabox Lesson 1: Lines [1 hour estimated] [0.5 hours so far].
Complete Perspective Grid Referenced Drawing 3 - Bird's Eye View [1 hour estimated] [not started].
Do a diagram of the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus origins and insertion [0.5 hours estimated] [6.0 hours actual - due to extra 3D modelling].
Do a diagram of coracobrachialis muscle Origin And Insertion and memorize [0.5 hours estimated] [not started].
Do Drawabox Lesson 1: Ellipses [1 hour estimated] [not started].
Complete Perspective Grid Imagination Drawing 3 - Bird's Eye View [1.5 hours estimated] [not started].
Study Hampton: Landmarks - Arms and Legs section [1 hour estimated] [1 hour actual].
Do Drawabox Lesson 1: Boxes [1 hour estimated] [not started].
Carry an A5 sketchbook and do some sketches for fun whenever I get the chance [4 hours estimated] [3 hours actual].
Warm-ups: Referenced Figure Sketches (to be done each study session) [4 hours estimated] [3.5 hours actual].

Metrics For This Month (July 2016)
Estimated Hours = 23.5 hours
Actual Hours = 21 hours
Actual Monthly Work Velocity = 21 hours/month.

Priorities For Next Month
  1. Broaden visual library of figure poses by doing more sketches and gestures from reference.
  2. Continue studying Values.
  3. Continue studying Perspective.
  4. Continue studying Anatomy.

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Hey loader!
Damn, dude. I am not able to micromanage myself so hard, setting timelimits for everything is very difficult for me.
Also, thanks for inspiring me to start my own deathline! I'm watching you now =_=
Thanks Jun :)

Having one of these helps with focus I find.

I'd better get on with this then!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Monthly Review - August 2016

What Worked Well
  1. Breaking up my tasks into small chunks had a number of benefits: i) I could fit them into my day more easily ii) I could break off more easily when it was time for bed iii) I was more likely to do at least something every day.
  2. Studying the Brush Control rendering techniques over at CtrlPaint really gave me a boost as I started out studying and rendering values.
  3. Doing a complete illustration - I learned loads of unexpected things from doing this - I am definitely going to continue with this each month.

What Didn't Work Well
  1. I failed to complete some of my tasks because I started working on my comic project again.  I will factor the comic project into my planning by only planning 20 hours of art study this month.

Tasks Completed This Month (August 2016)

Do 1 completed character illustration each month [5 hours estimated] [9 hours actual].
Do Drawabox Lesson 1: Lines (do as warm-ups) [1 hour estimated] [2 hours actual].
Complete Perspective Grid Referenced Drawing 3 - Bird's Eye View [1 hour estimated] [Not started].
Do a 3D model of the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus origins and insertion [0.5 hours estimated] [6.0 hours actual].
Do a 3D modelled of coracobrachialis muscle Origin And Insertion and memorize [2 hours estimated] [Not started].
Do Drawabox Lesson 1: Ellipses (do as warm-ups) [1 hour estimated] [0.5 hours so far].
Complete Perspective Grid Imagination Drawing 3 - Bird's Eye View [1.5 hours estimated] [Not started].
Carry an A5 sketchbook and do some sketches for fun whenever I get the chance [4 hours estimated] [4 hours actual].
Do at least 1 full body human figure sketch every day for the whole month [5 hours estimated] [7 hours actual].
Studied Matt Kohr's Brush Control tutorials on CtrlPaint [1 hour estimated] [1 hour actual].

Metrics For This Month (August 2016)
Estimated Hours = 22 hours
Actual Hours = 29 hours
Actual Monthly Work Velocity = 29 hours/month.

Priorities For Next Month
  1. Broaden visual library of figure poses by doing more sketches and gestures from reference.
  2. Continue studying Values.
  3. Continue studying Perspective.
  4. Continue studying Anatomy by working through the Hampton book.

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Monthly Review - September 2016

What Worked Well
  1. Working on a full illustration same as last month - I learned and re-learned many things.  Definitely worth while.
  2. Taking part in the Informal September Crucible - I got some really useful feedback that I can take away and digest.
  3. Watched a number of Gum Road tutorial videos (from Anthony Jones, Walent and Juma Jurabaev) that were really educational and inspirational.  The good thing about these Gum Road tutorials is that you can completely study at your own pace and within your own budget.

What Didn't Work Well
  1. Going to bed too late again.  This month I will try to mitigate this by telling myself it'll work out better in the long run if I look after my health and get enough sleep.
  2. Watching too many Gum Road tutorials all at once.  This was a case of information overload.  There were so many great techniques to experiment with but trying them all at once de-railed me somewhat and I was producing stuff that wasn't as good as I expected and this had a bad effect on my morale.  Gotta take it a bit slower and only study one tutorial at a time!

Tasks Completed This Month (September 2016)

Do 1 completed character illustration each month [5 hours estimated] [6 hours so far 28Sep2016].
Carry an A6 sketchbook and do some sketches for fun whenever I get the chance [4 hours estimated] [2 hours so far 28Sep2016].
Do at least 1 full body human figure sketch from imagination every day for the whole month [5 hours estimated] [2 hours so far 28Sep2016].
Study the Anatomy section in the Hampton book [6 hours estimated] [3 hours so far 28Sep2016].
Do at least 1 master painting study a month [2 hours estimated] [Not started].
Practicing sketching on my mobile phone [not estimated] [3 hours actual].

Metrics For This Month (September 2016)
Estimated Hours = 22 hours
Actual Hours = 16 hours
Actual Monthly Work Velocity = 16 hours/month.

Priorities For Next Month
  1. Continue learning to sketch figures with Values.
  2. Study the drawing heads section of the Hampton book.

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

I like your structured approach to goal setting!
As fore watching tutorials, sure, I think much more time should be spent practicing art than watching.
Good job with your Cricible btw!

Thanks Neo :). Yep more drawing less watching other people draw! I am still trying to apply some of the feedback I got from the Crucible so will post an update with I'm done - thanks for the kind words though :).

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Monthly Review - October 2016

What Worked Well
  1. Taking part in CC6 was tough (missed a lot of sleep) but I ended up doing some studies that I otherwise wouldn't have done and had great fun :).
  2. Completely by chance I read "Mastery" by George Leonard after reading about it in this thread that Neopatogen started (thanks Neo :)) and it caused a major shift in my general attitude to art study.  Now I am no longer so goal oriented but have become focused on enjoying the journey itself.  Slowly I am beginning to "love the plateau", to enjoy the process of training for it's own sake even though I don't seem to be making much apparent progress.

What Didn't Work Well
  1. I got a bit lazy this month and didn't bother tracking my time, but I think most of it was taken up with CC6 anyway.  I was also somewhat distracted by the major shift in my attitude to art study as described above.  I will get back to tracking my time again as I still think this is useful.

Tasks Completed This Month (October 2016)

Take part in CC6 [not estimated] [7 hours actual].

Metrics For This Month (October 2016)

Priorities For Next Month
  1. Continue learning to paint figures with Values.

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Monthly Review - November 2016

What Worked Well
  1. Did an écorché study - really great for making you learn anatomy.  I had to run off and consult my anatomy books and Google to make sure I had the origins and insertions right.
  2. Using egg shaped rib cages during figure construction!  I dunno why I went off and was using blocky rib cages but this caused my torsos to look weird.

What Didn't Work Well
  1. Still a bit lazy about tracking my time this month.  I feel like I'm running out of steam a bit on these goals but December is the last month so one last push.  Then I will set some goals for painting environments.

Tasks Completed This Month (November 2016)

  1. Studied back muscles: erectus spinae, teres major, rhomboids, trapezius.
  2. Did an écorché study of the back muscles.
  3. Established a figure painting process.

Metrics For This Month (November 2016)

Priorities For Next Month
  1. Bring this set of goals to a close with a fully rendered figure painting.

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

I started out with egg shaped torsos before I made them blocky! You're my Bizarro world counterpart! I really don't have anything significant to add. Only cheers for you to go at it! There's definitely an improvement on your skill.

[Image: lMpL1.gif]

If you are reading this, I most likely just gave you a crappy crit! What I'm basically trying to say is, don't give up!  
IG: @thatpuddinhead

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