Ass Kick
hoo hoo, watch those edges on those last ones, they have some weird chips and slopes in them; the rendering's pretty good though :)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
(04-17-2017, 10:01 AM)NoodleInBox Wrote: Yay I actually managed to post today! So sad haha. Well anyways some doodles. I really like the one pixel brush at the moment. Then a life color study. Man those are so hard for me. I have so many problems with seeing colors correctly and rendering stuff out. But I am hopeful that it will get better with time :) And some value studies. The two balls are from imagination.

Fantastic sketches bro! Keep it up !
Fedodika Thank you for the feedback. Yeah they suck. And the rendering was just a big soft round brush nothing special meh >.<
UKRAINIANWOLF97 Thank you :3 You too!

Well yesterday was kind of a fail. I met with a friend and we just wanted to eat something. The day endet with us playing Magic and me not going home... well next day ist going to be better.

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(04-19-2017, 06:35 AM)NoodleInBox Wrote: Fedodika Thank you for the feedback. Yeah they suck. And the rendering was just a big soft round brush nothing special meh >.<
UKRAINIANWOLF97 Thank you :3 You too!

Well yesterday was kind of a fail. I met with a friend and we just wanted to eat something. The day endet with us playing Magic and me not going home... well next day ist going to be better.

Be the best not the hardest aim. To be resolve and always sharp up skills - the hardest thing. The black belt - white belt ,who never quite. And i admit,that you keep improving )
UKRAINIANWOLF97 I will I promise!

Well just a small 1.5 hour doodle. Trying to get the values right not really succeeding :/

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Some stuff from today :) Anatomy and faces. One study and on 40 min lunch break doodle from work. Well her forehead is kinda gigantic O.o

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Life study meh

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40 min lunchtime scribble :) not much to say about that except that i need to study faces more >.<

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A selfie and a still life. More of those tomorrow. I need to improve on them damn!

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Stuff from today. Another selfie and life painting. A sherlock doodle, some hands from imaginationand a kick ass thing which proves yet again how bad my lines are. Too lazy to upload the other stuff haha xd back to drawing!

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Great work dude! Love the stuff from life. I definitely feel like I learned the most, and still do, from just putting random shit next to me monitor and paint it. Everything from plants to shoes, glasses, statues etc. I still do it and it's really fun.
Just keep doing what you are doing, you are on the right path for sure. Only tip I would give is to perhaps stray away from doing face studies off of celebrities, might just be my own preference but I fixate way to much on capturing the likeness and not learning the construction of the skull etc.
Anyhoo, keep up the good work!

Nice self portraits!  I like how the eyes are so tightly rendered versus the rest of the painting.
On that pencil and paper still life, was the light coming from above?  I'm just curious cause the pencil shadow seems kinda long.  Great job nonetheless, love that occlusion shadow from the paper.
sansReAnne Thank you! Yeah eyes are the thing Im concentrating on right now. But I should probably do everything from the face >.< the light was coming from above but not straight kinda angled. But Im not shure... forgot 

alexson Thank you for replying *.* Will keep the still lifes coming. And thanks for the tip with the face studies. It makes a lot of sense now that you say it haha.

Well work was really shitty last week. And cause of that I got frustrated with having to go there and wasting so much time yada yada... then I just wasnt able to draw which made me even more frustrated with myself and everything which again led to no drawing. I then realised that I need to go trough this. I now see it as my test of life to prove that I am able to become a better artist and hopefully a better person too. I want to stay committed to it! Yeah... no more time wasting! And I want to stop beating myself up if I dont get around to do much on a day. That just doesnt lead anywhere.
Sorry for that little "rant" I sound so whiny but I just had to get out what has been on my mind for weeks. And since I see this as my little art diary I thought it would be good to post here. 

Some of the stuff from today. A digital painting I started. I want to really finish it this time since I have so many problems with sticking to a thing. Then some anatomy.

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For the painting you're working on currently- it might help to group your values a bit more. I think it'd give the image a stronger composition. I did a quick paintover to show what I mean-

Keep it going NoodleInBox, well done for doing those still life studies as well - I've heard a lot of people say that they really help (I need to do more of them myself).

I think you have the right attitude in not beating yourself up when you don't do any art - that path will lead to a dead end in my opinion.

Great anatomy studies again by the way!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Artloader Thank you! Yeah I will. I feel a lot better now that I have talked it off my chest :D
The Aether Technician Thank you so much for the critique. I never thought about it that way. Will try it out right away!

Mosty Anatomy today. I need to do more painting... but also more drawing \o.o/

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your pencil structure is quite nice ms. Booty kick! Hmm, it seems when you paint a portrait, you lose a lot of the structure. Maybe you could render one of those faces sketches you did without erasing the lines and see how far you can push it with lines in tact ;) Use like multiply overlay layers try it out!!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Thank you mister :P I will try that out today!

A digital doodle, a rock study, selfie and an enviroment from imagination. There is so much wrong with it I'll have to do a few more of these haha

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Hey miss ASS KICK!! Love that latest selfie hmm hmm; Don't know if you've seen what I've been doing lately with the wrapping form studies, they really can teach you a lot about the little bitty contour things you're getting wrong. Like in the last face you did the nose is kind of slurred on the frame,

My advice is grab some photos and literally just draw on top, like with a new layer and bright color, wrap the forms you see the best you can, break down the shape into chunks as if you could pull them off the picture and have them floating, kinda how like Loomis shows how to cut the sides of the ball for the head with a knife; Do that!! As long as you're paying attention you'll learn new stuff, promise!! XX

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Quote:Sorry for that little "rant" I sound so whiny but I just had to get out what has been on my mind for weeks. And since I see this as my little art diary I thought it would be good to post here.

There was a time when I had the entire day to myself where I can just draw and paint as much as I please. I remember going through that same frustration as you when I needed to take more responsibilities such as work (this art career just doesn't pay!). It dwindled down my painting time to just a few hours. On the flipside, it made me more focused. Since there were less time, I had to take less breaks. I plan on what I'm going to paint when I'm working! Not exactly employee-of-the-month advice, but you have to do what you have to do.

What got me through that frustration was realizing, regardless of my work time eating up my painting time, I am still lucky to have time for myself. Luckily, I don't have children to take care of. I don't have to care for ailing family members. And I don't have after work responsibilities, unlike a lot of people in this world who don't even time to take a moment and breathe.

Hope you don't stress out over this. You've been banging out nice consistent work.

Quote:Some of the stuff from today. A digital painting I started. I want to really finish it this time since I have so many problems with sticking to a thing. Then some anatomy.

That's a nice realization. You got to try and just finish a piece. I think that's the only way to know what your weaknesses are. In turn, you'll find out which ones to study and improve next. You are doing great on your studies, all you have to do is to apply them.

If you are reading this, I most likely just gave you a crappy crit! What I'm basically trying to say is, don't give up!  
IG: @thatpuddinhead

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